National Broadband Network

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:43 am

Labors NBN = govt should stay the fuck out of building anything remotely related to tech.

If business won't build it, it's not worth building.
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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:45 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:Sounds like Mels spawn has convinced her that state sponsored monopolies and massive overspend are the in thing. Sounds like Mel might be morphing into a lefty.

It's not surprising. If he's in IT, he would be hammered by groupthink young leftards constantly. The industry is rife with idealistic morons who think activism is clicking 'like' and hitting send on a pre populated email

I's called being nonpartisan, objective, not subjective... this and not allowing my political preferences interfere with logic.

If Tony Abbott started rolling out old copper stoves, would you back that too you moron?

Of course you would, anything to embarrass the current leader of the Liberal party eh Turncoat?

Tony trusted Turnbull to roll out something better than he did.

Old Malcolm in the middle has demonstrated himself treacherous yet again.

And whats worse, Turnbull actually admitted on national radio that wireless was in fact the way forward. *Duh*... which effectively, undermined his own NBN.


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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:48 am

It's called being fucking stupid.

Go ask your son what he plans to do with his 100Mb/s then ask yourself what you plan to do with it.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:51 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:It's called being fucking stupid.

Go ask your son what he plans to do with his 100Mb/s then ask yourself what you plan to do with it.

You have no idea how soon we will require 100Mb/s.... today it sounds like a fair whack, more than enough....but in a few short years, we'll be needing this and more.



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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:53 am

mellie wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:It's called being fucking stupid.

Go ask your son what he plans to do with his 100Mb/s then ask yourself what you plan to do with it.

You have no idea how fast we will require 100Mb/s.... today it sounds like a fair whack, more than enough....but in a few short years, we'll be needing this and more.


So both you and him not only have no fucking clue on what you would do with it today, you also have no fucking clue on what you need it for in the future...
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:59 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:
mellie wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:It's called being fucking stupid.

Go ask your son what he plans to do with his 100Mb/s then ask yourself what you plan to do with it.

You have no idea how fast we will require 100Mb/s.... today it sounds like a fair whack, more than enough....but in a few short years, we'll be needing this and more.


So both you and him not only have no fucking clue on what you would do with it today, you also have no fucking clue on what you need it for in the future...

And the same could be said for your leader in waiting, who seems to think his NBN is nothing more than an electoral 'filler' a little something to keep voters happy until the real thing gets rolled out.

What do you have to say to this Mong? ... pril-2013/

8-) Not much I suspect.

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:02 am




Subjects: National Broadband Network



Malcolm Turnbull’s on the line. Malcolm Turnbull good morning.


Good morning.


What’s your comment?


Well Alan I have to agree with everything you’ve said there. It is a very, very sorry – all you’ve done is state the facts. And it’s a very sorry catalogue. It is the most scandalous waste of public money in our history. The idea that a project of this scale could be undertaken with no analysis is surely incredible. I mean you could understand a Government saying we will ensure all Australians have access to very fast broadband. You can understand – although not agree with – a Labor Government saying, and the Government will establish a company to do it. It’s certainly not a good idea – it’s certainly not something we would have done. But you can understand Labor – they are socialists – saying they will do that.

But then to embark on it without any idea of what it will cost. I mean, the thing that people don’t realise because it just seems beyond belief Alan is that this project has no budget. It has no cap. They have put out various estimates of how much they think it will cost or how long it will take or how many premises they think they will pass. And as you’ve catalogued, they’ve missed every target. But there is no cap on what the Government is up for on this. They have basically said, they’ve established this company and said, you run fibre to 93 per cent of all Australian premises and do wireless and satellite for the rest. And tell us what you think it is going to cost from time to time. Give us an occasional update.

So the recklessness of it beggars belief. I mean, nobody would build a cottage on this basis – and just say to a builder, just build this cottage. I don’t really care what it costs – you just send me an invoice every month and let me know how you’re getting on. I mean, that’s a way to go broke.


None of this is in the budget?


No, no – well it’s in the balance sheet side of the budget.


The balance sheet.


It’s not in the budget balance. The money they are wasting on this is not going to contribute to the shocking deficit Wayne Swan will release in May. Which, of course, if they did that, it would be even bigger?


Do you have a rough rule of thumb figure as to where this is going to end up? I mean, they are now admitting that a peak funding requirement will reach over $44 billion — do you have any figures?


Well we’ll be releasing our policy very shortly, and we’ll have some figures there but that figure is –


Very understated


Dramatically understated Alan. I mean just dramatically understated. It’s a fantasy. Now we’ve always said this but people said, ‘oh well you always say that you’re the opposition you’re always against everything they say’. But we’ve been proved right. I mean we’ve said this thing will run over budget and it will take too long.


See I mean they said, didn’t they, when they released the corporate plan, 1.2 million homes? 1.2 million households. Now by December they’d connected , what, 10,400?


Yeah that’s right. It proceeding very slowly. And they’ve had terrible problems with the contractors. Which is the NBN Co’s problem but look Alan this project was misconceived because Labor does not know how to manage –


Just to interrupt to you for one moment, the reason I’m speaking to Malcolm Turnbull about this and we spoke a couple of weeks ago is that it’s very important for the public to understand the gravity of what we are talking about. This is your money. It’s not only the gravity of it it’s the dishonesty of it because of course there’s a pretence that this will make money therefore we don’t have to worry about it in terms of budget this is a government business which will make a profit.

And this is the progress report on this because the deadlines were June this year. Sorry to interrupt you but that’s the reason I’m talking to you about it.


Well Alan you’re absolutely right and you see the better approach that they should have undertaken, and it’s too late to put the genie back in the bottle entirely, but the better approach that they should have taken was one where they said to the private sector ‘look we that we want everyone in Australia to have very fast broadband , we recognise that there are some areas in the bush and so forth are not economic so here’s a subsidy and so let’s have a tender and whoever will do it for the least subsidy will get the job’.

And so the tax payer has made a contribution but it’s capped it’s limited and it’s done. And that was what the Howard Government had with our OPEL plan with Optus and Elders which had Labor not cancelled it in 2007 when they got into Government all of the areas in the bush, regional areas and so forth, they would have had very fast broadband for years now.


That’s right, yes.


So the problem we are , Alan look bluntly, where Tony Abbott and I and the rest of the team are is this. We’re like the guy who is driving around in those little country lanes in Ireland and gets lost, goes into a pub, says to the barman can you give me directions to Dublin and the barman helpfully says “well sir if I were you I wouldn’t be starting from here!” And we wouldn’t be starting from here either. So the problem is –


[Laughing] Absolutely.


They’ve lost a lot of money –


I shouldn’t be laughing but a good analogy. But see the other thing –


Gallows humour.


It is gallows humour. I mean, the government has forced the closure of Telstra and Optus’ cable network to remove any competition, so what do we say to the woman who says, well, “I want to still use my landline”?


Well, according to the Labor Government, that’s going to be switched off and that gives rise to all sorts of issues because you see the fact is that there are still some services, back to base alarms and others, which as of this point, right now, they have not worked out how to operate over the fibre network.

Now I’m sure there’s a solution there, I don’t doubt that. For example about 30% of Australians live in multi-dwelling units, apartment blocks. Unique in the world – or almost unique in the world – even places like Korea don’t do this – they are proposing to take the fibre into every premises, into every flat. So you will have –


Whether you want it or not.


You will have people drilling holes in your walls –


Yep –


Battling their way up through the risers. Completely unnecessary. So it is a massive waste of money.


It is.


Let me just be clear about this. We are not knockers. We’ve criticised it legitimately. We have a viable, costed, analysed alternative which Tony and I will release shortly and you will see that we are going to be a bit like the guy in Ireland – we’re not going to be happy about starting from where we are going to start – but we will get all Australians very fast broadband, sooner, cheaper and more affordably than Labor can. Now, there will be money that has been wasted that we can’t recover, got to be up front about that, but we can get this mess sorted out.


Good on you. Good on you. Great to talk to you, when that happens we’ll talk again.


Great Alan, thanks so much.


Thank you for your time. Malcolm Turnbull. That’s a clear presentation of where we are. Nice analogy about the bloke heading to Dublin, and we’d rather not start out from here.

ENDS ... pril-2013/

What a suckholling treacherous creep Turnbull is, undermining his own NBN.

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:08 am



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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:11 am

So...still unable to come up with any application now or in the future that will require everyone having 100Mb/s?

What a shame for you. It kills your argument for it stone dead.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:19 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:So...still unable to come up with any application now or in the future that will require everyone having 100Mb/s?

What a shame for you. It kills your argument for it stone dead.

What a shame you are such a slow learner.

Do you wear built-up shoes also?


And as for my argument holding up... it's common sense.

It's feasible to get the best you can afford than be overly conservative or penny-pinching when it comes to technology.

Especially when the savings are minimal in the long run, and the NBN plan itself expired, by ones own admission.

IQ's. stop being so spesthial, ok. You know I'm right.
Last edited by mellie on Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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