Rorschach wrote:Good grief.
I''m really trying to be nice to you mantra, despite your carry on.
You told me that and so I didn't say the LNP. Who's the pedant?
But you keep kicking shit in my general direction. Did I call you a pedant? No...
I'm pretty sure it was clear I was referring to the Queenslander Aussie as a pedant.
It's difficult to tell when you're being nice to me. I'll try to be more cluey in the future.
I'm not sure whether they do or not and I'm not a fan of low interest rates, although I would have been when I was paying off a home at 18% interest. I would love them to be high now, but not only is our dollar very low - so are interest rates.
The inflation rate and the state of the economy drives the RBA decision on interest rates. The dollar value is free to float.
The economy isn't in great shape and I doubt Abbott and the Coalition have the ability to improve it.
Why not? They fixed it last time the ALP left it in a mess.
Tony Abbott is not John Howard. He was burnt out when he became leader and doesn't look as though he's bounced back.
Abbott seems as clueless as Rudd and hasn't expressed any ideas which will help especially in regard to employment for the young. We're doing it tough now and it's going to get a lot tougher.
Abbott has an economics degree. Rudd doesn't. The Coalition have experience at fixing Labor's woes. Most of Rudd's ideas go belly up. I'd suggest your opinion of Abbott is baseless personal bias.
Getting an economics degree in your 20's doesn't mean a thing. Abbott hasn't worked in economics for the past 30 years.
When Abbott attempts to change many of Labor's policies it's going to cost us even more to implement these changes.
You seem to forget Abbott is part of a team. (Unlike Rudd and the ALP, they are a dysfunctional team). Care to explain just what costs and why?
I'm not impressed with either team. Gillard might have been hated, but she was getting the hang of the job.
Is Abbott going to undo the PNG solution and come up with a cheaper one? If he does - he will have to pay out our promises to them and then pay for implementing new ones.
When Abbott rolls back the NBN - how much will it cost to break all the agreements with contractors we're currently signed up to?
How does Abbott equate reducing company tax by 1.5% to increasing employment? This means more money to the Shareholders, not to employing people. Most organisations work on a skeleton staff and outsource the majority of their work. Neither major party gives a stuff and they have made no promises to curtail it. Even Medicare outsources their call centre now in the midst of rising unemployment.
I'm no fan of the ETS and don't want to leave our carbon tax to the mercy of overseas markets. Once we're in - we won't get out. How will Abbott get out of our International ETS Agreement? What will this cost? How much will it cost for him to implement his Direct Action Scheme - if such a scheme is possible? I'm happy to pay a carbon tax - but it needs to stay national.
I'm very dissatisfied with both leaders. There are too many thoughtless changes being made by government and thoughtless ideas propagated by the opposition. No-one is thinking more than a couple of years ahead - Howard did the same thing in his last term. All the policies are just bandaid solutions.