Telling children the truth

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Telling children the truth

Post by Super Nova » Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:41 pm

I am in a slight dilemma.

My daughter is 5 and 1/2.

Believes in fairies, Santa, tooth fairy and easter bunny.

Now.... we went to a christening yesterday and my wife wants her to go to Sunday school. She is Catholic and I don't give a fuck. However she argues that we may as well get her into this so she will learn for herself it is all BS as she has done. I sort of think it is all BS why bother her with it and confuse her.

She has never asked about God because we have never mentioned it. God is never a reason for any event in our house. She will come across the concept soon.

My wife is concerned and argued well last night that if we don't fill this area of her teaching she will be more gullible later in live to religion and similar nutters. A good Catholic view of god will kill that off fringe and crazy influences later on in like. Hell, most Catholics are completely sceptical about religion so maybe this is a good thing.

So my question is:

Should children be told the truth or bullshit to like we were?
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Re: Telling children the truth

Post by freediver » Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:46 pm

You should tell them the truth. The real truth. They will decide for themselves whether to reject their parents bigoted ways.

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Re: Telling children the truth

Post by boxy » Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:25 pm

That's a new one... sending a kid to religious indoctrination sessions to teach them not to believe in dog :lol:
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Re: Telling children the truth

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:37 am

I know a Bible-thumping Christian woman who won't let her poor son believe in Santa Claus saying it, "isn't the truth." I have met this kid. His life is fucked.

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Re: Telling children the truth

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:57 am

My opinion... let a child be a child for as long as they can hold onto it.

When they want to know the truth or it is time... they will ask.

As for Christianity... tell your wife to read matthew maybe then she will let children be children.
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Re: Telling children the truth

Post by Neferti » Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:18 pm

Super Nova wrote:I am in a slight dilemma.

My daughter is 5 and 1/2.

Believes in fairies, Santa, tooth fairy and easter bunny.

Now.... we went to a christening yesterday and my wife wants her to go to Sunday school. She is Catholic and I don't give a fuck. However she argues that we may as well get her into this so she will learn for herself it is all BS as she has done. I sort of think it is all BS why bother her with it and confuse her.

She has never asked about God because we have never mentioned it. God is never a reason for any event in our house. She will come across the concept soon.

My wife is concerned and argued well last night that if we don't fill this area of her teaching she will be more gullible later in live to religion and similar nutters. A good Catholic view of god will kill that off fringe and crazy influences later on in like. Hell, most Catholics are completely sceptical about religion so maybe this is a good thing.

So my question is:

Should children be told the truth or bullshit to like we were?
OK, SN, my opinion for what it is worth.

I think your little girl is far too young to go to Sunday School. In another year or less she will no longer believe in Santa, Tooth Fairy or Fairies in the bottom of the Garden!

If you/your wife wants to introduce religion, there are lots of books around about Jesus ... the good things that Jesus Christ did .... that are written especially for young children that you can read to her as a bedtime story. It is part of their education but unless you are a believer and attend Church or read the Bible, forcing that stuff on your children is wrong, in my opinion.

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Re: Telling children the truth

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:08 pm

My view is to let children be children for as long as possible. Christmas, Easter etc is an exciting time for kids, so let them enjoy it. You can teach them the religious significance of it without taking away the fantasy.

There's time enough for the real world to kick in.

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Re: Telling children the truth

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:15 pm

Super Nova wrote:Now.... we went to a christening yesterday and my wife wants her to go to Sunday school. She is Catholic and I don't give a fuck. However she argues that we may as well get her into this so she will learn for herself it is all BS as she has done. I sort of think it is all BS why bother her with it and confuse her
Don't they have optional once a week religious classes at school?

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Re: Telling children the truth

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:15 pm

boxy wrote:That's a new one... sending a kid to religious indoctrination sessions to teach them not to believe in dog :lol:
That's it exactly. My wife believes that Sunday school is important because soon she will hear of the God concept. A Catholic up bringing will probably lead her to the conclusion that it's all shite as my wife concluded. The best way to produce a strong atheist is to school them in Catholicism. However leaving a spiritual vacuum in her up bringing will leave her susceptible to more dodgy dogmas when she is older if she seeks some sort of spiritual fulfilment. I sort of get her thinking.
Black Orchid wrote:
Super Nova wrote:Now.... we went to a christening yesterday and my wife wants her to go to Sunday school. She is Catholic and I don't give a fuck. However she argues that we may as well get her into this so she will learn for herself it is all BS as she has done. I sort of think it is all BS why bother her with it and confuse her
Don't they have optional once a week religious classes at school?
No. She goes to a French school where religion is not allowed to be taught. I liked this bit of the system.
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Re: Telling children the truth

Post by Neferti » Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:29 pm

I am a Reformed Agnostic (formerly an Athiest) and prior to that a Christian (Presbyterian) for about 3 years in my teens. I remember considering "god" when I was 14 .... as you do .... I looked at ALL religions and actually read about them at the Library. My decision eventually was that NOTHNG made sense.

I never, ever heard about God at home.

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