Obviously you are clueless on this.Chard wrote:What, you talking the handful of constitutional amendments? Commonwealth Act? That silly ass Statute of Westminster Adoption Act?
Fact is, I've read most anything I can find on how your government works mechanically. Fuck, I understand how your system of government works than any of you do probably. Your executive branch itself is almost entirely de facto in nature, with the Governor-General specifically listed, but no mention of a PM under your constitution. You do not have any say in who your PM or who gets to play a living anachronism as General-Governor, as the PM is just whoever the majority party decides on with the Governor-General's approval (Yes, your G-G can refuse the PM appointee or just summarily dismiss a sitting PM at will).
The entire problem is the dumb fucks that wrote your constitution took a look at our constitution, took a look at every edition of the Magna Carta there is, and decided to try and create this bastard hybrid that got little of the good and sane parts of either. Very little in the way of defining powers, and more importantly, defining limitations on government powers. No bill of rights specifically listing the rights of the citizens. One of the few things your constitution's writers got right was things like setting a hard coded freedom of religion by forbidding your government form establishing a state religion.I'm honestly surprised you guys managed to not fuck up right to trial by jury up.
It's like you guys couldn't decide if you wanted to actually be an independent nation, if you wanted to impress England, or if you wanted to be just like America (again), and somehow managed to navigate the exact course to fuck up doing all three.
But yeah, go ahead and try arguing how your government actually works with me and I look forward to you both dragging out incredibly retarded No-True-Scot fallacies like "Oh, you don't understand our system cause you're an American". By all means, point out what I've said that is specifically wrong and then cite your Constitution, the various acts, and the Statute of Westminster to show how I am wrong, otherwise shut the fuck up. Facts kids, what you can prove. And I can prove conclusively that a black guy from America knows more about how your country works than either of you.
Do you know what a Commonwealth is?
Do you know what Federation is?
Do you actually know anything about our history?
Seems to me the answer is always no so far.