Australian Voice party... huh?

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Re: Australian Voice party... huh?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:56 am

:rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: Australian Voice party... huh?

Post by mellie » Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:09 pm

I'm just telling it like it is.... not interested?...then so be it.

:) I could care less if you think i'm off my rocker re- reds having created a great deal of our minor parties .... I mean, not to be rude or anything, but if you were of sound or educated mind, I might actually give a damn... :lol:

But for what it's worth, your "god" Andrew Bolt agrees with is he off his rocker too?

The problem/concern the MSM are having addressing this red-encroach... is mostly due to individuals fear of being labelled conspiracy theorists, loons, or simply vexatious... and understandably so given they fear real damage or loss of reputation.

It's not overly fashionable or PC to discuss our reds under their beds, never has been.

Similarly, climate sceptics are derided and labelled "denialists".."Flat earthers"... etc.

This is how they manage to get away with their lies also.

Good Job there are some like Andrew Bolt who have been outspoken about their process ..even if I think he could be saying a lot more than he does on the subject.

He excretes it in dribs and drabs.... but it's not enough to raise the alarm with the vast majority of thick skulls who wont get it until it's too late.

But, thats their choice I guess.

Ignorance being bliss and all.

Green is the new RED.


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Re: Australian Voice party... huh?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:43 pm

But for what it's worth, your "god" Andrew Bolt agrees with is he off his rocker too?
Whose "god"? I mean who are you talking to mel... it certainly doesn't describe me.

if you can't refute the facts I posted... then don't waste my time.

Why don't you bother to look at the website I actually posted the link to, and check out the preferences for the HOR as I suggested before Libs are above Labor... not something a pro-left anti-conservative party would do.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Australian Voice party... huh?

Post by mellie » Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:34 pm

Rorschach wrote:
But for what it's worth, your "god" Andrew Bolt agrees with is he off his rocker too?
Whose "god"? I mean who are you talking to mel... it certainly doesn't describe me.

if you can't refute the facts I posted... then don't waste my time.

Why don't you bother to look at the website I actually posted the link to, and check out the preferences for the HOR as I suggested before Libs are above Labor... not something a pro-left anti-conservative party would do.
I have one thing to say to you Roach.... ... -voice.htm


They cant exchange preferences they can only endorse a senate candidate...(at this stage, anyway, until they try to pass new legislation allowing themselves access to the lower house and to form a parliamentary committee of which is on the cards, and is happening in Russia as we speak)...
Criselee STEVENS Australian Voice Party
12 Keith FRANCIS Australian Voice Party
13 Richard BLACK Australian Voice Party

Just who are these candidates the non-parliamentary party "Australian Voice Party" have endorsed I hear you ask?


Go figure lazy bones.

For those who cant be bothered...

Group AE: Socialist Equality Party (Ticket 1 of 3)

The Australian Voice Party whilst registered is a non-parliamentary party and may only endorse candidates.

They may place their name on the ballot form next to their 'endorsed" candidate only...but at the end of the day...if you vote for this party, you are voting for the Socialist Equality Party.

Thanks for coming roach... god your ignorant.

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Re: Australian Voice party... huh?

Post by mellie » Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:44 pm

Rorschach wrote:Unlike you mel I'm interested in Australian politics and don't go madly around trying to shutdown topics and discussions of all the parties involved in an election.
2013 Election
Party Crasher: Australian Voice Party

August 28, 2013

A record number of parties have registered ahead of this year’s election. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be digging into the newest entrants to political thunderdome. Next up, is the Australian Voice Party.

After thoroughly investigating one of the newest political parties to brace the ballot box, Australian Voice Party sadly does not represent opera singers or speech pathologist’s rights. Instead, the idea behind the name simply represents the voice of the community.

Created to address the many problems that have arisen under the dominant two party system, the Australian Voice Party refers to itself as a people movement, rather than a political party.

President Keith Douglas who had previously been involved with Katter’s Australia Party, says the AVP are going back to the fundamentals of democracy.

“We believe the whole system in Australia has been hijacked by the two major parties,” says Douglas.

“Those parties tend to have a bias towards unions and big business and the little guys have been left behind. “

Their philosophy is to engage the people they are helping, insisting they function differently from traditional parties because their candidates will support the majority view of their electorate.

“So in other words if we are representing university students, they know what they need better than anyone,” says Douglas.

“We want them to become involved, write policy and direct where things should go.”

Passionate about small business equality, stopping offshore processing and ensuring tertiary students are financially stable; the AVP says they will not get bugged down in moral conflict.

“We sweep away all of the religious and moral arguments people get snagged in, in Australia,” says Douglas.

“A lot of small parties are obsessed with these things, but we will respect the views of the electorate.”

Looking to improve the lives of normal Australians, Douglas says the biggest problem that Australians have had recently, is the government.

“There has been so much bad government over the years our cost of living has been pushed out, we have been over taxed by way of fees.

“The government are double dipping, we pay our taxes and the government charges us back on other fees to support this constantly gloating monster you can never throw enough money at.”


Superannuation access

The aim of this policy is to give the average mortgage owner a helping hand.

“We want to give a break to the Mums and Dads of the country and those people who are paying their mortgages. We believe their financial progress can be hastened by being able to access a portion of their superannuation to reduce their home mortgage,” says Douglas.

“This allows them to pay their house of sooner and protect their superannuation from losses which a lot of people have suffered and it’s tax effective.”

Greater support for university students

Students should be able to support themselves financially while studying.

“We believe supporting some of Australia’s most creative minds and making sure the education system points towards outcomes,” says Douglas.

“We are particularly interested in ensuring people studying have the financial support so they’re not out working half a dozen jobs to make ends meet.

“People who are studying need the opportunity to study and not live on the breadline. We are in favour of bringing in more scholarships to recognise the best and brightest so they can completely dedicate themselves to what they are doing and not worry about where their next meal is coming from.”


“We’ve got the resources of the world, yet some of the highest energy costs. Again that’s a fault of government, selling things off and corporatising it so you then have groups hell bent on satisfying their share holders,” says Douglas.

“There’s a stack of renewable energies and bio energy solutions, none of that has been properly embraced. There are great opportunities for sustainability in time it just needs government support.”

Despite their inexperience Douglas is extremely confident in achieving success at this election and in the future, as his party acts as a watchdog to the government who has been “asleep at the wheel”.

“We are very determined to make sure this country goes back to where it used to be, by avoiding the current trends of smaller businesses getting smaller, big businesses getting bigger and monopolies growing unchecked by regulators.”

“While we might be the newest party we are certainly going to become the most visible political force in Australia because we are the only party that is going to out and help these people and bring all communities behind us to get the change.”

The Australian Voice Party are fielding candidates in Victoria, Queensland, NSW and Western Australia, visit their website for further information.
Bridget Rollason is a third-year Bachelor of Journalism student and upstart’s Fashion and Lifestyle editor. You can follow her on Twitter: @Didgeriedoo.

They are reds, just as I sad.

8-) LEARN!

Group AE: Socialist Equality Party (Ticket 1 of 3)<--------Australian Voice Party have endorsed these candidates.

Double irony...

Australian Voice President Keith Douglas was involved with Katter’s Australia Party... I believe Katter Palmer and the AVP is yet another socialist annex of a much larger party cowards like Roach would rather not discuss.


'Bob Katter and Keith Douglas GCCST PC' . ©

Federal member for Kennedy, Queensland senator, Bob Katter delivered a press conference on The Spit on Monday 17 December 2012, launching a fervent campaign to stop the Broadwater Marine Project proposed by Premier Campbell Newman and Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate.

He said: 'We stand here to support Suzie Douglas and Keith Douglas who tenaciously oppose to a cruise ship
terminal going in the Broadwater.

What the fuck is wrong with a cruise-ship terminal at Broadwater?

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Re: Australian Voice party... huh?

Post by mellie » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:14 pm

It seems that Red-Roaches sole reason for being is to coerce morons into voting for these socialist/commie annex break-away party’s.

It appears he endorses a number of them...and he doesn’t appear to care which one you vote for, so long as it forms part of a larger socialist alliance.

8-) .... Red Roach.

Image ........New avatar for the Roach.

8-) Nice try chum.... but you fail.
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Re: Australian Voice party... huh?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:15 pm

Oh dear :roll: :roll: :roll:

HOR House of representative mel :roll: :roll: :roll:

Check out the Greenway example...

9 numbers the Libs are what? hmmm
Labor is?
The Greens are?

That's right Mel... the Libs are preference before Labor and the greens.
Therefore they are not backing Labor or any REDS :rofl
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Australian Voice party... huh?

Post by mellie » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:18 pm

Criselee STEVENS Australian Voice Party
12 Keith FRANCIS Australian Voice Party
13 Richard BLACK Australian Voice Party

Just who are these candidates the non-parliamentary party "Australian Voice Party" have endorsed I hear you ask?


Group AE: Socialist Equality Party (Ticket 1 of 3)

Read the following... ... 2sody.html
Last edited by mellie on Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Australian Voice party... huh?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:20 pm

mellie wrote:It seems that Red-Roaches sole reason for being is to coerce morons into voting for these socialist/commie annex break-away party’s.

It appears he endorses a number of them...and he doesn’t appear to care which one you vote for, so long as it forms part of a larger socialist alliance.

8-) .... Red Roach.

8-) Nice try chum.... but you fail.
you are an idiot.

You know full well I'm not anti Lib or anti Abbott for this election... seemingly you are rusted onto them this election, yet even so, you demented twit, you attack me and try to shut down anything your dim bulb thinks may sway people away from the Libs...

you... are an idiot!

Polanimal mel.... it's about politics... that's all australian politics for starters, not just the bits you like.

Go an have a meltdown somewhere else FGS.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Australian Voice party... huh?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:22 pm

One more time for the Uber Dummy...
Rorschach wrote:First up lets deal with the stupid strawman eh mel... I never said they were conservatives.
But lets look at some facts.
1/ Katter did not support the Gillard government after the last election... Dopeshot and Whinger did.
2/ Katter used to be a National Party member and candidate.
3/ Palmer has been a member and financial supporter of the Nationals and later the LNP
4/ Katter's father was a member of the ALP/QLP/Country Party and the Nationals. BTW in those days the ALP was not a so-called progressive party, the traditional ALP was more conservative and protectionist than it is today. More protectionist than todays Coalition which is one of the main reasons Katter has been an Independent for over 10 years.
5/ Katter was a huge supporter of Joh.
6/ Katter is a social conservative. On economic issues, like his father, Katter retains elements of socialist political views from the 1950s, including opposition to privatisation and economic deregulation.
7/ Katter is critical of climate change and has opposed enacting legislation to control emissions.
8/ Katter opposed the decriminalisation of homosexuality and opposed same-sex marriage.
9/ Palmer was a huge supporter of Joh and the Joh for Canberra push.
10/ Palmer was made a life member of the National (now LNP) Party.

So considering their background and their parties pro-Australia policies I can understand a Conservative Party which also espouses populist pro-Australian policies preferencing them.

So far except for crying RED< RED< RED... and mouthing conspiranut crap, you've shown nothing.
have a nice day... :hlo
face it mel... you got nothing and have a very limited understanding of politics in Australia.
hint; it's more than google and conspiranut theories. :rofl :rofl :rofl
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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