Read more: ... z2c2FLojTv" onclick=";return false;Ground control to Major Kev: sorry, you're a goner
August 15, 2013
Mark Kenny
Chief political correspondent
Like the firing of a Saturn V rocket escaping its earthly bonds, Labor banked on the election providing the final impetus needed to slip its heavy past and propel it skyward in 2013.
Used for the Apollo missions, the Saturn V rocket achieved its critical velocity by dumping depleted sections of itself as it climbed.
The analogy with Kevin Rudd's ascent is obvious. The recycled leader welcomed the early boost offered by the NSW Right faction, but has since cast it off in the most public way. Toxic policies have also been jettisoned, like the carbon tax and a dysfunctional asylum seeker response, along with several unlucky candidates.
But while Earth's gravitational pull can be overcome with the controlled explosion of enough rocket fuel, Labor's six-year record of division and over-promising is not so readily denied.
Notwithstanding that an election had to be called this year anyway, there was always a danger for Rudd Mark II in going to the people before gaining a durable lead in the polls. Election campaigns, like rocket launches, have no reverse gear. Things end in one of two ways.
Buoyed by the rate of his ascent in the weeks after June 26, Rudd and his boosters always believed he would climb yet further in the polls during the campaign proper.
In the narrowly focused context of the formal contest, they reasoned, Rudd would rise against a Liberal leader weighed down by his low popularity, half-baked policies on climate change and broadband, and his reputation for old-world attitudes to women and same-sex marriage.
But with the halfway point of this pantomime not far away, it is clear to the cooler heads in both camps this race is already decided.
Abbott's 52/48 per cent lead in last weekend's Fairfax/Nielsen poll is not unbridgeable for Labor, but, it is in all likelihood, structural.
Consider the equation before voters. On one side is a two-term government racked by spectacular hatreds, dragged low by broken promises on carbon and the surplus, various program failures, and a worsening economy. It campaigns for ''a new way'' but offers a recycled leader once dumped and then viciously traduced by his own side. This gaffer-taped operation is asking voters for three more years.
On the other side is an opposition famed for its negativity and woefully small-horizon thinking, yet uncannily united and consistent. Its leader, while prone to the odd verbal gaffe - his female candidates have ''sex appeal'' - enjoys unqualified support internally.
Having not trailed in the polls at any time since the last election, it has again edged ahead.
Little wonder, then, that in a choice between Labor's incendiary internal chaos, which might or might not be behind it, and the Coalition's ground-dwelling but unified ordinariness, the latter is appealing to more voters.
The harsh reality dawning for the ALP is the apparent popularity of Rudd through July, which led some commentators to enthuse it was more than a mere ''sugar hit'', were simply jumping the gun.
The Fairfax/Nielsen poll confirmed the trend, showing Labor's primary vote is once again dropping below its poor 2010 result after hitting 39 per cent last month.
Equally concerning for Labor is that Rudd now trails the less popular Abbott on the question of who voters trust (47/40), and that Abbott is closing in as preferred prime minister.
Some of that might be attributable to Rudd being forced to play contact politics, which is not something voters always enjoy - witness the ''worm'' in election debates which turns south every time someone goes on the attack.
But Rudd's problem is probably deeper than that.
Beneath the headline numbers in the poll was one that should have rocked the Labor camp. Voters were asked who they expected to win - as distinct from who do they intend to vote for. Abbott won easily, with 57 per cent picking him. Just 31 per cent opted for Rudd.
So what, you might say. Voters are not expert pundits, are they? Not as individuals perhaps, but as a group, it turns out, they're better. On this very question going back over 15 years, the people have correctly picked the winner every time.
Even in 1998, when Kim Beazley registered a higher popular vote, the punters correctly chose John Howard to win, albeit by a narrow 11 per cent margin. They were right again in 2001, by 13 per cent; 2004, by 47 per cent; 2007, by 42 per cent; and even in 2010, when neither side secured a majority but Labor scraped through with a smidgen over 50 per cent.
Apollo 13 is as famous for its amazing mission rescue as for its near disastrous failure.
Mission control ordered the crippled vehicle to attempt a difficult sling-shot pass around the dark side of the moon to acquire the momentum needed to get home.
Perhaps Rudd has a similar feat in mind. He will need that at least.
Mark Kenny is chief political correspondent.
Election 2013
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Don't poop in these threads. This isn't Europe, okay? There are rules here!
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Election 2013
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
Re: Election 2013
The social media election?

Mr 1950s:

Idiotic copycat of an idiotic plan:

A plan that is a heap of croc?

The BEST cartoon of the day:

Mr 1950s:

Idiotic copycat of an idiotic plan:

A plan that is a heap of croc?

The BEST cartoon of the day:

- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Election 2013
Katter and Palmer are apparently going to preference each other before the major parties.
Probably a good idea for them, but in the end probably won't make a difference and the preferences will eventually flow to one of the major parties. Which is a consequence of mandatory preferential voting as opposed to an optional preferential system which is much more democratic.
Probably a good idea for them, but in the end probably won't make a difference and the preferences will eventually flow to one of the major parties. Which is a consequence of mandatory preferential voting as opposed to an optional preferential system which is much more democratic.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Neferti
- Posts: 18113
- Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:26 pm
Re: Election 2013
So much for Kevni being the saviour, I hope Julia is having a good chuckle. ALP special Polls taken in Robertson and Dobell seem to point to the ALP losing those seats. So the surge is going backwards. It is now not whether the ALP will lose or not, it is by how many seats.
Good riddance.

- Posts: 10930
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:52 pm
Re: Election 2013
Neferti~ wrote:So much for Kevni being the saviour, I hope Julia is having a good chuckle. ALP special Polls taken in Robertson and Dobell seem to point to the ALP losing those seats. So the surge is going backwards. It is now not whether the ALP will lose or not, it is by how many seats.Good riddance.
I think it's clear, Kevin Rudds short-lived honeymoon period is now over, as Australians start remembering why Labor ditched him to begin with.
He's still as arrogant and smug as ever... he should be selling real estate or used cars, not be leading any political party.
Remember this....
Kevin Rudd allegedly described Julia Gillard as 'childless, atheist, ex-communist' during pub rant, say witnesses ... 6281535337
He's a nasty piece of work.

- Neferti
- Posts: 18113
- Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:26 pm
Re: Election 2013
When one of my neighbours popped in for a chat just after Kevni took over, again, as she was leaving she asked "Do you think the Labor will win now that Rudd is back?" and I said "NO!!!!" We had never, ever talked "politics" before but I gathered she was a Greenie and so I asked and, yes, she is.
I see that the local Greenie hopeful for the Senate, Simon Shiekh is letter-dropping and will (apparently) be door-knocking this weekend. He seems a nice bloke but letter-dropping and saying we Canberrans should NOT have a Liberal Senator (when we have had 1 ALP an 1 Lib for eons) is not a smart selling point. If he knocks on my door he will get the same reaction that the Mormons do. Poor bugger.

I see that the local Greenie hopeful for the Senate, Simon Shiekh is letter-dropping and will (apparently) be door-knocking this weekend. He seems a nice bloke but letter-dropping and saying we Canberrans should NOT have a Liberal Senator (when we have had 1 ALP an 1 Lib for eons) is not a smart selling point. If he knocks on my door he will get the same reaction that the Mormons do. Poor bugger.

- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Election 2013
Neferti~ wrote:When one of my neighbours popped in for a chat just after Kevni took over, again, as she was leaving she asked "Do you think the Labor will win now that Rudd is back?" and I said "NO!!!!" We had never, ever talked "politics" before but I gathered she was a Greenie and so I asked and, yes, she is.![]()
I see that the local Greenie hopeful for the Senate, Simon Shiekh is letter-dropping and will (apparently) be door-knocking this weekend. He seems a nice bloke but letter-dropping and saying we Canberrans should NOT have a Liberal Senator (when we have had 1 ALP an 1 Lib for eons) is not a smart selling point. If he knocks on my door he will get the same reaction that the Mormons do. Poor bugger.
Simon Sheikh was head of Get Up....

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Neferti
- Posts: 18113
- Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:26 pm
Re: Election 2013
Yes, Rorschach, I know. Another neighbour called in earlier and she HATES the Greens. Poor Simon he joined the wrong "pardy".
GO TONY ABBOTT ...... it will never, ever be a loss of a Federal ALP seat in Canberra but last ACT Election also needed a Green to form an ALP minority Government. One can only hope. Look at some other "safe" ALP seats that are probably going to fall. Karma. What goes around, comes around.

GO TONY ABBOTT ...... it will never, ever be a loss of a Federal ALP seat in Canberra but last ACT Election also needed a Green to form an ALP minority Government. One can only hope. Look at some other "safe" ALP seats that are probably going to fall. Karma. What goes around, comes around.
- Neferti
- Posts: 18113
- Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:26 pm
Re: Election 2013
Ha ha ha ha. Peter Beattie is in trouble. ... 6698151691
Even the SMH it calling it a disaster. ... 2s1iv.html ... 6698151691
Even the SMH it calling it a disaster. ... 2s1iv.html

Last edited by Neferti on Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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