Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

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Jovial Monk

Re: Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:30 am

You will likely be on wireless, not sat.


Re: Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

Post by skippy » Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:42 am

Why? no wireless here just sat?

Jovial Monk

Re: Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:46 am

I think sat will be for the very remote areas, fibre-optic for the cities and towns and wireless everywhere else, but I don't know any specifics--suggest you get onto your local fed. MP and Conroy if you don't want expensive satelite

Jovial Monk

Re: Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:47 am

From Crikey blogs, 'Corporate Engagement'
On the other hand, there is Mark Pesce’s piece in the SMH. Pesce, a digital futures academic, could never be accused of under-estimating the benefits and possibilities of all things internet, broadband and Web 2.0:
A decade ago broadband was a solution looking for a problem. It offered little more than a faster web experience. Then Napster came along, and suddenly everyone wanted to share music, then movies and TV shows, and now everything.

Yet none of us knew back in 2000-01, as the dotcom bubble imploded, that another and brighter future lay just around the corner, driven by broadband. The internet was presented to us as a one-to-many publication medium - and we do use it to get our news. But the second wave of the internet - Web2.0 to its devotees - is all about sharing, collaborating, and pooling resources.

The next-generation broadband network (NBN) opens up possibilities we can’t even dream of today, because we don’t yet live in the world of super high-speed broadband.
Pesce may be a little too gushing in his enthusiasm. But history, I suspect, will treat his approach more kindly than that of the blinkered Fletcher.

Jovial Monk

Re: Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:50 am

And Sheepy thinks wireless is the answer. Sorry, no, except for some specific cases. Wireless sucks.

Next generation wireless: 12mbits, not 100 or the much more likely Gigabit ps of the fibre. That is assuming nextgen wireless gets built, think rising evidence of cancer from mobile phones might scuttle it.
Last edited by Jovial Monk on Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:52 am, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

Post by skippy » Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:52 am

Jovial Monk wrote:I think sat will be for the very remote areas, fibre-optic for the cities and towns and wireless everywhere else, but I don't know any specifics--suggest you get onto your local fed. MP and Conroy if you don't want expensive satelite
Thats why I'm bitching monk, where I live just 20 km from largest city on NSW far north there are two options for internet service dial up and satt, there are no wireless connections, dont be fooled by all the bullshit, 90% coverage sounds great dosn't it? but I cant even get it here, what about the real outback remote areas?

Jovial Monk

Re: Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:15 am

Yeah mate, I am 2Km from exchange at home and can't get ADSL--pair gain! Fibre can't work over 20Km but wireless should be put in place for you.


Re: Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

Post by mantra. » Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:18 am

This massive expenditure of $43 billion wouldn't have been necessary if the coalition had hung onto 51% of Telstra. The cost to upgrade to fast broadband would only have been about $10 billion and whatever happened to those promises about remote areas having good access before Telstra was sold off as Skippy pointed out.

The government should be fixing that before they do anything. You're always hearing complaints from businesses in country areas that have no access to broadband, or even dial up for that matter. Rudd is just jumping ahead of himself. Economically we are sliding downhill very quickly. Wouldn't you think the gov.would fix existing problems, before they start investing in future technology where there is no guarantee that $43 billion won't escalate to $100 billion in the next decade with the end result being the technology rendered obselete? It's all so predictable.

Jovial Monk

Re: Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:26 am

Govt doesn't have any shares in Telstra so can't fix anything there. The copper network is too badly rundown, that is Telstra's fault. Setting up the fibreoptic network is the only sensible decision and I am glad it will be Fibre to the Home!

I would imagine Telstra will put a lot of money into the fibre network but won't be able to control it. In fact, one condition for Telstra to invest will be structural separation of Telstra into wholesale & retail arms, something Howard & Costello were too stupid to do!

And chinese will not be the only ones to buy our bonds:
China is only buying 15-20% of the bond issues - says The Australian, so it must be true - and the Communist Party as such isn’t buying any.
Last edited by Jovial Monk on Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Jovial Monk

Re: Fibre to the Home very fast broadband proposal

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:30 am

That fibre optic network will not be obsolete for yonks! It will carry Gigabits per second! No longer will you need a separate phone, fax line etc. It will all be carried by the fibre! Australia will finally be on the cutting edge again!

You will be able to download 8 movies in mere minutes and be watching the first movie in seconds! This is a bloody revolution!

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