Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

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Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mellie » Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:02 pm

Hardly, listen to the audience audibly laugh in agreeance, when he told Kevin Rudd to "Shut-Up". :rofl ... 6701847777

And as for Labor making it a central theme in their campaign .... I doubt it, because a majority of Australians were thinking the exact same thing and really do wish Kevin Rudd would STFU.

Rudd's a grandstander and a control freak who gets-off on the sound of his own voice and wont let anyone get a word in edgeways.

Rudd had to be told several times to stop speaking (aka shut-up) by the ABC moderator at the first debate between Rudd and Abbott when again, the audience laughed in agreeance because Rudd just kept going despite being told to stop as it wasn’t his turn to speak.

This time, Tony had had a gut full, and beat the Mod to it.


If anything, Tony should start printing off some "STFU Rudd" Tshirts for his campaign.

I'd buy one, and others would too I’m sure.
Especially Rudds ministers and staffers, because like the rest of us, they want him to STFU too because every time self-pontificating Kev opens his mouth, Labor lose another seat.

:D... I mean really, does Rudd ever shut up?

Note how biased the ABC were on the subject... Some laughed did they?

Just some?

Just a few even?

How about noone?

That sound better?

Reality checkpoint. Most laughed, while the rest clapped.

:lol: ... 831053.htm

Note how the ABC omitted the "Shut-up" factor from their video clip.... selective editing all the rage... :lol:

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mozzaok » Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:25 pm

Great fundraising opportunity for the LNP

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mellie » Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:37 pm

mozzaok wrote:Great fundraising opportunity for the LNP
:lol: .... I'll take 50. Thanks.

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mantra » Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:17 pm

All this does is prove yet again that Abbott has no self control or diplomacy.

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:28 pm

A make-up artist who allegedly worked on both Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says Mr Rudd was rude to her before last night’s People’s Forum in Brisbane.

“Just finished doing Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott's make-up for the People's Forum at the Broncos Leagues Club”, she wrote on her Facebook page last night.

“One of them was absolutely lovely, engaged in genuine conversation with me, acknowledge [sic] that I had a job to do and was very appreciative.

“The other did the exact opposite! Oh boy, I have ever [sic] had anyone treat me so badly whilst trying to do my job.

“Political opinions aside...from one human being to another...Mr Abbott, you win hands down.

In 2009, Mr Rudd allegedly reduced an RAAF flight attendant to tears when he was told his chosen meal was unavailable on a flight to Canberra.

"As I recall it, there was a flight, I think from Port Moresby, and I had a discussion with, I think, one of the attendants on the provision of food. It didn't last very long and if anyone was offended by that, including the attendant concerned, of course, I apologise," Mr Rudd said at the time.

The PM was also accused in 2009 of throwing an ‘explosive wobbly’ when he couldn’t locate a hair dryer in Afghanistan.

Mr Rudd laughed off the claims as ‘ridiculous and untrue’.

At the height of leadership tensions between Mr Rudd and then-Prime Minister Julia Gillard in 2012, a video of Mr Rudd losing his temper was leaked on YouTube. ... up-artist/" onclick=";return false;

The "self controlled" and "diplomatic" Mr Rude :b

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by Neferti » Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:38 pm

mantra wrote:All this does is prove yet again that Abbott has no self control or diplomacy.
:rofl :rofl You really, truly have NO IDEA. :rofl :rofl

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mellie » Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:04 pm

Self control...diplomacy.... how about respect, decorum and common decency?


Mantra, Tony only said what the majority of us were thinking when yet again, RUDE Rudd preceded to dominate discussion and interrupt Tony Abbott while he was speaking...Yet again!
Recall their first leadership debate, and how the moderator had to tell Rudd several times to stop talking as it wasn’t his turn?
Again, the audience laughed at Rudd when he was 'politely' told to stop talking and interrupting his opponent by the moderator several times.
This is control is it Mantra?

Personally, I think it made for a more 'lively' debate, the last debate was rather dull.

You know Mantra....You, Aussie and Monk aren’t the only ones backing Rudd this election....



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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mellie » Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:07 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
A make-up artist who allegedly worked on both Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says Mr Rudd was rude to her before last night’s People’s Forum in Brisbane.

“Just finished doing Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott's make-up for the People's Forum at the Broncos Leagues Club”, she wrote on her Facebook page last night.

“One of them was absolutely lovely, engaged in genuine conversation with me, acknowledge [sic] that I had a job to do and was very appreciative.

“The other did the exact opposite! Oh boy, I have ever [sic] had anyone treat me so badly whilst trying to do my job.

“Political opinions aside...from one human being to another...Mr Abbott, you win hands down.

In 2009, Mr Rudd allegedly reduced an RAAF flight attendant to tears when he was told his chosen meal was unavailable on a flight to Canberra.

"As I recall it, there was a flight, I think from Port Moresby, and I had a discussion with, I think, one of the attendants on the provision of food. It didn't last very long and if anyone was offended by that, including the attendant concerned, of course, I apologise," Mr Rudd said at the time.

The PM was also accused in 2009 of throwing an ‘explosive wobbly’ when he couldn’t locate a hair dryer in Afghanistan.

Mr Rudd laughed off the claims as ‘ridiculous and untrue’.

At the height of leadership tensions between Mr Rudd and then-Prime Minister Julia Gillard in 2012, a video of Mr Rudd losing his temper was leaked on YouTube. ... up-artist/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

The "self controlled" and "diplomatic" Mr Rude :b

Re- the make-up artist.

Poor girl.

What a pig of a man.


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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:08 pm

mantra wrote:All this does is prove yet again that Abbott has no self control or diplomacy.

Tony Abbott... extremely mild in comparison and no doubt voicing the opinion of many.
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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:09 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
mantra wrote:All this does is prove yet again that Abbott has no self control or diplomacy.
:rofl :rofl You really, truly have NO IDEA. :rofl :rofl

She's just really truly hateful and biased Nef.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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