There should be new regulations made for those who want to go and fight battles in the Middle East, or elsewhere.

There should be new regulations made for those who want to go and fight battles in the Middle East, or elsewhere.
For a start. Dual citizenship should not be given to people originating from countries that are/could potentially be in conflict with ours.Neferti~ wrote:That's a point I didn't consider. So give them a choice ... Australian or otherwise?Rorschach wrote:many know have dual citizenship neferti.
I do agree that if these people do not want to be Australians they should go back to where they feel comfortable.
Which Federal Government bought in Multiculturalism? Which Federal Government introduced political correctness? Dual citizenship? Chairperson, Personhole, Postperson, etcetera. Bloody ridiculous.
Aussie wrote:ROLL UP! ROLL UP!There should be new regulations made for those who want to go and fight battles in the Middle East, or elsewhere.
Getcher Red Herrings and Strawmen here. I'm going mad with red herring and strawmen. Im overstocked and have priced them to clear. With my red herrings and strawmen you get 2 for the price of one. Thats right! 1 is worth the princely sum of sweet fuck all so you'll get two fer nothing! This offer is only available to an idiot who thinks they have an argument...but dont.
There should be no dual citizenship fullstop.Black Orchid wrote:For a start. Dual citizenship should not be given to people originating from countries that are/could potentially be in conflict with ours.Neferti~ wrote:That's a point I didn't consider. So give them a choice ... Australian or otherwise?Rorschach wrote:many know have dual citizenship neferti.
I do agree that if these people do not want to be Australians they should go back to where they feel comfortable.
Which Federal Government bought in Multiculturalism? Which Federal Government introduced political correctness? Dual citizenship? Chairperson, Personhole, Postperson, etcetera. Bloody ridiculous.
Totally agree.Rorschach wrote:There should be no dual citizenship fullstop.
Read more: ... z2V3e0hTHz" onclick=";return false;Tony Blair says murder of Lee Rigby PROVES 'there is a problem within Islam'
* Ex-PM says 'the ideology behind his murder is profound and dangerous'
* Bold intervention comes of ever of Cameron Commons speech
* Blair urges governments to 'be honest'
By Glen Owen, Mail on Sunday Political Correspondent
PUBLISHED: 21:09 GMT, 1 June 2013 | UPDATED: 23:57 GMT, 1 June 2013
Tony Blair today makes his most powerful political intervention since leaving Downing Street by launching an outspoken attack on ‘the problem within Islam’.
The former Prime Minister addresses the shocking killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich by going further than he – or any front-rank British politician – has gone before over the issue of Muslim radicalism.
Writing in today’s Mail on Sunday, he departs from the usual argument that Islam is a peaceful religion that should not be tainted by the actions of a few extremists.Instead, Mr Blair urges governments to ‘be honest’ and admit that the problem is more widespread.Stark view: Tony Blair says that extremism is more widespread than most politicians admit
Stark view: Tony Blair says that Islamic extremism is more widespread than most politicians admit
‘There is a problem within Islam – from the adherents of an ideology which is a strain within Islam,’ he writes.
‘We have to put it on the table and be honest about it. Of course there are Christian extremists and Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu ones. But I am afraid this strain is not the province of a few extremists. It has at its heart a view about religion and about the interaction between religion and politics that is not compatible with pluralistic, liberal, open-minded societies.’
He adds: ‘At the extreme end of the spectrum are terrorists, but the world view goes deeper and wider than it is comfortable for us to admit. So by and large we don’t admit it.’ BY us he means Left Wing Apologist progressives...
Mr Blair’s comments are likely to be seized on by critics who will argue that by leading us into the Iraq War he has helped to swell support for radical Islam around the globe.
Outspoken: The former Prime Minister addresses the shocking killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich by going further than he or any front-rank British politician has gone before over the issue of Muslim radicalism
The former PM’s remarks come as David Cameron prepares to make a Commons statement about the Woolwich murder tomorrow afternoon.
The statement will come just hours after the first meeting of the Prime Minister’s Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation Task Force (TERFOR) – made up of senior Ministers, MI5, police and moderate religious leaders – tomorrow morning.![]()
Whitehall sources said that it would be a ‘preliminary meeting’ to draw up the agenda for a full meeting within days. The group, which the Muslim Foreign Office Minister Baroness Warsi, will examine new powers to muzzle hate preachers.
Mr Cameron’s Commons speech is also expected to address the situation in Syria.
In his article, Mr Blair, who is trying to establish a Palestinian state through his work as a peace envoy, also addresses the Syrian situation, warning: ‘We are at the beginning of this tragedy . . . Syria is in a state of accelerating disintegration.
‘President Assad is brutally pulverising communities hostile to his regime.’ Mr Blair says that ‘the overwhelming desire of the West is to stay out of it’, which he goes on to describe as ‘completely understandable’.
He suggests that ‘the problem within Islam’ can start to be tackled by ‘educating children about faith here and abroad’.![]()
Sir Malcolm Rifkind, a former Foreign Secretary and chairman of the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee, said: ‘Much of what Tony Blair says is sensible. he just said it years/decades too bloody late.
‘The Islamic terrorists who kill people have the silent support of many more in their community who share their ideology, if not their methods.
‘But even combined, they represent only a small minority of British Muslims, and we must never forget that.
‘However, he appears to be still trying to justify the Iraq War rather than acknowledging that that war provided an unprecedented opportunity for the Sunni and Shia extremists to slaughter so many of their co-religionists.’
We didn't have it until 10 years or so ago.Black Orchid wrote:Totally agree.Rorschach wrote:There should be no dual citizenship fullstop. ... in-sydney/Three people have escaped injury after a house and two cars were riddled with bullets in a drive-by shooting in Sydney's southwest.
Police were called to Levendale Street in West Hoxton about 1.20am (AEST) on Sunday following reports of gunshots.
Officers found a house and two cars had been hit.
Three adults who were inside the home heard a car driving away after the shots had been fired.
Nobody was injured in the incident.
It comes after a young man was shot in broad daylight outside a home in nearby Greenacre on Saturday morning.
He was found lying outside the house with gunshot wounds about 11.15am. ... d-pageant/" onclick=";return false;Hardline Islamists in Indonesia have vowed to use force to shut down the Miss World beauty pageant, despite organisers agreeing to remove the bikini section.
The Miss World final will be held in Bogor, south of Jakarta, later this year.
But the event has caused an outcry from radical Muslim groups who are demanding the event be axed.
One hardline group, called Garis, says the beauty contest is too American and is not suitable for Indonesia, which is home to the world's largest Muslim population.
Organisers tried to appease the radical groups by removing the swimwear section of the competition.
But Chep Hernawan from Garis says that is not enough.
"We will disband the event, nicely at first or with force if they insist. (if they insist?) You can elaborate that statement yourself," he said.
"The Miss World pageant... will affect the future generation, their morality and characters will be destroyed.
"Because the cultures paraded by this pageant are the cultures of America. [They're] Western cultures. We want the culture of the East here in Indonesia.
"The committee of this pageant should not force their will on us, because if they do, they will experience losses, material losses and other loses.
"They should not force their will [on us].
"Whether we like it or not, when there's an event like this pageant... the media will cover it and the media will make a big deal of it, thus affecting the future of the younger generation.
Radical Muslim groups in Indonesia are known to hold violent protests and raid businesses that offend their views.
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