Can you truly harbour grass-roots core values of a true Australian Liberal such as Menzies, and be an advocate of unionism at the same time? ....
.......... This and be expected to be taken seriously?
I don’t believe so.

-Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs , Mr Kevin Rudd, MPThe conservatives were once quietly disdainful of our historical predispositions in this direction. In recent years, they have become openly disdainful. They are increasingly exhibit a culture that says "that unless our immediate interests are at stake, the world beyond our shores is of no intrinsic interest to us". The conservatives treat the High Commissioner for Human Rights with open contempt.
They treat the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees with open contempt.
They treat our other obligations under international humanitarian law with an indifferent bordering on contempt.
They regard the multi-lateral system in general and the United Nations in particular with suspicion bordering on hostility.
They dispatch junior ministers to UN Conferences whereas the Europeans (who they say they seek to emulate) send Presidents and Prime Ministers. They did so recently at Monterey. And they will do so again next week.
I don't know about you folks but the thought of Larry Anthony representing Australia at the United Nations is just plain scary.
And finally there is the collapse of our official aid flows - reaching 0.5% of GDP under Labor and collapsing to 0.29% of GDP under the conservatives.
Whether the conservatives recognise this or not, what this demonstrates collectively to the rest of the world is a hardening of the Australian heart.
Our challenge in the period ahead is to turn this around.
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