"In my view he is an excellent campaigner.... but Government requires different skills."
"It requires consistency, purpose, discipline, inclusion, consultation. It requires you to lead a big team ... Kevin Rudd, as prime minister, struggled to do that."
http://www.news.com.au/national-news/ju ... 6279217149

Kevin Rudd has been product-placed to win the 2013 federal election, (which isn’t going to happen btw) ..or to salvage as many seats as he possibly can.
This is all.
Any policy, deal, promise Kevin Rudd makes will mean absolutely nothing once he's served his campaign purpose and the new ALP leader has been installed.
Within a few short months after the 2013 election I suspect.
I'll bet Bill Shorten is looking in the mirror, turning his hydrocephalic head from side to side, admiring his profile on his dwarf like head practising his presidential republican face right now as we speak.