Carbon reduction at its cheapest

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Re: Carbon reduction at its cheapest

Post by mantra » Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:26 am

DaS Energy wrote:The less temperature one needs to raise a liquid into a gas force so strong it will turn a turbine generator means the less Carbon that shall be released in doing so.

Using a 350 megawatt Steam turbine as our control model.
It requires a gas force of 175 bar (2,485 psi). Steam is liquid at +100*C and has 1 bar pressure (14.2 psi). Increasing the temperature to +550*C provides the 175 bar of force needed by the turbine.

CO2 is liquid at a temperature of +32*C and has 64 bar (908.8 psi) pressure. Increasing the CO2 temperature to +50*C increases its pressure to 200 bar (2,840 psi).

Raising the temperature of CO2 from +32*C (64 bar) to +100*C produces 10,000 bar pressure (142,000 psi).

This means if using CO2 and not water you get fifty 350 megawatt turbines for +100*C . If using water and not CO2 you get one 350 megawatt turbine for +550*C.

This lowers Carbon emission as less Coal has to be burnt to get the heat temperature needed by the driver of the turbines!
Thank you DaS. That was a good explanation and understandable.

I didn't mind the carbon tax with a fixed price because we should all be more careful with our energy use, but I wasn't happy about our credits being floated on the international market. Energy isn't something we should gamble with and we could end up owing billions of dollars worth of carbon credits to other nations. Who knows what we'd be paying in a few years time?

We've signed up to an International Agreement - so how do we get out of this?

DaS Energy

Re: Carbon reduction at its cheapest

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:58 am

Hello mantra,

"We've signed up to an International Agreement - so how do we get out of this?"

The protocol was amended in 2012 to accommodate the second commitment period, but this amendment has not entered into legal force as of January 2013. No listing can be found after that date.

We are not bound by any international agreement. So there is nothing to get out of!

However we are bound by Australian law, one of which is the property of the people is not the personal property of Kevin Rudd, Penny Wong or Greg Hunt!

What concerns me more than Labour concealing peoples property is the likes of Greg Hunt and the Coalition guarding their backs so they can do so! :read

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