So lets not speak of it.
Let's not. Bullshit needs to be kept to a minimum.
Back to the topic.
it was reported today in the UK that Cameron has been in contact with Obama and now Rudd. It looks to be that the 51st 9UK) and 52nd (Aust) states of the US are now poodling along behind big daddy to engage in another war. This time it is very serious.
This could be the beginning of something catastrophic if it all goes wrong.
Now my strategy is, if all goes to shit is to return home. A continent on the other side of the world far away from these crazy fucks. So keep Australia tidy please.
I think this is all about the lessons the west learned by ignoring Hitler. We feel we must intervene early or things get worse later. if China and Russia really dig their heals in, and the US (and poodle states) go in without a UN mandate/resolution from the Security Council, it will be technically illegal and the whole UN will fall apart. No international law will apply to any of the big boys and this could grow and then we will have a bigger war.
If feels to much like preceding event that lead to Iraq. It's going to happen and no-one has an exit strategy. Without on this time.... it's going to go to pot.
I feel sometimes we should just build a big ring fence around the middle east. let them fight it out over 20 years until they get sick of war. The only problem with this is that such isolationist policy could lead to a powerful state that will threaten us all. So we feel to need to act, under the excuse a few civilians died due to state sponsored chemical attacks that have yet to be proven.
This is fucked up and is not going to go to well.
Time to buy a plot at Lightning Ridge and sit under ground. maybe join Outlaw Yogi in the bush away from this fucked up world.