Well I see what you're saying, Monk.Jovial_Monk wrote: That is not how it works, Annie.
Some idiots get radicalised by mullahs but an incredibly tiny number. A lot more god–bothering yanks kill people with guns than any radical Muslim.
Second generation always blends in much more with host culture, even if first generation tries to keep them to their ways. This works much better if the second generations is not met with suspicion and hatred.
But look at Sweden and the UK. Muslim populations are greater there, and they are demanding more, and government and general public are too scared of them, afraid of offending.
This is how they get their way. The suicide bombers distract, while the moderates move into every country, and procreate, and they have large families.
We here in America have been on our guard about this since 9/11. They are the reason for the heightened airport security, which is a hassle for millions. All because of a few. It's as if they have won already, with only a few violent radicals changing the situation for millions of us.
See what I mean? However, only time will tell.