Science Updates

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:56 am

This has got to be the most important science project this century.

Stronger and cheaper beer is the result.

read here: ... onger.html
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Chard » Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:09 am

Do you really want cheap beer to proliferate more than it already has?
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:02 am

Chard wrote:Do you really want cheap beer to proliferate more than it already has?

I don't but I thought this was important news for the drunks amongst us.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:12 pm

Excellent extract from Dave Goldberg's new book. I good description like a dummies guide to anti-matter.

Where Are the Anti-People? [Excerpt]
Physicist Dave Goldberg breaks down the mysteries of the cosmos in his new book The Universe in the Rearview Mirror. In an excerpt, Goldberg explores the matter-antimatter divide

The article below is excerpted from The Universe in the Rearview Mirror: How Hidden Symmetries Shape Reality, by Dave Goldberg. Dutton, 2013.

It is generally a bad idea to watch science fiction in the hopes of bolstering your understanding of science. Doing so would give you a very distorted impression of, among other things, how explosions sound in deep space (they don’t), how easy it is to blast past the speed of light (you can’t), and the prevalence of English-speaking, vaguely humanoid, but still sexy, aliens (they’re all married). But if we’ve learned one good lesson from Star Warses and Treks, it’s that no one should ever mess with antimatter.

Antimatter is not only no more exotic than ordinary matter but in almost every way that matters, it looks and acts the same. Were every particle in the universe to suddenly be replaced by its antimatter ver­sion, you wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference. To put it bluntly, there is a symmetry between how the laws of physics treat matter and antimatter, and yet they must be at least a little bit different; you and everyone you know are made of matter and not antimatter.

We like to think accidents don’t happen, that there is some ulti­mate cause to explain why, for instance, you’re not standing around in a room full of anti-people. To understand why that is, we’re going to delve into the past.

Origin stories are tough. Not everything can be explained as neatly as being bitten by a radioactive spider, having your home planet explode, or even by the reanimation of dead tissue (you know, for science). Our own origin story is complicated, but you’ll be pleased to know that, much like The Incredible Hulk we’re also ultimately the result of expo­sure to gamma radiation. It’s a long story.

Based on everything that we’ve ever seen in a lab, you should not exist. It’s nothing personal. I shouldn’t exist, either, nor should the sun, the Milky Way Galaxy, or (for many, many reasons) the Twilight movies. Let me try to put that another way.

First a summary: You are made of fundamental particles, which are almost entirely empty space, and the tiny bits that aren’t empty space aren’t all that massive. Ephemeral energy just makes them ap­pear that way. Particles can be created from whole cloth and energy and destroyed just as quickly. You are not just much more than the sum of your parts; strictly speaking, your parts add up to a small pile of matchsticks in a tornado of pulsing, screaming energetic interactions. Yippee‑ki‑yay!

Energy can be used to make matter from whole cloth, but as a side ef­fect, antimatter gets made as well. I’ve referred to antimatter by its effect, but haven’t really said what it is. Prepare to be underwhelmed!

Every type of particle has an antimatter version that behaves al­most exactly the same—the same mass, for instance—but has the op­posite charge. A positron behaves just like an electron, but has a positive charge rather than a negative one. An anti-proton has a negative charge, contrary to a proton’s positive one, and so on.

One of the craziest things about antimatter is that if you are smart enough—and apparently only the English physicist P.A.M. Dirac was—you could have actually predicted antimatter before it was ever discovered. In 1928, Dirac derived the equations of relativistic quan­tum mechanics. Yes, that’s exactly as difficult as it sounds. Plugging through the equations, he noticed that there were missing solutions. He found, for example, that electrons should pop out of the theory naturally, but other particles with the same mass and opposite charge should also be allowed.

Dirac’s equation predicted that for every particle like an electron, there was going to be an antiparticle. At first, he didn’t have it quite right. He thought of the positron as:

An electron with negative energy [that] moves in an external field as though it carries a positive charge.

Dirac didn’t know quite what his equations were saying. If his orig­inal gut reaction were correct then you’d essentially be able to generate nearly infinite energy just by producing positrons. It would be the equivalent of running a business by running up literally infinite interest-free debt.

But ultimately, Dirac hit on the truth: Positrons are just the flip side of electrons. In other words, there seemed to be a deep symmetry between matter and the then as-yet undiscovered antimatter.

And the reality of a particle’s antimatter evil twin is that while op­posites may attract, it’s not always such a good idea for particles and antiparticles to act on those urges. When an electron and a positron come into contact with one another, the resulting conflagration com­pletely annihilates them both, and in the process, the magic of E = mc2 turns their mass into a huge amount of energy.

There’s nothing special about which particle we choose to call the “antiparticle” and which one is “normal.” In a parallel universe made entirely of what we call antimatter, those anti-people would no doubt call their atoms ordinary and we’d be the anti-ones. And this is really one of those cases where both the anti-people and us are right. It’s all just a matter of semantics.

That isn’t to say that there’s no antimatter in our universe. Antimat­ter is made all the time in the sun, which produces positrons as a side effect of fusing hydrogen into helium. Closer to home, we’re able to make all sorts of exotic antiparticles in huge accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider in France and Switzerland.

Why is there a difference between matter and antimatter? What were the reactions that allowed the creation of more of one than the other? That, after all, is the ultimate answer to the question of where we came from and why there are no anti-people.

No one has yet figured out exactly how things played out in the early moments of the universe. All we know is that we exist because of some sort of symmetry violation in the universe from very near the beginning. The conditions in the early universe were extremely hot—maybe that had something to do with it.

Every now and again, you’ll hear accelerators described as “re-cre­ating the conditions of the Big Bang.” This is more or less right. The universe was hotter, and more energetic, in the past. The closer to the Big Bang that you want to explore, the hotter it is. Nothing we’ve seen so far in particle accelerators has given even the slightest inkling of producing a net matter over antimatter. The current thinking is that the small matter–antimatter accounting error occurred very, very early on, around 10−35 second after the Big Bang during which the tempera­tures were more than a quintillion times those at the center of the sun. Suffice it to say, we’re not able to produce those energies in a lab.

Even at those astounding energies, the asymmetry between matter and antimatter is extremely small. For every billion antiparticles that were created, there were a billion and one particles. One. Just one. We know that because there are currently about a billion times as many photons in the universe as there are protons. When the billion antipro­tons annihilated with the billion protons, they left behind the billions of photons that we observe today, though greatly weakened by the ex­pansion of the universe.

Eventually, all of antiparticles annihilated with almost all of the particles, leaving the one part in a billion to make all of the “stuff” that we now see. As Einstein put it:

I used to wonder how it comes about that the electron is negative. Negative-positive—these are perfectly symmetric in physics. There is no reason whatever to prefer one to the other. Then why is the electron negative? I thought about this for a long time and at last all I could think was “It won the fight!”

To put it another way, you’re essentially a rounding error from around 10−35 second after the Big Bang. Doesn’t make you feel very important, does it?

Of course that’s just as much a bummer for the anti-people too.

Source: ... ror&page=3
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Re: Science Updates

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:20 pm

Chard wrote:Do you really want cheap beer to proliferate more than it already has?
Cheap beer is another product that we Aussies aren't privy to.
A carton here goes for $40-60 depending on the brew.

Even your wetback goatspiss sells for over $50 at some places
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:25 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
Chard wrote:Do you really want cheap beer to proliferate more than it already has?
Cheap beer is another product that we Aussies aren't privy to.
A carton here goes for $40-60 depending on the brew.

Even your wetback goatspiss sells for over $50 at some places
"$40-60" man I have been away too long. Beer is cheaper than water here in the UK.

When I left Aus it was less than $20 a slab. (Victorian term).

I hope everyone has had over 100% increases in pay to cover the costs of this basic essential to Australian life.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:13 pm

Satellite Gets First Look at Sun’s Tail
By Christopher Crockett | July 15, 2013 |

The heliosphere
Artist's conception of the heliosphere, a bubble surrounding our sun carved out by the solar wind. The tail seen by IBEX is to the right of this picture.

Astronomers just got their first good look in the solar system’s rearview mirror. What they see is a magnetic tail that twists like a corkscrew.

Although we tend to think of the sun as stationary with the planets orbiting about it, in fact the solar system is plowing through the galaxy at a million miles per hour. All the time the sun is throwing off charged particles, called the solar wind, in all directions. As the sun moves through the galaxy’s magnetic fields, the solar wind gets flattened into a bullet shape, with a long tail that drags behind.

The observations were made with the Interstellar Boundary Explorer, or IBEX, a satellite, launched by NASA in 2008. Unlike a conventional telescope, IBEX doesn’t see light, it sees atoms. At the boundary of the solar wind and the interstellar medium (the cold, dark gas and dust that fills the space between the stars) ions from the solar wind steal electrons from the atoms of the interstellar medium. This changes the charge of the solar ions from positive to neutral, freeing them from the sun’s magnetic field. They fly off in different directions—some of them reaching the detectors on board IBEX, which translates the atoms’ direction and energy into a map of the bullet-shaped heliosphere.

By compiling data recorded between 2008 and 2011, mission scientists assembled a map of the structure of the heliotail, which drags behind the solar system like the wake of a boat. Because we’re looking down the length of the tail, it’s hard to measure how far out it stretches. From the energies of the detected particles, mission scientists estimate that the tail is evaporating along a length 1000 times greater than the distance between Earth and the sun—roughly 150 billion kilometers.

“What’s new about this [finding] is we were never able to look away from the direction we are moving through the interstellar medium,” said David McComas, IBEX principal investigator and assistant vice president for space science and engineering at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), at a press conference on July 10.

As the tail stretches out, the researchers found, it corkscrews slightly. “This tilt is a really interesting aspect of the observations,” said McComas. The twisting “can’t be caused by the sun.” The most likely culprit is the galactic magnetic field tugging on the solar wind.

“Imagine putting bungee cords around a beach ball,” McComas explained. “By pulling on [the cords] they exert a force. That’s the same thing a magnetic field does: it exerts force on the outer boundary of the heliosphere. That force squeezes the heliotail so it’s no longer circular but is actually flattened like an egg. But it also twists the tail and turns it to align with the magnetic field.”

The IBEX team is using data from the Voyager probes to piece together the structure of the heliosphere—the bullet shaped bubble carved out by the forward motion of the solar system through the galactic medium. The twin Voyager probes were launched in 1977 and are currently passing through the front end of the heliopause, 18 billion kilometers from home. The Voyagers are sending back data on the interaction between the solar and galactic magnetic fields. “IBEX is like an MRI,” McComas said, “where we can take an image of the entire body and see the big picture, whereas Voyager is more like a biopsy. They’re extremely precise local measurements that are only at one or two specific locations.”

With data from IBEX, Voyager and many other satellites looking at the sun itself, researchers believe they are entering a new era of solar research. “Whenever the sun coughs or has an eruption, we can see it from all sides,” said Arik Posner, the IBEX program scientist.

The IBEX mission is scheduled to continue operating through 2016. This will give astronomers a chance to watch how the heliosphere evolves and reacts to changes from the sun. “IBEX basically sees solar wind that was produced years earlier. During solar maximum, [predicted to occur later this year], that structure breaks down. Over the next several years, those particles will travel out and get bent down the heliotail. Our expectation is that we should be able to see the changing sun on the heliotail structure. We hope to be able to make those measurements with IBEX if it stays healthy.” ... suns-tail/
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Chard » Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:16 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Cheap beer is another product that we Aussies aren't privy to.
A carton here goes for $40-60 depending on the brew.

Even your wetback goatspiss sells for over $50 at some places

Dude, I've had several varieties of Australian beers and your country's brewing ability isn't anything to really brag about. If you were Belgian, I'd give you props on having better beers, but you're not. But if you really want to compare brewery dicks though, for every international award winning Australian beer to name I'll name three international award winning American beers.

That said, I'm more of a whiskey drinker, so someone wake me up with science creates a bacteria that eats fundamentalist Christians and excretes 18-yearold Laphroaig and I'll tell about my plan to turn the US into the most rational state in the world.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:44 pm

Last time I was in the states the only Aussie beer available was Fosters. Not the Fosters they sell here though. It was disgusting second grade crap they exported to the USA. The ads they used to promote it were truly embarrassing. I cringed every time I heard one.

One would think exports should be top quality but alas ...

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Chard » Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:26 pm

Black Orchid wrote:Last time I was in the states the only Aussie beer available was Fosters. Not the Fosters they sell here though. It was disgusting second grade crap they exported to the USA. The ads they used to promote it were truly embarrassing. I cringed every time I heard one.
Fosters: It's Australian for "Tourist". Seriously though, even the Fosters they sell in Australia is one of the worst lagers ever, right up their with Budweiser for pinging my gag reflex.
One would think exports should be top quality but alas ...
It's because despite being imported, most of what gets sent is either a foreign mass-produced domestic that's shipped here or it's brewed here under license. That's why you find so many uncultured fuckwits that think swill like Heineken is actually representative of dutch beer or dumb bastards that believe German's are the best brewers in the world (not true at all, the Belgians are far better at it). Also helps if you go to a good pub or liquor store that stocks good foreign micros.
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove

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