See, if people would take the time to learn about nuclear energy we, as a species, could reduce the amount of CO2 and other contaminates by half just by ceasing coal use for power generation.DaS Energy wrote:Sorry Neferti, thought I was.
Black power members, they commonly known as GLC, desperately wanting to keep Coal fired power generation. Their whole gravy train rides on not upsetting Coal miners!
Carbon Tax Repeal
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Don't poop in these threads. This isn't Europe, okay? There are rules here!
- Chard
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Re: Carbon Tax Repeal
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
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Re: Carbon Tax Repeal
Sure we could create other contaminants with a half life of 10,000 years 

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Chard
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Re: Carbon Tax Repeal
Coal burning already does that. Also, unlike coal, the byproducts of a fission reactor are all contained in the fuel rods instead of belched out of smoke stacks or held in massive, failure prone storage ponds.Rorschach wrote:Sure we could create other contaminants with a half life of 10,000 years
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
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Re: Carbon Tax Repeal
Right... that's why the US and other Nuclear power nations have such a problem with waste disposal. 
That's why; Chernobyl, 3 Mile Island, Windscale, and Fukushima.... are not household words.

That's why; Chernobyl, 3 Mile Island, Windscale, and Fukushima.... are not household words.

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
Re: Carbon Tax Repeal
Hello Chard,
"Coal burning already does that. Also, unlike coal, the byproducts of a fission reactor are all contained in the fuel rods instead of belched out of smoke stacks or held in massive, failure prone storage ponds."
I agree, however Nuclear has been well canvassed in Australia and its generator costs so far exceed Coal it is unviable,without taking in any other post generator factors.
Nation gift of 2007 is non Nuclear, full time clean green electricity however Labor kept it under wraps. Coalitions Greg Hunt is now the proud posseser and he is being encouraged to public release.
The current Carbon reduction scheme is a falsehood serving only to restrict the use of electricity not lower its Carbon content per megawatt.
$8 Billion plus now taken from the people and no Carbon reduction to date. At some point Labor lie must stop.
The attached is the Valve to all other attaches. Through this valve flows both water to a 82% mechanical efficient hydro turbine in place of a 30% mechanical efficient Steam turbine. Carbon Dioxide is the only other to pass through the valve. The CO2 being natural refrigerant is snap cooled in this process, unlike Steam draining lakes of drinking water. (further Carbon saving with reduced desalination to replace the lost drinking water)
The current 240 tonne of Coal (excess of 240 tonne Carbon) per hour per 350 megawatts at 200 bar Steam +600*C (Tarong) drops to +30*C, 12 tonne Coal per hour. Heating by other than Coal is zero Carbon release.
"Coal burning already does that. Also, unlike coal, the byproducts of a fission reactor are all contained in the fuel rods instead of belched out of smoke stacks or held in massive, failure prone storage ponds."
I agree, however Nuclear has been well canvassed in Australia and its generator costs so far exceed Coal it is unviable,without taking in any other post generator factors.
Nation gift of 2007 is non Nuclear, full time clean green electricity however Labor kept it under wraps. Coalitions Greg Hunt is now the proud posseser and he is being encouraged to public release.
The current Carbon reduction scheme is a falsehood serving only to restrict the use of electricity not lower its Carbon content per megawatt.
$8 Billion plus now taken from the people and no Carbon reduction to date. At some point Labor lie must stop.
The attached is the Valve to all other attaches. Through this valve flows both water to a 82% mechanical efficient hydro turbine in place of a 30% mechanical efficient Steam turbine. Carbon Dioxide is the only other to pass through the valve. The CO2 being natural refrigerant is snap cooled in this process, unlike Steam draining lakes of drinking water. (further Carbon saving with reduced desalination to replace the lost drinking water)
The current 240 tonne of Coal (excess of 240 tonne Carbon) per hour per 350 megawatts at 200 bar Steam +600*C (Tarong) drops to +30*C, 12 tonne Coal per hour. Heating by other than Coal is zero Carbon release.
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
- Chard
- Posts: 621
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- Location: Mein Führer! I can walk!
Re: Carbon Tax Repeal
Yeah, let's see a source for that claim. According to the US Department of Energy the global average cost per megawatt/hour for uranium fission reactors is $108US over a thirty year operation life including all construction, refueling, maintenance, and decommissioning costs. Meanwhile, your run of the mill coal plant costs anywhere from $100 to $135.50 per megawatt/hour in just the cost of fuel.DaS Energy wrote: I agree, however Nuclear has been well canvassed in Australia and its generator costs so far exceed Coal it is unviable,without taking in any other post generator factors.
It's simple physics, really. Coal has a power density of 2.3E7 j/kg. Uranium fission yields 8.9E13 j/kg. For the amount of fuel used and waste produced nuclear is better.
You really don't want to know the lifecycle cost per megawatt of "green" energy. It make nuclear look even more attractive by far.
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove
Re: Carbon Tax Repeal
Hello Chard,
No Nuclear power stations exists without government subsidy, they are that inefficient at electricity production.
I have not yet found any electricity generator who will provide their costs per megawatt.
How the US Department of Energy was able to get such sensitive information from world electricity generators points to they never have, Its a figure they made up nothing more!
Average is a one figure only not many, a dead give way from the start that the American people are being conned.
Average is defined thus, a bucket of glowing Coal and a bucket of Ice cubes. One foot is in the Coal bucket and the other is in the Ice bucket. On the average you are quite comfortable.
No Nuclear power stations exists without government subsidy, they are that inefficient at electricity production.
I have not yet found any electricity generator who will provide their costs per megawatt.
How the US Department of Energy was able to get such sensitive information from world electricity generators points to they never have, Its a figure they made up nothing more!
Average is a one figure only not many, a dead give way from the start that the American people are being conned.
Average is defined thus, a bucket of glowing Coal and a bucket of Ice cubes. One foot is in the Coal bucket and the other is in the Ice bucket. On the average you are quite comfortable.
- Chard
- Posts: 621
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- Location: Mein Führer! I can walk!
Re: Carbon Tax Repeal
Bullshit. I can name two nuclear power plants that have returned profits to the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority, the company that owns and operates all electrical generation systems in the Tennessee River valley) commerial nuclear plants with in driving distamce of me that have returned twice their life cycle value in profits, and not a damn bit of that came from Federal subsidies. Nuclear is so profitable for them that they fought a two decade court battle with environmental groups in order to secure licensing for a third plant.DaS Energy wrote:Hello Chard,No Nuclear power stations exists without government subsidy, they are that inefficient at electricity production.
Have you tried Google?I have not yet found any electricity generator who will provide their costs per megawatt.
The US Department of Energy is a cabinent-level US Federal Government agency responsible for monitoring and regulating energy use and production in the US. Everything from oil production to licensing nuclear reactors, from coal mining to oversight of our nuclear deterrent force, the USDOE is responsible for all of it.How the US Department of Energy was able to get such sensitive information from world electricity generators points to they never have, Its a figure they made up nothing more!
How do they get that information, you ask?
If you have anything to do with enegry production or transmission you obligated by law to answer to the USDOE.
Also, how many times were you held back in school? Reason I ask is you seem to have a fundental missunderstanding of what the term "average" means. In math and science averages are figured by taking a range of data sets and calculating a mean, or average, you dolt. It's a cornerstone on statistical analysis without which much of the modern world simply wouldn't be possible.
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove
Re: Carbon Tax Repeal
Hello Chard,
Took your advice and done a web search!
Exposes you for what you are, no dolt just a plain bloody liar.
{Pain) "He says that doesn't include some indirect subsidies, such as enriched uranium cores that the government gives to the Tennessee Valley Authority."
"The TVA is finishing construction of one nuclear power plant, but it has stopped work at two other units. On Thursday, TVA executives disclosed that the cost estimate to complete those two units had increased from $5 billion to a range of $7.3 billion to $8.7 billion. Johnson said that “the need for the plants is further out in the future than we thought” and, he added, nuclear power plants “are just very expensive propositions.”
“Paine responds that the nuclear industry has received more federal support, both direct and indirect, than any other energy technology, a total of $70 billion to $100 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.
He says that doesn't include some indirect subsidies, such as enriched uranium cores that the government gives to the Tennessee Valley Authority."
See more at: ... xaWBs.dpuf" onclick=";return false;”
Another fact, average is average despite your limited definition of average.
Took your advice and done a web search!
Exposes you for what you are, no dolt just a plain bloody liar.
{Pain) "He says that doesn't include some indirect subsidies, such as enriched uranium cores that the government gives to the Tennessee Valley Authority."
"The TVA is finishing construction of one nuclear power plant, but it has stopped work at two other units. On Thursday, TVA executives disclosed that the cost estimate to complete those two units had increased from $5 billion to a range of $7.3 billion to $8.7 billion. Johnson said that “the need for the plants is further out in the future than we thought” and, he added, nuclear power plants “are just very expensive propositions.”
“Paine responds that the nuclear industry has received more federal support, both direct and indirect, than any other energy technology, a total of $70 billion to $100 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.
He says that doesn't include some indirect subsidies, such as enriched uranium cores that the government gives to the Tennessee Valley Authority."
See more at: ... xaWBs.dpuf" onclick=";return false;”
Another fact, average is average despite your limited definition of average.
- Chard
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Re: Carbon Tax Repeal
The best part is the guy calling me a liar didn't even read his own goddamn article or bother to vet his source at all. Mr. Paine is a fucking fraud and it shows.
The big tell that Mr. Paine is pulling numbers from his ass is he can't cite a hard figure for these subsidies he claims exist, instead giving a wildly variable figure of "$70 to $100". Which is it, Mr. Paine, $70 billion or $100 billion or some number between? It's a common debate tactic used by dishonest fucks every where, make up a huge number.
Also, he states rising costs of a TVA plant under construction and fails to name the plant (Watts Bar 2) and state the specific reason for those rising costs (budget overruns due to the constant delays caused by idiots like Mr. Paine trying to take TVA to court). He also says that two other reactor projects were cancelled, which is odd considering the TVA already approved restart on construction for Bellefonte Nuclear Generating Station in 2011.
But hey, the word of an anti-nuke lobbyist in an article published by an environmentalist website trumps publications from the federal agency responsible for granting said subsidies, amirite.
Speaking of averages, your intelligence is less than.
The big tell that Mr. Paine is pulling numbers from his ass is he can't cite a hard figure for these subsidies he claims exist, instead giving a wildly variable figure of "$70 to $100". Which is it, Mr. Paine, $70 billion or $100 billion or some number between? It's a common debate tactic used by dishonest fucks every where, make up a huge number.
Also, he states rising costs of a TVA plant under construction and fails to name the plant (Watts Bar 2) and state the specific reason for those rising costs (budget overruns due to the constant delays caused by idiots like Mr. Paine trying to take TVA to court). He also says that two other reactor projects were cancelled, which is odd considering the TVA already approved restart on construction for Bellefonte Nuclear Generating Station in 2011.
But hey, the word of an anti-nuke lobbyist in an article published by an environmentalist website trumps publications from the federal agency responsible for granting said subsidies, amirite.
Speaking of averages, your intelligence is less than.
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove
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