Sounds simple enough, but I think the Lawyers will get the shits that there is no avenue for appeal if the decision made at the airport is adverse. Apart from that, seems okay to me.We spend billions of dollars each year trying to deal with entry of people into Australia. Our Navy is deployed at a great cost and does not now do what it should do, namely defend Australia. People are attracted to this Country by many financial and other benefits that the Government offers. Families of new arrivals are separated and kept in camps at the taxpayers' expense and many people lose their lives, while people smugglers make a fortune.
While all this is going on the Australian People continue to suffer. We need to change things. It is the Australian Government that creates the market for people smugglers to prosper. If a person seeking entry into Australia was allowed to board a plane for $800.00 to fly to one of our airports, such as Sydney or Brisbane, they wouldn't need to pay the people smugglers up to $20,000 for illegal entry into Australia. Any person would require their valid passport to board the flight, so on arrival in Australia at the immigration hall we would know who they are and where they came from. At the airport we could have the facilities to deal with them. Each person or family could be given a fair hearing at the airport facilities when they arrive to determine if they have a lawful right of entry into Australia. If they don't, they could be returned to where they came from on the next available flight. This would abolish the detention camps, restore our Navy to its traditional role, save the lives of children and families, keep families together and recognize the legitimate rights of those that have a lawful reason for entering Australia.
Asylum Seeker Policy
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Asylum Seeker Policy
I've taken this from the Palmer Party Policy Speech:
- mantra
- Posts: 9132
- Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:45 am
Re: Asylum Seeker Policy
For a mining magnate - Clive Palmer doesn't seem too bad. He's actually got some good ideas for a progressive Australia. He's even prepared to inject $70 billion into our economy. Of course he'll get it back one way or the other, but his ideas on the GST and jobs for Australia are OK.
He wants to keep jobs here and not outsourcing them. It's a pity the politicians from the major parties didn't feel a bit of loyalty for our workers. Even Medicare outsources jobs now.
He wants to keep jobs here and not outsourcing them. It's a pity the politicians from the major parties didn't feel a bit of loyalty for our workers. Even Medicare outsources jobs now.
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Asylum Seeker Policy
care to provide the policies then?
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Asylum Seeker Policy
This is the Greens open door policy pity no one told Clive the reason they don't fly in is because they can't get a visa.
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Greens would give asylum seekers full welfare under 'more humane' policy
* by: Patrick Lion National political reporter
* From: News Limited Network
* August 25, 2013 12:01AM
ASYLUM seekers would get almost $500 a fortnight on full welfare and access to other benefits under a Greens immigration policy that would fast-track processing and also give them full work rights. Nice of the greens to think of non-Australians that have never contributed to our country...
Greens Leader Christine Milne will today unveil the plan to treat asylum seekers more humanely and lift the payment rate from the current $442 - calculated at 89 per cent of the $497 fortnightly Centrelink Newstart payment - to the full level of the benefit.
They would have rights to full welfare including rent assistance as well as full work rights to allow them to compete with Australian workers for jobs.![]()
While Labor and the Coalition are locked in an arms race with increasingly hard line policies, the Greens would abolish offshore processing and asylum seekers would be processed through onshore detention, health and security checks within 30 days before being released into the community on bridging visas instead of current lengthy waits.
The minor party will argue the full welfare rights will get asylum seekers contributing to the economy and the extra payments are affordable under its Safer Pathways plan that saves $3.2 billion over the forward estimates by dismantling costly offshore processing, having less people in detention, closing offshore detention centres and closing and not building new onshore facilities.
The humanitarian intake would also be increased from the current 20,000 people to 30,000 people a year.
But the plan is likely to come under fire from the government and opposition for reverting to onshore policy and providing extra incentives for people to board dangerous boats and risk their lives travelling to Australia.![]()
Asked about the safety of reverting to onshore processing given the hundreds of drownings from boat capsizings, Senator Milne yesterday said the offshore processing regime since the Houston report last August had been a failure - shown by ongoing boat arrivals in record numbers.![]()
Senator Milne said it was important to cut both the financial and social costs while treating refugees in a more humane way and not end up with a generation of "damaged people". How about treating poor Australians better first... no one can live on Newstart for example.
"We believe deterrence does not work and that has been demonstrated in the past 12 months," she said.![]()
"There are huge social and financial costs by creating an underclass of people who cannot work and who are destined for poverty. Like your fellow Australians ... Why wouldn't you give them that support and allow them to contribute their skills to the Australian community?" why would you put them before your fellow Australians
The full immigration policy can be revealed by News Corp Australia after the party launched its campaign in Canberra yesterday, demanding a Senate inquiry to scrutinise the legal, financial and moral implications of the current regime.
The asylum seeker policy was costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office but it did warn the figures had a "low reliability" because of the difficulty in estimating the costs of the Nauru centre and savings from shutting down some onshore facilities.
Julian Burnside will launch the policy today with Greens immigration spokeswoman Sarah Hanson-Young in Adelaide.
Senator Hanson-Young said economic savings were just one of the many advantages of the party's refugee policy.
"Australia's international reputation is being tarnished by the old parties and their obsession with cruelty," she said.
"While the Labor Party wants to lock children up on Nauru and Tony Abbott wants to set fire to boats in Indonesia, the Greens are offering a considered, evidence based approach." Oh for goodbess sake how much twaddle do we have to put up with from these goobers...
Read more:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... z2cybPaYLR
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
Re: Asylum Seeker Policy
No problem, right here.Rorschach wrote:care to provide the policies then?
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