Selling off the farm

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Selling off the farm

Post by Rorschach » Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:59 pm

Well we keep hearing from the rabid Left that it's all Abbott, Abbott, Abbott's fault. Actually you can pick your subject on that. But both major parties have sold off assets and privatised public companies.

Both major parties have been doing deals and dabbling in Free Trade Agreements. Craig Emerson (ex-Minister of Trade )was an advocate for such deals. The latest 2 considerations are; The selling of Medibank and Graincorp (Abbott has been reluctant to sell Graincorp, but no doubt the dribblers will blame him if it gets sold).
AWU boss Paul Howes says government should sell Medibank and GrainCorp
* by: AAP
* From: AAP
* 4 hours ago November 17, 2013 11:32AM

Union heavyweight Paul Howes has urged Labor to back the sale of Medibank Private, saying the party must slay sacred cows such as its stance on selling public assets.

The Australian Workers Union boss questioned why federal Labor would oppose the sell-off of the government-owned health insurer, which the Abbott government has set in motion.

"I can't see any logical reason why Labor would oppose the privatisation of Medibank Private,'' he told Sky News on Sunday.

The coalition in October released details of a scoping study into the Medibank sell-off, saying there was no compelling policy reason for the government to own the health insurer.

The Labor opposition has raised concerns that the privatisation will increase premiums and reduce competition in the sector. A good point imo...

But in a call for Labor to slay some of its "ideological totems'', such as a suspicion of privatisation, Mr Howes said Medibank Private "is not a price leader in that market, it's more expensive than many of its competitors, it does not have a monopoly of that market''.

"It doesn't provide any particular social good,'' he said.

The influential union leader claimed Labor would never be electable unless ``we dream big, and think big''. You mean like the NBN, Pink Batts, laptops for every child, Grocerywatch, Fuelwatch, the BER...???

"Unfortunately for Labor is that too often there are ideological totem poles that we cling to that today, in 2013, in a modern, open Australia, are completely irrelevant to improving the lives of working people,'' he said.

"It is important for Labor to reform and to finally slay some of these sacred cows that have blocked us from doing the things that are so sorely needed to make this society more open and more prosperous for all.''

Howes has also backed the sale of GrainCorp, saying if Treasurer Joe Hockey is rolled on the buyout it would create "massive'' sovereign risk for Australia.

He said he is concerned about reports that Prime Minister Tony Abbott doesn't support the bid for GrainCorp, which Mr Hockey will rule on by December 17.

The offer from US food giant Archer Daniels Midland has created deep divisions in the coalition, with the Nationals and some rural Liberals strongly opposed to the sale.

Coalition figures say Mr Abbott is inclined to say no to the purchase of Australia's largest agribusiness, or make conditions so onerous as to make it unviable, The West Australian reported on Friday.

But Mr Howes said that without foreign investment, Australia's agribusiness will "never become the food bowl for Asia that we talk about''. Personally i'm more concerned that it will be able to supply us with food.

"What concerns me is that if the National Party wins in this fight against Joe Hockey over ADM and GrainCorp, is that there will be a massive sovereign risk for our nation in terms of our agribusiness sector,'' he said.

"The coalition, if you remember the last six years, loved talking about sovereign risk.

"Well, allowing Joe Hockey to be rolled by the National Party will be a massive sovereign risk and will have massive ramifications right across the sector.'' Oh dear... ALP... Greens... shut up Mr Howe before both feet get stuck.

Mr Howes said that while a large number of AWU members at GrainCorp were not happy about the takeover, "the long-term gains for regional employment, for agribusiness, for the agricultural sector as a whole is worth that short-term pain''.

"I support it personally, and our union will even though there will be some short-term pain for our members,'' Mr Howes said.

"We need to recognise that the current structural difficulties that are experienced in our agricultural sector will not be changed only by domestic players being involved, and we need that injection of foreign capital.''
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Selling off the farm

Post by wog_girl » Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:09 pm

What a joke. We should be retaining as many assets as we can. Can't believe we are giving away our control over our food, health, water and land.

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Re: Selling off the farm

Post by Neferti » Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:26 pm

Australia has the highest labour pay levels in the World. I am not talking about those who work hard and earn billions, just your average Aussie.

My current lawnman I, personally, negotiated with to charge myself and 2 neighbours to do our lawns for $30 each... CASH. Our last guy charged $25 and it took him about 30 minutes to mow, etc. He had done our lawns for 10 years but moved North last May. Our latest one charges $30 and uses a ride on and it takes him 5-10 minutes!

One neighbour has been away and rang him to ask his surname so that she could write him a cheque for $90 (3 visits). His reply? "I will have to charge you GST if you do that". :|

Then, I decided to do a Mellie and check ASIC. He doesn't have an ABN. Just a registered "name". :sad

I am thinking that the ATO might be interested. TAX AVOIDANCE IS STILL A CRIME AS FAR AS I KNOW ... isn't it?

People ripping of the public and Government need to be dealt with. This lot are using our Health system and the rest of it but earning good (cash) money ripping off Australia by opting out of paying tax.

What would you do? Dob them?

DaS Energy

Re: Selling off the farm

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:07 am

Australian assets are owned by the Australian people one and all! Where is the electoral mandate giving any Politician the right to sell that which they not own?

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Re: Selling off the farm

Post by Neferti » Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:37 pm

DaS Energy wrote:Australian assets are owned by the Australian people one and all! Where is the electoral mandate giving any Politician the right to sell that which they not own?
Actually, I think the so-called assets (mining, land etc) are owned by The Crown. ALL land in Australia is owed by The Crown.

Don't get your BP up about pollies. We vote them in, then we vote them out. This is Democratic Australia, not some Dictatorship. One thing is that EVERYONE who reaches their "majority" (18) can determine who Governs this Country.

Politicians do not just decide to "sell" anything. You should know that, already! You can lobby them if you wish on any subject you want. They are our "servants" not the other way around.

However, we vote them in for 3 years (Federally) and if they don't perform, we vote them out at the next Federal Election. Meanwhile, if you have a bone to chew, email them, constantly, until they listen to you.
Eventually you will get some feedback ... they have to reply to "ministerials" (the Department does, actually).

Writing to the Prime Minister won't work as it will be passed to the relevant Minister (and his Department) for a reply. Do your research and find who/which area handles what you have a gripe about. Phone (or check online) for the correct address, etc. Keep it simple and to the point and, if you are very lucky, some clerk in some little area of the Department will bring your correspondence to the attention of somebody else. In other words, you will not be dealing with the Minister's Office but rather the Department and unless it is "politically sensitive", nobody cares..

Good Luck with trying to change the minds of politicians ... :bike

DaS Energy

Re: Selling off the farm

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:58 pm

"Good Luck with trying to change the minds of politicians ... :bike"

I am the retired Councillor Mckinlay of Gatton.
Precedent in the House of Lords and all bar the High Court Australia. Took out a Council. The Local Government ACT. Minister for Local Government. State Ombudsman spent all ABC news apologising to me. Brought QLD Main Roads to criminal hearing at Court. Brought Queensland Treasury Agency SPER to criminal hearing at Court. Do not make a move until I have all the evidence in writing. Its known as a hand up case. All politicians brown trickle to learn I not happy. :Hi

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Re: Selling off the farm

Post by Neferti » Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:02 pm

DaS Energy wrote:"Good Luck with trying to change the minds of politicians ... :bike"

I am the retired Councillor Mckinlay of Gatton.
Precedent in the House of Lords and all bar the High Court Australia. Took out a Council. The Local Government ACT. Minister for Local Government. State Ombudsman spent all ABC news apologising to me. Brought QLD Main Roads to criminal hearing at Court. Brought Queensland Treasury Agency SPER to criminal hearing at Court. Do not make a move until I have all the evidence in writing. Its known as a hand up case. All politicians brown trickle to learn I not happy. :Hi
I have no idea what
I am the retired Councillor Mckinlay of Gatton.
means. Sounds to me that you might be on your soapbox and nobody is taking any notice.

Do you have other interests apart from energy ones? Do join in, there are many, many things to discuss on a Political Forum and not all are political.

DaS Energy

Re: Selling off the farm

Post by DaS Energy » Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:42 pm

So far I have posted six different theme,

Little poofta Kevin shitting on those who voted for him.

Joe Hockey hiding the accounts so they cant be checked.

How is NDIS to get money.

Selling off the farm.

Coalition anti Carbon emission reductions stance.

Accountability, financial and otherwise.

As a grown up not the child poster so often on here I question the subject not the person. Which really is lucky for them as I eat spermbreath's for breakfast, others I just leave them wishing I had never been born!

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Re: Selling off the farm

Post by Neferti » Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:50 pm

Never Give Up, DaS.

Every so often one of us lets it out that we are actually HUMAN with a job and family and such. Politics is the name of the game/forum but being human is more so. Don't you think?

Talk about stuff other than politics ... post a YouTube in the music area. Tell us where you have travelled .... what you have done in your life.
We don't tend to talk about our private life here but most of us have spoken about our regular lives one way or the other.

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Re: Selling off the farm

Post by Super Nova » Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:06 pm

wog_girl wrote:What a joke. We should be retaining as many assets as we can. Can't believe we are giving away our control over our food, health, water and land.
I am completely against the privatisation of water.

This is the most valuable resource on the planet and should not be in private hands.

Health, well it is a man made construct that it may be better served by a sate and private system. - OK

Food, a man made industry - OK
Land - well we have ownership already - no issue.
Water - NFW
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