What the election is about economically

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dick tracy
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Re: What the election is about economically

Post by dick tracy » Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:04 pm

Yes Australia was sheltered from the supposed GFC thanks to Howard & Costello.
And thanks to Howard & Costello they prevented Australia from being subjected to Rudd & Gillards frantic scare mongering of recession.
Unfortunately, Australia was not able to be sheltered from Rudd & Gillards excessive spending.

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Re: What the election is about economically

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:06 pm

The only thing that saved us from the GFC had nothing to do with the ALP. It was because we had no debt due to Howard and Costello paying off Keatings debt and a positive bank balance.

The ALP just pissed it up against the wall
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Re: What the election is about economically

Post by Jovial_Monk » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:32 am

Australian manufacturing recession continues....


The falling dollar looks to be making things worse by driving up input costs.


With any notion of vertical integration a thing of the past and most of the supply chain offshored, our manufacturers are at the mercy of a falling currency. They cannot compete with cheaper imports and the falling dollar doesn't seem to be helping them become more competitive (which it is theoretically supposed to do), since much of our manufacturing consists of screwing together boxes of imported parts - we can't use a lower currency to our advantage when we are only a final assembly point. Growth continues to drain away through the current account.

http://www.scribd.com/doc/157315987/Pmi ... 2013-Final

Copy of a post by Left of Centre on my board. Be nice if at least one intelligent post was made in reply, but I have no high hopes of that happening.

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Re: What the election is about economically

Post by Rorschach » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:36 am

Manufacturing started to die under Whitlam... if it is continuing to decline under labor i suggest you protest to them.
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Re: What the election is about economically

Post by Jovial_Monk » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:37 am

Nonsense post #1.

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Re: What the election is about economically

Post by Rorschach » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:50 am

Refute of be ignored.
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Re: What the election is about economically

Post by Rorschach » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:54 am

Don't take my word for it...
Sad that ford workers will lose their jobs and thousands more with a multiplier effect. Who to blame ? Labor governments whitlam. ,hawke,Keating reduced tariffs and floated the Australian dollar......these factors alone plus union demands for more more more have killed ford and probably the rest of the industry. Sure their was little opposition from the liberals to tariff reductions and floating the $. But all was legislated by labor govts. You reap what you sow
It isn't a secret.

Let's not forget Grassby and Whitlam and the Lima Declaration eh.
You'll have to look it up Monk.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: What the election is about economically

Post by Jovial_Monk » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:58 am

It was a shit post, just RW fanboi drivel, primary school level drivel! You know nothing.

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Re: What the election is about economically

Post by Rorschach » Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:17 pm

Refute or stfu Monkey Boy
I'm giving you a chance I haven't even mentioned free trade agreements, GATT or globalisation yet.

Whitlam and Grassby started the rot... refute it if you can. Or concede :rofl :rofl :rofl
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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