So like all ALP 'policies' a few benefit while taking advantage and the rest suffer. When will these fuckheads realise that they are unable to enact a policy successfully because they are unable to recognise all the detriment ALP policy has?
The asylum seeker bleeding heart program was the most easily recognised but their methodology flows through to so many program's on so many levels. I find it hard to stomach that so many people are unable see how useless these fuck are. They deserve the same level of support of the Greens at 10% because of how fucked they are, but there are some that support the party even if they raped babies.
I understand Greens voters, they are stupid. ALP voters must be just fucking evil to continue supporting these douches. ... 6843122005" onclick=";return false;
KEVIN Rudd’s flagship social housing scheme - designed to help low-income Australians afford homes closer to their workplace - has become a windfall for universities with international students.
The $4.5 billion National Rental Affordability Scheme was launched by the then prime minister in 2007 as part of his public campaign to tackle homelessness and the “BBQ stopper” of rising housing costs on struggling Australians.
But figures obtained from universities and the government reveal that hundreds of units constructed under the scheme are now let to international students at several of the nation’s most prestigious universities.
Investment banker turned philanthropist Andrew Tyndale, who has called for radical changes to the scheme, said universities had done nothing wrong, but the policy was originally intended to shield low-income Australians from rising housing costs.
“We think 4000 incentives out of an existing allocation of 25,000 are going to student housing,” he said. “The original criteria was for cops, teachers, nurses so they might live near where they work. It’s hard to see how grants for student housing meets the original intent of the policy.”