The winds of political change blow away climate bureaucracy
* by: Graham Lloyd and Chris Kenny
* From: The Australian
* September 20, 2013 12:00AM
THE Climate Commission has been scrapped and billions of dollars in renewable energy funding effectively frozen as the Abbott government moved swiftly to wind back Australia's climate change response, as promised.
Outgoing chief commissioner Tim Flannery, who was told yesterday morning he had lost his $180,000-a-year, part-time role, said abolishing the publicly funded body was "the government's prerogative" but he would not be silenced. ooooh big bad none of my predictions were right self deluded Tim
"I intend to continue working to make sure that the Australian public has all the information it requires in order to engage with this issue and understand what needs to be done," he said. Goody and we wont have to pay you $180,000 to do it this time...![]()
New Environment Minister Greg Hunt phoned Professor Flannery yesterday morning to deliver the news in what was described as a "civil discussion".
The decision to terminate the commission, created by then prime minister Julia Gillard in early 2011 to explain to the public climate change and the need for carbon pricing, comes one week ahead of the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change updated report on the state of climate science. The ALP wasted our money to propagandise climate change and support the ALP lie to the public.
The imminent report has sparked lively international debate about how it would deal with an extended pause in average global surface temperatures and why the predictions of many climate models have not been matched by the physical evidence. Why.... ? because they were wrong.
Professor Flannery said he had not seen the IPCC report and would not comment until he had had time to analyse it.
"I think what you need to do is look at the report carefully, analyse it and then try to explain what is in it for people who are not specialists," Professor Flannery said. "Relying on rumour and hearsay is unhelpful in that area." really Tim? Then why have you been so wrong so often? hmmm![]()
Scrapping the Climate Commission is expected to save taxpayers $580,000 this financial year and $1.6 million in following years.![]()
Mr Hunt said he had written to Professor Flannery and the other five commissioners, thanking them for their efforts and formally advising them of the decision, effective immediately.The commission had been in caretaker mode since the federal election was called.
"The Coalition believes it is the role of the Department of Environment to provide independent advice and analysis on climate change and that the role of the Climate Commission was duplicating the work of the department," Mr Hunt said.![]()
But Professor Flannery said it had never been the role of the Climate Commission to provide advice to government. "Our role was to provide authoritative, reliable and easy-to-understand information about what is happening in the Earth's climate system, what other countries are doing in terms of addressing the issue, and what sort of options are open to a country that wants to address the issue from an economic perspective," Professor Flannery said. "We don't sell a message. We simply provide information for the Australian public to make up its own mind." yet your information has been; wrong, selective and alarmist Tim. gee i wonder why? Could it be you are biased and refuse to believe real evidence and instead just push a believers line?
The commission delivered reports with titles including the "angry summer" and "critical decade", which claimed climate change was already having a negative impact in Australia. The reports were widely publicised and drew criticism about the commission allegedly running an agenda. Really....?![]()
Macquarie University academics Ryan Crompton and John McAneney responded to the "angry summer" report with a paper that said, in part: "Any claim of a climate change influence on increasing disaster loss totals to date is simply unfounded and in contradiction to the international scientific evidence."
The changes to the commission came as the government pursued plans to wind up the $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation, created by Labor to fund renewable energy projects that would otherwise struggle to get commercial backing.
The Coalition has written to the chair of the corporation instructing that no further loans be written. Environment groups have claimed legal advice shows that executive government does not have the authority to direct the CEFC to cease operating. Really? I wonder then where it get's its money from... anyone know?
But Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said yesterday the corporation had ceased payments while the incoming government prepared legislation to dismantle the scheme.
"The board of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation has been in touch with the government to advise us that they had indeed paused the writing of new loans," Mr Cormann yesterday told Sky News.
The Greens have pledged to block the wind-up of the CEFC.![]()
Abbott keeps Climate Commission promise.
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Abbott keeps Climate Commission promise.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
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Re: Abbott keeps Climate Commission promise.
No thanks for Flannery at end of climate career
* by: Andrew Bolt
* From: Herald Sun
* September 20, 2013 8:32AM
NEW Environment Minster Greg Hunt made only one mistake yesterday when sacking Tim Flannery and junking his Climate Commission.
Hunt actually thanked the alarmist for his work.
Thank Flannery? Hunt should instead have asked Flannery how much of his $180,000 a year salary he'd refund after getting so many predictions wrong.
He should have told Flannery it was disgraceful to even now claim global warming was increasing, when atmospheric temperatures have failed to rise for 15 years.
The Gillard Government wouldn't admit it, but it created Flannery's Climate Commission two years ago to scare Australians into paying Labor's useless carbon tax.
Flannery was just the man for the job, despite being a mammalogist with zero formal qualifications in climate science.
His real qualification? He was an eco-alarmist with an impeccable record of scaring people about global warming, matched only by his record for making predictions than have since proved false.![]()
Flannery had warned the Arctic could be ice-free by 2013 (ice this year increased instead), "Australia is likely to lose its northern rainfall" (there's actually been more rain) and "Perth will be the 21st century's first ghost metropolis" (Perth is now headed for its wettest September in 40 years).
More seriously, Flannery in 2007 said global warming had hit Australia so hard that without desalination plants Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane could be out of water by 2009.
"Even the rain that falls isn't actually going to fill our dams and our river systems," he warned.
Instead, floods filled dams in Sydney and Brisbane, and the expensive desalination plants hurriedly built in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide are now all mothballed or scheduled to be.
Under Flannery, the Climate Commission similarly leapt on any sign that the planet might be warming, and played down evidence it wasn't.
It blamed global warming for the Murray Darling Basin drought, despite admitting earlier there was no obvious link.
Last year, it even issued an alarmist report on "Australia's Angry Summer", hyping warm temperatures in Australia while ignoring low ones in the United States.
Indeed, it has refused to concede the planet simply isn't warming as global warming climate models predicted, as even the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change admits in a leaked draft of its latest report.
Hans von Storch, an IPCC lead author, now says if the 15-year pause in warming continues, "in five years, at the latest, we will need to acknowledge that something is fundamentally wrong with our climate models".
Admit to being fundamentally wrong? That doesn't seem to come naturally to Flannery, but at least we no longer pay him for being so.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
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