IQS.RLOW wrote:If these models predict that manmade warming will have devastating effects on the planet it will conclude we should take mitigation action not just adaption action - I think we need to be proactive and mitigate - I think we disagree.
No, because
a) The models are wrong
Models are always wrong when it comes to chaotic systems as you know. I do accept the models forecast a level of energy increase in our environment that did not translate to the temperature increases that were forecast.
I do expect the revised models that will be in the new report to be more accurate and the scientific community are really pulling together to make this as correct as is possible based on our renewed understanding and theories plus improved models.
I expect improved credibility in these new forecasts because they fucked up last time. this is not faith based it is human nature that they need to do a better job this time around.
b) the cost of mitigation is too great to mankind "if" manmade CO2 emissions are the culprit
The cost of adaption may be too great in the longer term if we end up in a run away green house effect. I think it is the easy option to say they are too great at this time. However I do except that we should hold fire until this new report comes out and we get a chance to really pull it apart. I look forward to that.
c) Its impossible to police
Not a good reason for doing SFA.
d) Carbon trading was an invention of the same guys who brought us the GFC
Do you mean the Global Financial Crisis?
e) You will never get all nations to comply
Now that is very interesting. I agree. however if the big boys agree and then it is in their interest, the UN will have the teeth to make them. Probably be the first time for a while to have a good reason for a war to take over a country.
f) Carbon emissions won't stop. They will be exported to nations with even less environmental policies
I agree that is just stupid. That's why carbon trading is just stupid.
c) Adaptation is cheaper by 50:1
In the short term only. (potentially)
You have bought into the faith of "catastrophic AGW", your faith is wrong and I will not pay for your faith.
back to the origin of your accusation.
I do not blindly have "faith" that leads me to just believe in the "catastrophic AGW". I have experienced that when the whole (the major majority) of the scientific community get together on a problem that their finding need to be respected. I will see for my self to the level I can understand and if they make sense to me I will in most circumstances buy into their conclusions and theories.
I have not experienced time dilation due to gravity but I do believe it is a real effect and they tell me it is key to my GPS being accurate. I understand the theory and believe it to be true because smarter people than me have said they have verified the theory.
I have not seen dark matter and can understand why they think they need it to explain the gravitational effects they see in the galaxies, does not match with the volume of matter they can see. I am convinced the theory of the universe is incomplete but for now I will buy into the notion there is dark matter/energy in the universe that we have not discovered. It provides an explanation to what we can observe however am not convinced that any one of the current theories is the reality.
I am not convinced it will be raining tomorrow morning as they forecast. I do believe there is a good probably it will be overcast and I should be prepared for rain. If it does not rain I do not disregard all future weather reports. It allowed me to take action to mitigate (my jacket or umbrella) rather than adapt (get wet or stand all morning under a tree).
I believe that the scientific process including peer review is a well understood and proven process when followed and everyone has an open mind. this is not faith based. It is based on my understanding of how the process works and the results delivered to date for humanity.
Now to the big point. What the political institutions do with this theory, models or forecasts is a completely different matter. Do not confuse what is done with this information and scientific conclusions.
If they project the SFA approach means the forecast impact and risk are high then we do nothing then we accept the risk and consequences. However if the mitigation options reduce the risk to this. then it is for the human society to take the appropriate action, if any. The information will be on the table. It is a valid risk decision to "accept the risk" and hope it does manifest itself. However putting at risk humanity's survival when it could be mitigated does not sound like prudent behaviour since our sole purpose for being is to procreate and ensure the survival of our species.
Risk management is about risk quantification and assessment. It about the probability of a risk and it's impact. It will define mitigation options and the cost of mitigation. If the impact is real high or bad quite often the right answer if to mitigation even if the probability is low. that is, you can not afford the impact. so we need to new report to see, don't we.
It is a bold assumption that we will be able to adopt to the worst case scenario and progress humanity potential destiny of being more than a smart, greedy monkey that shits in it's own nest and dies. that's what all other life does here.
I now accuse you of having blind faith in sciences ability to provide the solutions to allow local adaption rather than apply science to address the root cause. What if we end up like Venus.... adaption will mean fuck all and it will be too late (just to be extreme). What are you relying on to make this happen. oh.. it's science and technology. Well what if we cannot... then what.
So don't blame the science. Blame the politicians and vested interests groups who choose an action and implement it poorly and don't communicate clearly why it is necessary.
The quality and methods of the science and conclusions should be challenged. There will always be disbelievers. Our leadership need to make informed decisions based on the best information provided by those who have credibility.