Science Updates

Sciences, Environmental/Climate issues, Academia and Technical interests
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:47 pm

Got nothin' scientific to say poxy?
How unusual. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Conservatism has nothing to do with it... we discussed the religious crap in this topic in the first couple of pages.
Not that you'd have noticed or remembered if you did.

Happy to discuss science on the science topic... not happy to bash religion, just because I can.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

The Uncanny Hengeman

Re: Science Updates

Post by The Uncanny Hengeman » Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:16 pm

Super Nova wrote:Understanding the universe is a path to enlightenment.

I wish the promises of religion and eternal life were true. Religion fought a war with science until the evidence could not be hushed up. I consider its days are numbered. Not replaced by science but only has a place in the minds of those who cannot handle the reality we are not special and are just smart animals where each individual is in signification in space and time.
As I walked along the supposed Golden Path I was confronted by a mysterious spectre. He pointed to the graveyard over on yonder hill.

I paused in cosmic reflection, confused and wondering, of how I came to die. Hmmm.... I was confused. For if I was dead, how and why did I die? But I composed myself and decided I should face it.

But I stood paralyzed on the supposed Golden Path, and I was confronted by a powerful demon force. They said it was the Devil, and when he spoke his words flowed like glowing lava from the mouth of a volcano.

And I said "Help me Lord! I've found myself in some kind of Hell!" But I did not believe in a Heaven and Hell, world in opposites kind of reality. And I gained control of myself and I decided to press on....

As I walked along the supposed Golden Path I was trembling with fear over the lions and wizards yet to come. I've seen in the distance silver mountains rising high in the clouds.

And a voice from above did whisper some shining answer from the moon: "Please forgive me, I never meant to hurt you."

The Uncanny Hengeman

Re: Science Updates

Post by The Uncanny Hengeman » Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:22 pm


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Re: Science Updates

Post by Neferti » Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:24 pm

Plagiarism. :D Wizard of Oz? Do not speak with forked tongue.

Who is Patrick McPhail? :tease

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:50 pm

Breakthrough 'self-healing' battery allows you to leave the charger at home
* by: James Billington Technology Reporter
* From:
* 2 hours ago November 19, 2013 10:49AM

RESEARCHERS at Stanford University have developed a potential next-generation of battery with a new coating that enables it to "self-heal" and prolong its lifespan.

In a press release from the University it explained these new batteries will work by using a "stretchy polymer that coats the electrode, binds it and spontaneously heals tiny cracks that develop."

Why batteries deteriorate is due to electrodes swelling and shrinking each time it charges and discharges, making the material brittle and cracking.

This new polymer with tiny nanoparticles of carbon would coat and repair those cracks "within just a few hours," it claimed.

Scientists mimicked nature in the search for the answer of this new breakthrough. "Self-healing is very important for the survival and long lifetimes of animals and plants… we want to incorporate this feature into lithium ion batteries so they will have a long lifetime as well."

Their technique emulates the "process that allows biological molecules such as DNA to assemble."

In today's plug-in lifestyle, the gadgets themselves have rapidly advanced, the source powering them hasn't evolved as quickly. We'd be lucky to get two days' juice out of our smartphones. Therefore, this news is welcomed with a sigh of relief for not only technology users but manufacturers, too. With automotive technology increasingly shifting towards the electric vehicle, limited battery range still poses the biggest problem. Solving this could see electric transportation finally take to the open road.

The battery is in the lab stage and still has plenty of development work. For the moment, we will have to remain perennially attached to the plug socket. ... 6763252579" onclick=";return false;
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Super Nova
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:02 pm

Rorschach wrote:
Breakthrough 'self-healing' battery allows you to leave the charger at home
* by: James Billington Technology Reporter
* From:
* 2 hours ago November 19, 2013 10:49AM

RESEARCHERS at Stanford University have developed a potential next-generation of battery with a new coating that enables it to "self-heal" and prolong its lifespan.

In a press release from the University it explained these new batteries will work by using a "stretchy polymer that coats the electrode, binds it and spontaneously heals tiny cracks that develop."

Why batteries deteriorate is due to electrodes swelling and shrinking each time it charges and discharges, making the material brittle and cracking.

This new polymer with tiny nanoparticles of carbon would coat and repair those cracks "within just a few hours," it claimed.

Scientists mimicked nature in the search for the answer of this new breakthrough. "Self-healing is very important for the survival and long lifetimes of animals and plants… we want to incorporate this feature into lithium ion batteries so they will have a long lifetime as well."

Their technique emulates the "process that allows biological molecules such as DNA to assemble."

In today's plug-in lifestyle, the gadgets themselves have rapidly advanced, the source powering them hasn't evolved as quickly. We'd be lucky to get two days' juice out of our smartphones. Therefore, this news is welcomed with a sigh of relief for not only technology users but manufacturers, too. With automotive technology increasingly shifting towards the electric vehicle, limited battery range still poses the biggest problem. Solving this could see electric transportation finally take to the open road.

The battery is in the lab stage and still has plenty of development work. For the moment, we will have to remain perennially attached to the plug socket. ... 6763252579" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
This is really cool. Thanks for the article. If we can build self healing technology/machines we are on to something big.

Then when we build true artificially intelligence we can put into self healing structures and have a real new form of life. Cyborgs in the next 1 hundred years. Androids in 2 hundred. Love it. SciFi is just our imagination predicting the future if the laws of the universe permit them.

The Borg will be our future. resistance is futile.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:54 am

Hairy legs, who would have thought?


The Unhinged Hedgeman popping

Re: Science Updates

Post by The Unhinged Hedgeman popping » Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:08 pm

Super Nova wrote:Space boat could explore lakes on Saturn's moon Titan[img]

Scientists have proposed to a send boat-like floating probe to land on the lakes of Saturn's moon Titan.

Titan, the largest of more than 60 natural satellites that orbit Saturn, is covered in seas, lakes and rivers composed of methane.[/url]

60 farking moons?! They've discovered 60 moons?

Crikey. When I was at primary school lerning this stuff I think there were 7 known moons. Jupiter had about 9 I think. Or was that the other way around.

~~orAiA please post me a pic of a moon of Uranus.

The Uncanny Hengeman

Re: Science Updates

Post by The Uncanny Hengeman » Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:52 pm

Super Nova wrote:Space boat could explore lakes on Saturn's moon Titan

Scientists have proposed to a send boat-like floating probe to land on the lakes of Saturn's moon Titan.

Titan, the largest of more than 60 natural satellites that orbit Saturn, is covered in seas, lakes and rivers composed of methane.[/url]

60 farking moons?! They've discovered 60 moons?

Crikey. When I was at primary school lerning this stuff I think there were 7 known moons. Jupiter had about 9 I think. Or was that the other way around[?]....

~~ AiA please post me a pic of a moon of Uranus.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Chard » Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:11 pm

The Uncanny Hengeman wrote:~~ AiA please post me a pic of a moon of Uranus.
Which one? There's 27 of discovered so far. Turns out those big Jovian planets are good at capturing satellites.
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