Abbott breaks Indonesian law

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Re: Abbott breaks Indonesian law

Post by mantra » Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:39 am

Roach wrote:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Why do you defend Abbott when you claim you didn't even vote for him? You need to set your responses out a little more clearly. When you copy them - the colour disappears and it runs into mine. It's too difficult to sort out.

No surprise you've got a reputation for not having any answers. You use insults to deflect from your total lack of knowledge. When you start responding civilly - you might start to gain a little credibility.

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Re: Abbott breaks Indonesian law

Post by Rorschach » Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:45 am

mantra wrote:
Roach wrote:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Why do you defend Abbott when you claim you didn't even vote for him? I'll defend anyone people like you lie about mantra... out of your pure bile and hatred. You need to set your responses out a little more clearly. When you copy them - the colour disappears and it runs into mine. It's too difficult to sort out. Didn't copy anything. Or perhaps you should make yourself more clear. I do my best.

No surprise you've got a reputation for not having any answers. Really then that would be a lie spread by idiots. If the cap fits mantra. You use insults to deflect from your total lack of knowledge. :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl When you start responding civilly - you might start to gain a little credibility. no mantra... when you become civil and stop lying and libeling people then YOU might get some credibility... stop hiding behind your holier than thou crap. It doesn't work.
I'm still waiting for your solution mantra... why don't you use Tanya's.... the one where she can't comment on intelligence operations. :roll:
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Re: Abbott breaks Indonesian law

Post by mantra » Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:44 am

Have you noticed Roach that unlike other prime ministers - Abbott has had no honeymoon period? Why do you think this is? Do you think it's the big, nasty media and the opposition alone who have caused this?

You're using the same excuse Labor supporters used when Abbott was opposition leader. He was like a wolf with his teeth around a sheep's neck and wouldn't let go. He's got it easy compared with his predecessors.

I don't know how Tanya would handle it - but I think Gillard or Rudd might have originally given the Indo journalists a courtesy interview when they first requested it. Not snubbed them the way Abbott did. In regard to the phone tap - maybe they would have explained that it had been set in place after the Bali bombings and intelligence had been over zealous, but the situation would be rectified. Someone with half a brain would think of a plausible explanation to smooth things over.

Maybe the Indonesians don't care and are using any excuse to be hostile towards us.

I haven't looked for a link yet - but heard on the radio early this morning that the Indonesians are sharing intelligence with the Chinese on Australian citizens in Indonesia. Whether this is a big deal or not - I don't know, but maybe Abbott could use this as an excuse to redeem himself.

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Re: Abbott breaks Indonesian law

Post by Rorschach » Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:37 pm

mantra wrote:Have you noticed Roach that unlike other prime ministers - Abbott has had no honeymoon period? Why do you think this is? Do you think it's the big, nasty media and the opposition alone who have caused this? I don't think in terms of Honeymoons mantra... I suspect it is because of the prog left hatred which gets worse year after year and is now pretty rabid, much like you.

You're using the same excuse Labor supporters used when Abbott was opposition leader. Really I don't recall making any excuse... He was like a wolf with his teeth around a sheep's neck and wouldn't let go. Bullshit... He's got it easy compared with his predecessors. More Bullshit...

I don't know how Tanya would handle it - but I think Gillard or Rudd might have originally given the Indo journalists a courtesy interview when they first requested it.

Fck you are a moron the so called media snub has nothing to do with this you twat.

Not snubbed them the way Abbott did. I keep telling you you keep ignoring the facts... :roll: :roll: :roll:

In regard to the phone tap - maybe they would have explained that it had been set in place after the Bali bombings and intelligence had been over zealous, but the situation would be rectified. Someone with half a brain would think of a plausible explanation to smooth things over. What makes you think he hasn't?

Maybe the Indonesians don't care and are using any excuse to be hostile towards us. That is usual with a great many Indonesians many are extreme nationalists who think they own the top half of Australia. Some are fanatic Muslims. A great many are just ignorant villagers.

I haven't looked for a link yet - but heard on the radio early this morning that the Indonesians are sharing intelligence with the Chinese on Australian citizens in Indonesia. Who gives a fcuk mantra we never complain.. Whether this is a big deal or not - I don't know, but maybe Abbott could use this as an excuse to redeem himself. Redeem himself? From and for what... Rudd and Gillard were in charge not Abbott... Gillard sent her bodyguard to security meetings... that's how interested she was in attending them... perhaps she should have been more interested.
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Re: Abbott breaks Indonesian law

Post by Neferti » Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:19 pm

Perhaps, Tony could face the MSM (at his leisure) every so often. The "news" about him, other than the Indonesian rubbish has been, mostly personal, and that he is still living in his family home in Forrestville. It was a so,so suburb back when I lived in St Ives.

Only the Rudds would want some huge place in Canberra while The Lodge was having renovations. This was known for ages.

PM&C signed that "expensive rental" off under the Rudd Government.

Tony doesn't need to live in a posh place while he is not here in Canberra ... his Electorate is where he LIVES. If he has to entertain VIPs I am sure that he can open up Kirrabilli (for large groups, dinner parties, etc) or just have them out to his place in Forrestville for private meetings. The Lodge is off limits ...... unlike when Howard decided not to live there for "family reasons"... and Timmy invited all his BOGAN beer drinking mates over for a swim in the pool!

It actually has ALL to do with SECURITY ... the leftards hate Tony Abbott so much it would sadden me and Australia as a whole if anything happened to him due to the absolute HATE that the MSM is putting out there.

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Re: Abbott breaks Indonesian law

Post by mantra » Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:39 am

Neferti wrote:It actually has ALL to do with SECURITY ... the leftards hate Tony Abbott so much it would sadden me and Australia as a whole if anything happened to him due to the absolute HATE that the MSM is putting out there.
What goes around comes around.

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Re: Abbott breaks Indonesian law

Post by Rorschach » Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:42 am

mantra wrote:
Neferti wrote:It actually has ALL to do with SECURITY ... the leftards hate Tony Abbott so much it would sadden me and Australia as a whole if anything happened to him due to the absolute HATE that the MSM is putting out there.
What goes around comes around.
Come off it you've been hating Conservatives at least since Howard and it has been attrocious stuff from the Progressive Left... just what did Abbott do I have more reason to "hate" him than you do... yet I don't, must tell you something about the type of people we are eh mantra :rofl
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Re: Abbott breaks Indonesian law

Post by Neferti » Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:22 pm

mantra wrote:
Neferti wrote:It actually has ALL to do with SECURITY ... the leftards hate Tony Abbott so much it would sadden me and Australia as a whole if anything happened to him due to the absolute HATE that the MSM is putting out there.
What goes around comes around.
Just what I would have expected from you. Why so angry, mantra?

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Re: Abbott breaks Indonesian law

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:22 pm

No one hates like the left.
The bile, the frothing at the mouth and all wrapped in an illogical thought pattern.

It's a Psychology Phd just begging for a thesis- perhaps Mantra could volunteer as one of the test monkeys? Not that there's a shortage of them on political forums or even in the MSM. A quick visit to Fairfax sites such as the Age or the SMH will have many examples of frothing hating lefties with page after page of Abbott hate filled stories followed by the evils of the Murdoch empire influencing the electorate with nary a hint of irony or recognition of hypocrisy registering with any of them.
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Re: Abbott breaks Indonesian law

Post by Super Nova » Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:47 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:No one hates like the left.
The bile, the frothing at the mouth and all wrapped in an illogical thought pattern.

It's a Psychology Phd just begging for a thesis- perhaps Mantra could volunteer as one of the test monkeys? .

A bit harsh.

However I came across this and thought you would enjoy it. It's not really a bad thing to be open minded however that open mindedness appears linked to be a lefty liberal. So lefty's are born. IQ what would you do if you could identify a lefty early in life before they become politically active? You don't have to answer that :h

Left wing liberals are born not bred

Holding liberal views may be in the blood, believe scientists, after identifying a gene that makes you more open minded.

Researchers have discovered that the "liberal gene" opens you up to new ideas and alternative lifestyles – and could influence your belief in left wing politics.

The findings may mean that liberals are born not made – although it is exacerbated if you an individual is popular during his or her young formative years.

The Liberal Gene is a "transmitter" in the brain called DRD4 which is connected to a chemical called dopamine, known as the reward currency of the brain. ... -bred.html
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