Election 2013

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assmen clincher
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Re: Election 2013

Post by assmen clincher » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:42 pm

Gillard has made a great suggestion, due to the millions of dollars expensed in having to count every ballot then it would be far more economically beneficial for Australia to simply having a show of hands in Parliament.
saves on wasting millions of $ on election advertising, ballot papers and travelling around to electorates and the result would be known within a few minutes too
another great idea from the ALP


Re: Election 2013

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:43 pm

On–line voting might give the same benefits in a cheaper way?


Re: Election 2013

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:55 pm

Question now is: will Piss&Moan turn up to any debates? He has to do at least one and will be woeful! After that? I guess run away at the speed of light from anything resembling a debate.


Re: Election 2013

Post by kevin457 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:05 pm

Jovial_Monk wrote:Question now is: will Piss&Moan turn up to any debates? He has to do at least one and will be woeful! After that? I guess run away at the speed of light from anything resembling a debate.

What is it with Kevin Rudds Mouth, that it flexes tightly (lips pursed smugly together ) as though he's been sucking on a dogs ass?


Did it come naturally, or did it happen after some sort of stroke?

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Re: Election 2013

Post by Neferti » Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:21 am

Newspoll: Labor 48 to Coalition 52

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Re: Election 2013

Post by Rorschach » Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:57 am

Don't say that Nef... you know how sensitive Monk is. :D
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Election 2013

Post by Aussie » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:16 am

Rorschach wrote:Don't say that Nef... you know how sensitive Monk is. :D
Not even 24 hours and the crap commences. Please leave this rubbish for other Threads. Perhaps for once, we can have a decent political discussion without the provocation inviting abuse?


Re: Election 2013

Post by kevin457 » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:57 am

KEVIN Rudd has placed both his sons in key election roles in an 'all-in-the-family' move that has ruffled feathers within Labor's campaign team.

Youngest son Marcus, 20, has joined the ALP's digital campaign team - and has already caused a stir after suggesting the use of a video from the TV satire, The Hollowmen.

And there are signs of renewed tensions emerging within Labor's campaign machine following the June leadership coup against Julia Gillard.

A senior strategist, Nathan Lambert, has been moved into a new role to make way for NSW state secretary and Rudd loyalist Sam Dastyari, provoking a fiery attack from Mr Lambert's father via email.

The Prime Minister's older son, Nicholas, 24, has been on the ALP payroll for several weeks as a key adviser to his father.Marcus has joined the ALP's digital campaign team - which will be bolstered by the import of several members of Barack Obama's campaign squad - as a volunteer. But the youngest of the Rudd children caused bemusement when he suggested the release of a Hollowmen clip - only to be told the satirical series was loosely based on his father's first stint.

The appointments have not been met with universal acclaim. "People are pretty p****d off that both Rudd's sons are going to be there," a senior Government adviser said.

Meanwhile, John Lambert, father of Labor's assistant national secretary, has written to a federal Labor MP and lashed out at the Prime Minister's reputation for being a tough and unrelenting boss.

In an email obtained by News Corp Australia, Mr Lambert claims his son was moved after he tried to "negotiate a compromise" over the campaign budget - and he points the finger at Mr Rudd.

Mr Lambert Snr, in the email to Victorian MP Darren Cheeseman, claims he has "known for a long time that many of those who work around Kevin (Rudd) are poorly looked after by Kevin and his closest advisers - his staff turnover and arguable bullying have made the news regularly".

Mr Lambert says he was "appalled with the fact that Nathan had done an excellent job of setting things in place for the campaign including having funding allocated - but then Kevin had a 'good idea' to bring in some US citizens 'first class' to assist and his henchmen then demanded 20% of Nathan's budget".

"When Nathan tried to negotiate a compromise they set about getting rid of him - absolute bullying of the worst kind," Mr Lambert said.

Last night, Mr Lambert wrote to Mr Cheeseman and claimed his earlier email, sent on Monday,

was the result of a "big misunderstanding and I'd like to retract what I said earlier as it's just not right".

Labor sources also insist Mr Lambert has not been demoted and that he was a "respected and valued" member of the campaign team.

He will be in charge of data management while Mr Dastyari will be based in the Melbourne HQ to manage marginal seat operations.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national-news/fe ... z2b3USXSzq

It seems, Rudd's own party aren't happy with him.

Swans Twitter reports of a toxic mood inside Labor’s campaign HQ, re- Rudd stacking his campaign with his sons and outsourced digital attack dogs.

http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/496017/2 ... f8CCMV5MxA

It's believed that most of the party (90%) don't believe Rudd is a Labor man, and would rather lose the election to the Coalition and give up their seats than risk Rudd retaining government.

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Re: Election 2013

Post by Rorschach » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:57 am

Aussie wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Don't say that Nef... you know how sensitive Monk is. :D
Not even 24 hours and the crap commences. Please leave this rubbish for other Threads. Perhaps for once, we can have a decent political discussion without the provocation inviting abuse?
You know you really should just stfu
go and have a faux lie down and a bex. :lol:

BTW I'm pretty sure the rubbish/crap has been going on b4 this post, I can't remember anything sensible dribbling out of the assmen keyboard since they started posting. As for Monk... puhlease.
I suggest you reread the topic and have a chat to others before singling me out for a harmless post you arsehole.
Perhaps you should wait for someone to be abusive b4 opening your mouth in future and eliciting that which you don't want.
Oh and just as an afterthought... perhaps you could try developing a sense of humour at this late stage of your life.
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Black Orchid
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Re: Election 2013

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:37 pm

Kevin Rudd says Tony Abbott isn't up to leading the country if he's not up for a debate with the current prime minister.

Mr Rudd wants to hold the first one-on-one televised leaders' debate of the election campaign on Sky News on Monday night.

"The campaign's on," Mr Rudd told ABC radio on Monday.

"I really question that if you're not prepared to debate the current prime minister of Australia ... then I don't really think you're fit to occupy the office of prime minister of Australia."

Mr Abbott says the campaign isn't about an "insiders' discussion" between two leaders, but should be a conversation with the Australian people.

He says he has a longstanding commitment to attend a post-Ramadan event in Sydney on Monday evening, and is not going to renege.

"I don't believe in just cancelling things that have been arranged for some time to suit Mr Rudd's convenience," he told ABC TV on Monday.

"I'm going to be engaging with people in Sydney who are entitled to get to know the alternative prime minister of our country."

Labor has proposed a US-style presidential debate system, where members of the federal press gallery grill the leaders in a televised debate.

Mr Rudd says he wants a televised debate with Mr Abbott at least once a week during the election campaign.

The coalition has proposed three debates: one next Sunday at the National Press Club, a second at Rooty Hill RSL in Sydney and a third in Brisbane.
Demanding egotistical little toad.

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