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Post by Neferti » Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:32 pm

Sorry if there is already a thread on this. If it is in the wrong area, Mod please move it.

This is SERIOUS!

Today, I had discussions with a lady who looks after disabled people in their own homes. She was telling me that some of her "clients" are hanging out for the $10,000 RUDD is going to give them. Huh? She even went on to say that one "client" needed a new (special) bed and thought she would get this as soon as Rudd was re-elected!

These poor, disabled people are watching the TV, seeing the adverts that are currently running on TV and BELIEVING what Gillard's "thought bubble" said. There is absolutely NO $10,000 cash payout for the disabled. As far as I know this is hasn't gone through Parliament, there will be NO lump sum and besides, if I recall correctly, Gillard mentioned that the NDIS would start in ......2016?

The lady also said that her "clients" had received a letter from the ALP telling them that they had to vote for them or AbbotAbbottAbbott would NOT give them the $10,000.


It makes me so bloody mad. Disabled people need support. Not Krud promises that won't eventuate.



Post by Aussie » Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:38 pm

There is only so much I can tolerate without saying something. Nappy, you are an idiot.

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Post by Neferti » Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:53 pm

Aussie, you absolute fuckwit. When are YOU going to tell the disabled they won't get $10,000 each?

I WAS relating something "second hand". THIS is what they think Krud will supply.

So regardless of what YOU think, When is this disabled person going to get their $10,000 so that they can buy the bed? HUH?

Next week? OR when Krud starts thinking about DISABLED PEOPLE and ceases thinking about himself?

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Post by Rorschach » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:23 pm

Aussie wrote:There is only so much I can tolerate without saying something. Nappy, you are an idiot.

You saying Labor didn't send out propaganda?
I mean kevin is a pathological liar, after all.
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Post by Neferti » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:41 pm

The GALP are sending out propaganda constantly. OVERKILL. I had an ALP marketeer ring me last night with "We are looking for your interest in HEALTH AND WELFARE". Right! I told him to fuck off!

Scaring the people who only ever watch 5 minutes of "news" on Our ABC is the ALP way. Anyone who hasn't gotten their brain in backwards, KNOWS that Life Wasn't Meant to be Easy.

I am doing my bit to ADVISE those who would foolishly BELIEVE anything krud says.

The lady I spoke to today didn't know anything .... she grabs 5 minutes of ABC news and I was able to SHOW her that the ALP were liars. She will pass it on!!

We HAVE to sell Tony Abbott as a Safe Pair of Hands ... or something. Even my daughter is saying she does NOT believe krud. We rarely talk politics. She makes her own mind up.

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Post by Rorschach » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:44 pm

Yes they are emailing for donations, asking people to call friends and people to doorknock and spread the ALP gospel in their neighbourhoods too.
Last edited by Rorschach on Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Black Orchid » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:48 pm

I got this from them yesterday ...
The latest polls show Tony Abbott’s chances of becoming our next Prime Minister are now 50/50.

Because of that, Mr Abbott is now doing the only he thing he knows how to do – launching a full “ad assault on Kevin Rudd” over the weekend. [1] Yesterday the Liberal Party emailed their supporters asking for more donations to put these ads to air.

I’ve written to you before about the two types of campaigns being run this year: Mr Abbott’s – a loose collection of empty slogans, negative politics and big cuts; and our campaign – which is actually about standing up for the things that matter, and the people whose lives will change for the better if we succeed.

We get to choose the Australia we want to live in.

Today I’m asking if you can contribute $25, $48 or $70 to help tip the balance and put our chances of defeating Tony Abbott beyond 50/50. With your help, we know we can absolutely win this.

Thank you for your continued support,

George Wright
Campaign Director

PS: The more of us working to win this election, the better our chances are of success. I invite you to forward this email to three friends who you know feel as passionately about this as you do.
The Libs have never asked me for money nor have they constantly spammed my email.

5 minutes back in and Kevvy is buying email lists and sending out bi-weekly spam. :mad

Madly scamming donations from people with disabilities no doubt in the hope they may get some money back? $10,000? HA as if!

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Post by Neferti » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:54 pm

IF krud get's my email addy and starts spamming me, I will be apoplectic.

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Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:33 pm

Here's the latest victim of Rudds ego gone wild.

Ad agency was contracted by the ALP to "get the young and stupid vote" so off they went with what could only be instructions given to them by Kevvy. The story got out and now the agency has been sacked because it "wasnt authorised" :roll:

Have a look at the list of demands etc and tell me this was just made up by the ad agency...


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Post by Neferti » Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:39 pm

Fuck-wits of the first order!

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