ALP Leadership: Gillard v Rudd

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ALP Leadership: Gillard v Rudd

Post by babette » Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:59 pm

"Penny Wong, being the worst finance minister in Australia's history". (Michael Kroger Lib spokesman)
When Julia Gillard was Prime Minister, Penny Wong went to Julia Gillard and demanded that she be placed as number one on the senate ticket. A few months later then stabbed Gillard in the back with her refusal to endorse her as ALP leader.
Now, it appears that Rudd will be leader of the losing government perhaps deservedly attributed to Julia Gillard.

Witrh Rudd's second appointment he struggled to find supporters to field a cabinet. But so too would have Gillard witrh all her sackings.
With Gillard: lose 30 seats maybe 40 seats (McKieran pendalum)
Rudd: 40 seats, maybe 50 seats

Unfortuantely the media and history writers will be very kind to Gillard. Maybe in fear of being labelled sexist or misogynist.
But what about Rudd and his treatment of women. Will the media and history writers highlight his sexism and misogyny. Or has that label already being taken and applied unjusticely without any evidence at all to Mr Abbott.
Is a male sexist and misogynist when he disagrees and argues with a woman?

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Re: ALP Leadership: Gillard v Rudd

Post by boxy » Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:17 pm

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Re: ALP Leadership: Gillard v Rudd

Post by mellie » Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:06 pm

Gillard, Rudd....really, it wouldn’t have mattered who lead Labor to the polls.
Labor were well and truly washed-up, and Bill Shorten knew it which is why he re-installed puppet-Rudd because he didn’t want the poisoned chalice tainting his own future ALP leadership prospects.

I can tell you now, Bill Shorten would be feeling quite pleased with himself right now. 8-)

This is the 1996 election all over again, and like Keating, Rudd is blaming the media and anyone else who gets in his way for his parties electoral annihilation.

I think Rudd's ego allowed him to believe that Labors puppeteers re-installed him because they thought he was their best chance at winning this election, when in fact, they installed him because they knew fine well he wouldn’t.

He was their burnt offering, the faceless engineers decided it was time to wind-up and rebuild in opposition from Rudd’s smouldering ashes.

And that they will.
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