KRudd - not the messiah.

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Black Orchid
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Re: KRudd - not the messiah.

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:55 pm

I'd like to see the government do something to stop the invasive sale of email lists. Instead of buying the lists themselves and using them to spam.

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Re: KRudd - not the messiah.

Post by Super Nova » Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:09 pm

I just never provide my email address unless I have to. I have 2 so I can place the spam in one of them. I use this one for all public email type exchanges.

Also never tick the box that allows them to send you marketing info.

Spam filters are pretty good with Hotmail and yahoo today. That helps.
Always remember what you post, send or do on the internet is not private and you are responsible.

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Re: KRudd - not the messiah.

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:31 pm

I'm not as naive as I look, really :emb

Sometimes you have to provide an email address if you want a service. Recently I bought 2 kitchen appliances and in order to register said appliances for warranty I had to give an email address. It was a required field. I did not supply it and consequently I have no warranty on either product.

Telstra has email addresses as a required field if you try to do some things online and when I went to re-charge my mobile pre-paid online they also had email as a required field. I went and bought more pre-paid at Woolies instead.

It's not about being stupid and naive it's a scam for them to make money on selling the lists and Kev's government is cashing in on it too and it is WRONG!

I got caught out once buying tickets for the Kids Cancer Council. I used a nickname on the ticket and have since been bombarded with snail mail and email spam. I know where it originated because all the mail is addressed to my nickname. I learned a valuable lesson there and will never donate to them again!

On topic ... Kev is definitely no messiah. He could be just a naughty boy but he's really an idiot :lol:

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Re: KRudd - not the messiah.

Post by Neferti » Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:00 pm

I will certainly be complaining very loudly if I start getting ALP Political spam email!! Actually, I rarely get spam email thank goodness. Having said that, Murphy's Law says I will start getting bombarded with spam now. :D

KRudd is a PITA. Can't stand the man. I'd even go as far as to say that he is worse than Gillard, I refuse to watch or listen to him on the box! He is a slimy little grub.

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Re: KRudd - not the messiah.

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:27 pm

Kevin Rudd's last hurrah

by Peter Westmore
News Weekly, June 22, 2013

As the electoral standing of Prime Minister Gillard languished below that of opposition leader Tony Abbott and opinion polls pointed to a catastrophic defeat for Labor this coming September, Kevin Rudd launched an electoral blitz around the country, in which he was mobbed by enthusiastic supporters wanting him back in the Lodge.

Despite the reservations of many of his parliamentary colleagues, Kevin Rudd has always been a media favourite, and enjoyed high personal popularity. The big question is... why? This seems to have been enhanced as Julia Gillard’s standing has fallen.

On prime-time television, Kevin Rudd was seen in schools and shopping centres, urging his Labor colleagues to stand by the party’s principles and fight on, and committing himself to serve out the next term in parliament regardless of the election outcome.

The contrast between the “new” Kevin Rudd and the man who retired silently to the back benches 15 months ago after failing to depose the Prime Minister, and who refused to challenge Julia Gillard last March, when several ministers resigned in a futile bid to force a leadership “spill”, was striking.

Last week, Rudd issued a call to arms to fellow Labor MPs facing near certain defeat in September’s election, and called on voters to again trust Labor.

It is a commentary on the state of Labor Party politics that MPs who forced Rudd out of office during his first term as Prime Minister, and overwhelmingly endorsed Julia Gillard as recently as February 2012, should now be tempted to reinstate Rudd as captain of the sinking ship. ahem... they did...

Despite their desperation, there remains a deep feeling of resentment against Kevin Rudd in senior Labor ranks. Many of his former Cabinet colleagues recall the arrogant, petulant behaviour which Rudd showed towards them when he was Prime Minister.

Others remember the way in which he won government by promising to be financially responsible, then blew the budget surplus inherited from the Howard Government on extravagantly wasteful schemes such as the mishandled home-insulation scheme, the billions of dollars transferred into voters’ bank accounts at the height of the global financial crisis, and the billions wasted in Labor’s BER (Building the Education Revolution) scheme, introduced by the then Education Minister, Julia Gillard. ah YEP....

Still others remember the way in which he forced up domestic gas and electricity prices in a vain attempt to persuade the rest of the world to introduce “a price on carbon”.
Ah YEP then we had Julia's tax on air.. :roll:

Several senior ministers who had served under him announced publicly in 2010 and in 2012 that if he were returned to the leadership, they would step down from their posts.

In her three years in office, Julia Gillard has continued every one of Rudd’s policies, and compounded this by signing a formal alliance with the Greens who have only one seat in the lower house. :roll:

The agreement gave the Greens the opportunity to introduce legislation and preferred access to the Prime Minister and other senior government ministers.

While few of Kevin Rudd’s parliamentary colleagues were willing to speak out publicly against the former leader, some of the deep antipathy which he generates was voiced by former Labor leader, Mark Latham, who blamed leaks from Kevin Rudd for his own demise.

Latham accused Rudd of pursuing “a jihad of revenge [against Gillard] the like of which we’ve never seen before in the history of Australian politics”. Speaking on radio 2UE, Latham said, “Rudd is an ego-maniac. Rudd is addicted to media attention. He’s not acting rationally.” You can say that again...

Latham added, “Let’s make it absolutely clear. Rudd knows that every time he gets in the media, he knocks Gillard a notch or two down in the polls. This is deliberate, an absolute recharge of what happened in 2010.... Some people wanted to expel him for that, and maybe they should have, because what we have now is a deliberate re-run of that sabotage that we saw three years ago.”

Latham described recent events as “the disintegration of the modern Labor party”.

The problem for Labor is that, whoever leads the Labor Party, it will be saddled with a long list of policy failures, of economic extravagance accompanied by savage cutbacks to vital defence services, of billions spent polishing the government’s green credentials and fighting “climate change”, amid the continued decline of manufacturing and agriculture.
yet the polls show far show no recognition of the FACTS.. :roll:

While Rudd’s campaign is clearly designed to change Labor’s leadership, it will also add to the personal rifts which have damaged public confidence in the government.

Some of Labor’s high-profile leaders have already announced that they will be retiring at the next election, including Martin Ferguson, Chris Evans, Harry Jenkins, Nicola Roxon and Robert McClelland.

There are now deep internal divisions around the personalities of both Rudd and Gillard, as well as those who fall into their respective camps. The election campaign and its outcome will inevitably deepen those divisions, making the task of rebuilding the party’s credibility after the election even more difficult. Well so far that seems to be a non-issue with the public...

Peter Westmore is national president of the National Civic Council.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: KRudd - not the messiah.

Post by Neferti » Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:37 pm


The reason why you don't get replies is: (your red comments copied here from an article you commented on)

The big question is... why?
ahem... they did...
ah YEP....
Ah YEP then we had Julia's tax on air.
You can say that again..
yet the polls show far show no recognition of the FACTS..

Well so far that seems to be a non-issue with the public...

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Re: KRudd - not the messiah.

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:00 pm

Neferti~ wrote:Rorschach

The reason why you don't get replies is: (your red comments copied here from an article you commented on)

Nothing wrong with them NEF... they are in red because they are mine.... a fact understood by all and sundry.
Would you prefer a different colour.

I don't care if people are uninterested or too lazy to read the article.. the important bits are bolded to accomodate the lazy... the red stuff is my opinion so they can't say I don't have one.

have a nice day... I still don't get your gripe :lol:
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: KRudd - not the messiah.

Post by Neferti » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:32 pm

Look out Australia, Kevin Rudd is doing a John Howard lite again. On the TV news last night, guess who was out for a morning walk in a track suit. Yep, our new PM showing us he has changed and is going to be like Howard again in this election. And he even fired up into a jog just to make out he is up and running in the job. If this wasn’t so stupid it would be laughable.
This (above) was on Andrew Bolt's Blog. I can't find a picture of Kevni in his tracky pants but Katharine Murphy has also referred to his morning "jog" around Canberra in her bit at the Guardian. No picture there either Did it happen? Surely the media would have been out taking piccies of him? :rofl ... e-minister

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Re: KRudd - not the messiah.

Post by Neferti » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:37 pm

Rorschach wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:Rorschach

The reason why you don't get replies is: (your red comments copied here from an article you commented on)

Nothing wrong with them NEF... they are in red because they are mine.... a fact understood by all and sundry.
Would you prefer a different colour.

I don't care if people are uninterested or too lazy to read the article.. the important bits are bolded to accomodate the lazy... the red stuff is my opinion so they can't say I don't have one.

have a nice day... I still don't get your gripe :lol:
No offense meant, Rorschach. I was going to alter/add something to the post but got a phone call and by the time I got back, it was too late to make alterations (or delete). Such is Life. Can't remember now what I was going to whine about. Sorry, mate! :rose

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Re: KRudd - not the messiah.

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:41 pm

Not to worry... :D
I'm sure it'll come back to you.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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