Dear Ranga

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Black Orchid
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Re: Dear Ranga

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:56 pm

Rorschach wrote: If the stupidity of her remarks isn't clear, [/b]ask yourself what we would say if Abbott made a speech about the need for us to watch out for women taking over, especially the women wearing jackets. I, for one, would think his sanity had left him. In her indulgent tirade, Gillard committed the sins of which she accuses Abbott. It was cheap gender politics with no substance. We don't want cheap, we don't want gender politics and we do want substance.

Indeed. Hopefully this tacky gender politics has come to an end. It's embarrassing and demeaning to women that it was engineered by the first woman in Australia's top job.

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Re: Dear Ranga

Post by Neferti » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:55 pm

Gillard really did herself a damage by carrying on about Blue Ties, etc. Too bad her screeching in Parliament at Tony Abbott will be what she is remembered for! I've never understood females who profess to be feminists. Most do more harm than good for the average female.

I come from a long line of so-called "strong females". I may be petite but I have never been backward in coming forward in the workplace or elsewhere and can stand up for myself without government interference or females telling me to hate men. I actually have more male friends than female friends. Bunches of females, gossiping about a female (or their husbands) who is absent, is definitely not my thing. :yahoo

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