Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

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JW Frogen
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Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

Post by JW Frogen » Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:23 pm

It would seem Bush may not need to wait for the judgment of history concerning his WOT, President Obama seems more than willing to vindicate him by adopting the same basic strategy. ... 443ed1f5e2

“The new administration has copied most of the Bush program, has expanded some of it, and has narrowed only a bit. Almost all of the Obama changes have been at the level of packaging, argumentation, symbol, and rhetoric."

Jovial Monk

Re: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:15 pm

Heh, lots of right whingers are consoling themselves with that thought.

Me, I will give Obama some more time. Two wars and a major recession, no room for tight Uturns there.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

Post by JW Frogen » Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:34 pm

Except Obama ran almost exclusively on the premise that his Presidency would be a complete U turn. Change, change, change. Most intelligent people assumed he meant more than what butt was sitting behind the Oval Office desk, but at least on issues of national security this does not seem to be the case. Thankfully, as I breath a sigh of relief.

Hell, if Obama had looked away from the teleprompter for a moment and winked in my direction, whispering that on issues of the WOT he would break almost every one of his campaign promises, even I might have voted for him.


Re: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

Post by mantra. » Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:10 pm

As if he would be much different? If he was - he would end up the same mess as Rudd who is now being cursed for following through on some of his promises. It's just not the right time to do anything differently, although Rudd is obeying the IMF in regard to aid to foreign countries. But thanks to Bush and his generous tax cuts to the elite and his wars - after coming to office with a budget surplus, he's left the country a debt in excess of a trillion plus dollars. Also don't forget that Obama has installed people in the Whitehouse from the Trilateral Commission who also gave Bush his instructions. Obama is an excellent orator and puppet that's why he got the job.


Re: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

Post by Ethnic » Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:23 pm

mantra is there anyone on this planet you don't hate?


Re: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

Post by mantra. » Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:25 pm

Celetina wrote:mantra is there anyone on this planet you don't hate?
Celetina - this is a political forum. We are supposed to hate politicians otherwise there would be nothing to talk about.


Re: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

Post by Ethnic » Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:30 pm

But but everybody loves Obama.....don't they? Otherwise you're a racist warmonger according to loopy journalists.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

Post by JW Frogen » Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:48 pm

It would appear according to loopy Obama loving journalists that the very same wars (indeed an expansion of war in Afghanistan and Pakistan) now is a war for peace, not a senseless war alienating Muslims as it was under Bush.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

Post by JW Frogen » Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:50 pm

The crushing Bush debt, so far almost tripled by Obama in just six months, has now become needed investment for the future.

I am sure if Obama personally waterboarded an Al Qeada terrorist the media would move from the term torture to tough love.


Re: Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss.

Post by mantra. » Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:30 am

JW Frogen wrote:The crushing Bush debt, so far almost tripled by Obama in just six months, has now become needed investment for the future.

I am sure if Obama personally waterboarded an Al Qeada terrorist the media would move from the term torture to tough love.
Obama really had only 2 choices in regard to the crippling debt the Bush government left. He could have let all the banks collapse, alongside major industry or gamble his way out of it with major investment.

He's opted for the latter, which if it doesn't work - will mean the end of the US as we have known it.

Obama can't do much wrong at the moment because America is in shock. The yanks are grasping at hope which Obama seems to provide in bucketloads with that fantastic voice of his. In fact he might even sell Rudd on taking the 17 Guantanamo Bay prisoners which Bush couldn't manage to do. If Rudd does take them - he won't tell us about it, I bet.

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