National Broadband Network

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Rorschach » Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:17 pm

Aussie wrote:
Rorschach wrote:So labor knows how long there network will work for?

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

You are funny.

hey... maybe you are as IT illiterate/ignorant as IQS says after all.
I was unaware Labor's NBN would be relying on copper.

oh.... so now you are yet again avoiding the question....

Oh wait maybe you think fibre lasts forever :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:04 pm

Telstra are just worried about pissing off their shareholders....and loosing their $11bn contract with NBNco.

Ok, Abbotts is not as fast, but given the ACCC have knocked back NBN co's contract, some of are wondering why? ... -contract/

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on Thursday released its draft response to the special access undertaking (SAU) proposed last year by NBN Co. The undertaking sets out the terms of access to NBN Co's fibre, wireless and satellite networks by telecommunications companies until 2040. It will underpin a pricing framework for broadband delivery across Australia.

''The ACCC's preliminary view is that it is not satisfied that the SAU meets the relevant criteria for acceptance,'' watchdog chair Rod Sims said.
The ACCC won't issue NBN Co with a formal notice to vary its undertaking until next month, which gives the company time to make changes of its own accord. Comment is being sought from the federal government-owned NBN Co.

NBN Co head of regulatory affairs Caroline Lovell said the ACCC had accepted significant parts of the SAU's design and set a path for a final undertaking.

''Their draft decision and consultation paper have been very helpful about the remaining areas where they would like further refinement to be in a position to accept the undertaking,'' she told AAP.

Mr Sims said it was ''crucially important'' the rules were right from the start for prices and arrangements, so the ACCC could resolve disputes.''What we're trying to do is maximise the room for the parties to negotiate and they'll be able to do that if we've got the power to arbitrate,'' he told ABC radio.

The ACCC expects to issue a formal notice to NBN Co vary its SAU in May.Optus vice president of corporate affairs David Epstein said the ACCC's decision was a victory for common sense.

''We can't predict the shape of technology or the thinking of NBN executives for 27 years. Such agreements need real reviews periodically,'' Mr Epstein said. ... 2h8hy.html

The geeks don't care much for the unethical manner in which Labors totalitarian NBN co and Telstra are conducting their business, and planned to do so for the next 27 odd years, they just envision themselves gaming much faster and harder than ever before.

Perhaps Turnbulls NBN is cheaper and faster, in terms of it being rolled out, , but the cost involved in building some 60,000 cabinets across the country plus the maintenance of the copper network itself may be of concern.

But what price do you place on freedom?

Inside tip--- For those of you who value your privacy, in terms of net usage and ISP data storage,you may want to reconsider Turnbulls plan, as half-assed as it may seem compared to Labors TelleCommie NBNco.


Labor NBN = Faster, better, a bit more expensive in terms of rolling it out initially, but it will slog you for the next 27 odd years as competition disintegrates and you are left with the option of Optus c/o Telstra ...or Telstra, c/o NBN co and a couple of other fly by nighter b-rate crappy ISP's that may come and go offering a substandard unreliable product because Telstra owns the infrastructure, the lines, so they can name their price and dictate the standard of rival ISP's.

They control the price and the competition....Ingenious!!!


Or, we can Opt for Turnbulls inferior NBN product, that's not as fast, though will allow free market enterprise and keep prices and the service itself competitive.

Some tech-junkies have point blank argued that Tony Abbott wont ultimately have a say, and that if elected, NBNco will tell Tony what NBN policy he roll out.

Well, sure, Telstra can jack up and deny Turnbull his copper NBN package, refuse the lines etc....but Telstra aren't likely to stand on the picket line with a federally oppositional NBN co and protest for too long, their shareholders wont stand for it.

Truth is, whilst we are hearing the squawks from an alarming number of pimply cyber-geeks re- Turnbulls slower NBN....the fact is, this is not going to be a vote changer.

Because noone other than them gives a fuck.
You see, out here in the real world where people actually leave their computers to cast a vote in person is what counts, not the geeky drones coming from our twitterphere between World of Warcraft raids.



Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Aussie » Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:12 pm

Yeah.....great waffle Mellie. Tell me....that copper to your door has been there for decades and it is decaying. How long will it last? Yes, you don't know, and neither does Turnbull...yet he is relying upon it.

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:28 pm

My son who's studying IT just got home from uni and has said Turnbulls NBN is like going back to the stone age, and that Malcolm Turnbulls NBN needs to be disposed of because he has no idea.

I beg to differ, and think he's intentionally pushing a product he knows will compromise Abbotts campaign.

My son went as far to say he thinks Turnbulls NBN will destroy our economy, because in order for businesses to be competitive in a global context, we need the best NBN we can communicate more efficiently abroad.
Like they say...time is money, and you only get out what you put in.

Anyway, my son seems to think google fiber is the go, .... (when/if it arrives) though he seems to think it's already in the pipes, will be here in a few years all going well..... so perhaps Liberals should concede defeat re- their NBN policy, listen to their nerdy voters, and follow through with a less aggressive NBNco roll out, but allow google fibre in to free up the market and allow for some friendly competition?

Btw, my son is a nerdy gamer, so.... 8-) Is a tad bias!

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:33 pm

Aussie wrote:Yeah.....great waffle Mellie. Tell me....that copper to your door has been there for decades and it is decaying. How long will it last? Yes, you don't know, and neither does Turnbull...yet he is relying upon it.

Fair enough.

My son just explained it to me....which leads me to think old Turncoat is at it again.

Abbott really needs to get rid of Turnbull, he's an absolute menace.

A menace with an agenda.

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:39 pm

Perhaps Liberals would do better asking those who are in the IT industry, those who just want the best product and don't care for politics?

He could invite Australia's brightest in the industry to a NBN policy review consortium for ideas, suggestions?

Just a thought.

Turnbull wont like it much, being undermined by a pack of geeks 1/4 of his age, but stiff cheese, he had his chance.


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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Rorschach » Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:57 pm

Aussie wrote:Yeah.....great waffle Mellie. Tell me....that copper to your door has been there for decades and it is decaying. How long will it last? Yes, you don't know, and neither does Turnbull...yet he is relying upon it.
Ok Aussie could you please explain the decaying process of copper you seem so worried about.

Mel are you aware of what delimeter is and do you know about the guy behind it... politics bias etc?

Oh and also there's more to this project (or should be) than just giving tech heads and gamers the best/fastest system they can have... if that was all it was about there would be no value for money and costs would be astronomical. bad enough wireless technology has been all but ignored by both sides of the argument.
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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by mellie » Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:08 pm

So, are you saying that Turnbulls copper wire NBN is faster than Conroys NBNco?

Roarsch, feel free to explain how.

Were you aware that Turnbull has publicly backed wireless NBN? ... bn-future/

Perhaps to cast a shadow minister of doubt over Liberals NBN plan?

Turnbull has a reputation for embarrassing Abbott and undermining his leadership.


Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Aussie » Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:27 pm

Ok Aussie could you please explain the decaying process of copper you seem so worried about.
I have no idea, and neither does Turnbull......or Abbott, yet they are relying upon it. Labor's NBN is not.

Seems absurd to me.


As for this:
Turnbull has a reputation for embarrassing Abbott and undermining his leadership.
I wonder whether Tony is setting Turnbull up to fail?

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Rorschach » Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:39 pm

mellie wrote:So, are you saying that Turnbulls copper wire NBN is faster than Conroys NBNco?

Roarsch, feel free to explain how.

Were you aware that Turnbull has publicly backed wireless NBN? ... bn-future/

Perhaps to cast a shadow minister of doubt over Liberals NBN plan?

Turnbull has a reputation for embarrassing Abbott and undermining his leadership.
Why would I explain how when I never said it in the first place mel
take your meds....

Wireless? Well personally I think the future is going to be wireless.
I'm wireless now and have been for over 10 years
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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