Anti Bikie Laws

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Re: Anti Bikie Laws

Post by Rorschach » Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:08 pm

Rorschach wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Hi RETARD... until your latest lapse into idiocy re me I always used to be polite and courteous to you I even used to back you up occasionally...
but hey since you lost your mind I've stopped doing that.
You make claims about what I say and think yet alas... you never have any proof, to back you up because they are all lies and delusions.
Now stop wasting my time... I'm still not reading your crap.
I lost and regained my mind long before ever encountering you.
BTW Schizo, I'm not the one wasting your time, you are.
If you're not reading what I write, why are you addressing it?
Lol... I didn't have to read it to address it and your idiocy.
I could scan it and look for those quotes that don't exist... nope still no quotes...
Or just reply assuming you are still crapping on. yep. Still crapping on.
Go keep your dog company... :f
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Re: Anti Bikie Laws

Post by boxy » Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:12 pm

boxy wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Don't lie about me RETARD... it just stops me from reading your crap.
Don't lie, Roach... you'll read every post, just so you can shout "LIAR" at every opportunity :rofl
And now you're quoting yourself, without further comment... just like that psycho, Lisa. It only gets better :rofl
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Re: Anti Bikie Laws

Post by Rorschach » Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:11 pm

According to mantra you're not here poxy... :f :f :f
get yourself a dog... it works for yogi.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Anti Bikie Laws

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:24 pm

Neferti~ wrote:Is this called a DOG FIGHT? 8-)
Sort of .. I'd analyse as big dog picking on little dog, and little dog yelping "It's not fair, I just wanted to be your friend, I don't like you anymore".
Rorschach wrote:
Lol... I didn't have to read it to address it and your idiocy.
I can scan it and look for those quotes that don't exist... nope still no quotes...
Go keep your dog company... :f
Of course you had to read it .. you're addicted.
Better be careful challenging me regarding trawling threads to locate prior comments you now deny making.
Aussie used to do that, so I would track down the comments in question and then rub his nose in it.

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Re: Anti Bikie Laws

Post by Rorschach » Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:07 pm

Still no quote?
Funny that :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
As Chard might say... "Just apologise fool."
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Anti Bikie Laws

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:22 pm

Rorschach wrote:Still no quote?
Funny that :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
As Chard might say... "Just apologise fool."
I'll deal with you when I've got time fluffy bunny.

Making incorrect statements just meant you were misinformed, but denying ownership of said statements makes you a coward.

So so now rather than having no respect for you, you have earnt my utter contempt.

You, like Lisa Jones are a waste of good oxygen.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Anti Bikie Laws

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:31 pm

Dear Premier Campbell Newman, you anti-bikie laws are a phuking joke.
Not only are you making folk heros of @)$#holes, you have put the safety of every QPS member at risk.

As you are probably aware, the crew who bailed from the gold coast to Northern NSW have hired 2 members of their US affiliates to kill you and Jarrod Bleijie.
But what you are probably not aware of is that the survailance on QPS members also extends to LNP members.
You have made every member of your party legit targets.
It's your gang against their gang now.

How are you going to get citizens to join or remain in your party when their safety is as risk for going to a branch meeting?

You are truely the biggest imbecile in Australian political history.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Anti Bikie Laws

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:50 pm

PS ... Dear Premier, your laws will never work.
Outlaw clubs are going underground and have hardened their stance as they now have little to lose, which they don't pay for anyway.

If you really want to get rid of these sorts of characters, you need to let individuals like me, with a reason to hate them, kill them.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

DaS Energy

Re: Anti Bikie Laws

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:53 pm

Queensland's police minister says the state will push on with controversial anti-bikie laws, despite a call from within his own party to have them scrapped.

Federal MP George Christensen has asked state Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie to repeal the laws.

The Liberal National Party MP for Dawson, in Queensland's north, says the tough laws have gone too far and are damaging the party's brand. Skye-News 14/03/2014

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Re: Anti Bikie Laws

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:25 pm

When charged with a crime by police, the alleged offender is either remanded in custody (costs $1500+ per week) or bailed.
When an alleged offender is bailed, they sign an undertaking agreeing to show up in court for a magistrate to deal with the charges.

Well for several months now, alleged bikies charged and bailed as a result of so called anti-bikie laws have been advised by their lawyers not to show up for court,
as they could face further charges for gathering in a public place under the so called anti-bikie laws.

Of course it's a lawyer's ploy to highlight the idiocy of the particular laws, but a good ploy all the same. As this situation makes a mockery of so called law and order.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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