Aged and childcare workers will not get the payrise promised them by Gillard. Got kids in daycare or parents in aged care/nursing homes. Better hope they are in facilities run by someone that cares not some slimy spiv just looking for a quick buck. ... TTTpz8QiaJ" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;The Coalition intends to abandon $1.5 billion of union-linked wage increases for up to 350,000 workers in aged and childcare, challenging one of the union movement’s strongholds.
A spokesman for Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott confirmed the funding for higher wages committed by the Gillard Labor government would be re-directed because the money was to be funnelled through agreements negotiated by unions, including the scandal-hit Health Services Union. . . .
The federal bureaucracy has also suspended payments from the $300 million Early Years Quality Fund established by the Gillard government to cover wage increases for childcare workers. The Coalition doesn’t plan to go ahead with the wage subsidies.
Less spending power in the economy, just as unemployment is edging up, participation is edging down.
Money will probably end up in the pockets of the people who run these places and likely will be put into offshore tax havens.
Again, the NBN could really reduce costs in aged care, keeping people in their own homes—in 10 years time the budget for aged care, hospitals, nursing homes etc will start skyrocketing!