Kevin Quits...

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DaS Energy

Re: Kevin Quits...

Post by DaS Energy » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:21 pm

He so wants to be out of the country during the insulation deaths enquiry. It wont be London, British tabloid will have a field day with Kevin the killer Australia's PM. K Loser is shitting bricks in desperation to find a place to hide.

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Re: Kevin Quits...

Post by Neferti » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:55 pm

DaS Energy wrote:He so wants to be out of the country during the insulation deaths enquiry. It wont be London, British tabloid will have a field day with Kevin the killer Australia's PM. K Loser is shitting bricks in desperation to find a place to hide.
Weep For Kevni. Someone should lower the flag. :mrgreen:

I read that he had accepted a position at Chatham House in London last January. "Senior Advisors" blah blah. John Major is a Member, apparently. No remuneration but Kevni doesn't need it. Besides, the "dumpling" is already running her show in London.

How will he be able to stay out of the spot light is the question.

DaS Energy

Re: Kevin Quits...

Post by DaS Energy » Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:12 pm

K Loser has been lying again. No problem, we soon put that right!

"Mr Rudd remains engaged in major international challenges including global economic management, the rise of China, and the global challenge of sustainable development. He was a co-author of the 2012 report of the United Nations Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability Resilient People, Resilient Planet. Nationally, he remains deeply engaged on the questions of Australia's strategic and economic future in Asia, aboriginal reconciliation, the teaching of Asian languages, homelessness and organ donation.

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Re: Kevin Quits...

Post by Rorschach » Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:51 am

Wayne Swan's new book dishes the dirt on Kevin Rudd
Date August 16, 2014
James Massola
Political correspondent

Kevin Rudd was so poll driven as prime minister that he once asked Labor's national office to conduct research on what his ''one core belief'' should be, a new book by Wayne Swan reveals.

Mr Swan has also revealed that Mr Rudd asked him on May 14, 2010 - more than a month before he lost the nation's top political job on June 24 - ''if you are with me?'' as the prime minister became increasingly ''jittery'' and his leadership began to ''wobble''.

Mr Swan says he and other senior ministers put Mr Rudd on notice for six months that his government was drifting, before the leadership change. Eventually, a story on June 23 by Sydney Morning Herald political editor Peter Hartcher created a ''political earthquake'' and the change occurred.

The revelations, contained in an exclusive extract of Mr Swan's new book The Good Fight published in the Good Weekend, are just two in a series of damning episodes that paint a picture of a poll-driven Mr Rudd with question marks over his management style, character, judgment and leadership abilities.

Much of what Mr Swan says is likely to be disputed by Mr Rudd - the enmity between the pair, who first met and worked together to bring down the 32-year-old National Party government in Queensland in the late 1980s, is legendary. It was Mr Swan, for example, who triggered a carpet bombing of Mr Rudd's reputation by senior ministers before the 2012 leadership challenge to Julia Gillard when he said the then-foreign minister ''does not hold any Labor values''.

Mr Swan cites examples of what he calls Mr Rudd's ''unstable personality'', including the latter breaking a pen in a fit of anger in a hotel room, spraying ink everywhere and causing thousands of dollars of damage to the decor.

''Kevin's treatment of people was extraordinarily vindictive and juvenile, and it was frequently on display,'' Mr Swan writes.

''Too often his focus was on having something to announce, and the political upside of any decision … for all Kevin's reputation as a policy wonk, it's something that often took a back seat in his decision-making process. Too frequently it came a distant third, behind media and political considerations.'' There was a ''culture of fear and blame'' in the Rudd office, Mr Swan writes, and the former prime minister was quick to get angry and deliver retribution. ''In most instances, it would not be the senior minister or departmental official who bore the brunt of these outbursts (although this did sometimes happen); rather, a more junior staff member would be the recipient … he burnt through staff like a child flicking matches from a box.''

The pair fell out during the bitter leadership battles of 2003 and 2005, but patched up their differences and worked closely together on the 2007 election campaign.
Read more: ... z3AVkZlsXT" onclick=";return false;

Nothing that most of us didn't know about Rudd's character. Yet they knew what he was like and supported him to become PM and be the leader of Australia. It would seem it was not just Rudd whose focus was just on the politics but the ALP and their need for political power over-rode every other concern.

Those Prog Leftards on Ozpolitics have been and will always be in denial about this prat and his unsuitability to be PM. Those that don't will cry we replaced him with Gillard, who was also a bad PM. Now we have Shorten the 3rd choice for Labor....
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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