Logic really isn't your strong suit, is it? Here, let's take your bullshit and apply the same logic to other situations and see if it still holds...
IQS.RLOW wrote:The policy has created a market.
People having to travel to work creates a market for automobiles. Do you hold employers responsible for auto accidents?
It has facilitated that market.
Advertising agencies facilitate the sale of automobiles. Do you hold advertises responsible for auto accidents?
Without the policy, the market wouldn't exist.
Same holds true for the above examples. Are you saying employers and advertisers are responsible for car wrecks?
Boats existed. Illegal immigrants existed.
So did boating accidents.
They didn't drown.
More likely they happened and simply didn't make news because no one had a need to use accidental deaths for making ghoulish political whining.
Boats + Illegal immigrants + border protection policy = no dead people
Boats + Illegal immigrants + no border protect policy = thousands dead
So your saying that the "left" causes boating accidents. Glad you're finally on the same page.
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove