It is about conning Queensland. It was about 2 of the most egotistical, self serving, attention seeking pollies in Australia. The ALP are seeking, to not only take back Forde with Beattie, but are hoping that between Beattie and Rudd, they will increase the ALP's chances of winning even more seats in Qld and perhaps winning the election on the back of Queensland.
Today we've seen Beattie admit that his goal is to do just that and he's playing the con that Queensland will be worse off if the ALP don't win in Queensland. That goes against the grain in that most states seek to be in line with the federal government, even if it rarely happens. After all if they are of the same party benefits are thought to flow.
"I'm Kevin, I'm from Queensland, I'm here to help," Mr Rudd said.
"He's Peter, he's from Queensland and he's here to help too."
the Con is On...Mr Beattie said he agreed to stand in order to prevent a Labor wipeout in Queensland and give the state a federal voice.
"I want to see Queensland get a fair go."
Everybody knows that if you don't have balance ... You don't have anyone to keep the bastards honest," he said "