Mr. Fake Signer Dude On Stage At The Mandela Funeral

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The Uncanny Hengeman

Mr. Fake Signer Dude On Stage At The Mandela Funeral

Post by The Uncanny Hengeman » Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:29 am

I guess you'd have to have been on a desert trek to miss this latest news. Bloody fantastic work by the big fella, wot?

Here's a quick'n'dirty video clip I made of Mr. Fake Signer's highlights, set to the song Vogue.


The story's only a few days old and already it's a laff factory that keeps on giving. His video highlights are stand-alone hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing the whole way thru. Just watching the look on the dumb prick's face and the absolutely pathetic effort he made to try and even look 5% legit. Yet at the same time he looked deadly earnest, busting out with an endless procession of flamboyant signing moves.

Then there's the back story of how he came to be on stage as one of the official sign language dudes. It seems like it was common knowledge that he was a complete dill, yet still he gets given the gig. More laughs!

As to the aftermath, how about all the serious questions the security and screening teams will have to answer. Gotta love it when security guys and law enforcement get a public rogering. Their swaggering egos don't like it one little bit. Plus we have the usual over the top reactions from media attention whores and the public. Gotta love the public's reaction to, erm, stuff.

And as if we hadn't squeezed enough comedy out of the story, Mr. Fake Signer dude's excuse is that he had a farking schizophrenic episode on stage!! "He suddenly lost concentration, started hearing voices and hallucinating." Oh Jesus.

The Uncanny Hengeman

Re: Mr. Fake Signer Dude On Stage At The Mandela Funeral

Post by The Uncanny Hengeman » Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:41 am

Right at the end of Andile Mandela's funeral speech he says "we salute you."

As is the industry standard, Mr. Fake Signer dude was lagging a few seconds behind the speaker, and the whole time I'm going PLEASE DO AN ARMY SALUTE PLEASE DO AN ARMY SALUTE PLEASE DO AN ARMY SALUTE FARKING YESSS!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!

That perfectly topped off an already hilarious video.

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Re: Mr. Fake Signer Dude On Stage At The Mandela Funeral

Post by Neferti » Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:46 pm

I laughed at Obama and the Amigos taking "selfies". Michelle looks bored.


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Re: Mr. Fake Signer Dude On Stage At The Mandela Funeral

Post by boxy » Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:37 pm


It's amazing what some people think they can get away with. Something that is going to be seen by half the world... pfft, what's the chances that someone who knows sign language will be watching!
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

DaS Energy

Re: Mr. Fake Signer Dude On Stage At The Mandela Funeral

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:34 pm

Good politics. What better to portray a fake speech than with a fake signer. Both subtle and clever.

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Re: Mr. Fake Signer Dude On Stage At The Mandela Funeral

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:25 pm

Neferti~ wrote:I laughed at Obama and the Amigos taking "selfies". Michelle looks bored.

Yo beyotch! Whatchoo doin gettin friendly with muh man? And you nigga, whatchoo think you doin getting all up in dat white bitches ass huh? Sheeeeet now you gonna move yo ass ova hea and get yoself away from dat nasty white ho.

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