ILO Homework Due for Julia Gillard

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ILO Homework Due for Julia Gillard

Post by mellie » Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:02 pm

They call it 'homework' because like homework, you sublit your work to your teacher who then grade,correct and extend you as they see fit. ... d-work.pdf

The following is the ILO "Homework" submission site, no wonder Gillard has a bee in her bonnet re- men standing over her, she's as hen-pecked as it gets.

Gillard is presenting more as a brainwashed subservient ILO student/servant....not the feisty independent and self confident woman she'd like to be.

She lacks confidence to write and execute her own policies, so has the ILO do it for her, and she's not alone. ... _ID:102544" onclick=";return false;

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Re: ILO Homework Due for Julia Gillard

Post by mantra » Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:11 pm

Abbott will be in the same position. He can barely string two words together. Australia belongs to the ILO.

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Re: ILO Homework Due for Julia Gillard

Post by mellie » Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:46 am

mantra wrote:Abbott will be in the same position. He can barely string two words together. Australia belongs to the ILO.

I still think we can turn the tables, we did it before we can do it again.

Cast your mind back to the 1950's....

Communist Party of Australia. 1957

Socialism In Australia: Communist View on Democratic Socialism

By Lance Sharkey

Two recent pamphlets have set forth the standpoint of Democratic Socialism; Professor G. D. H. Cole’s “World Socialism Restated” and Dr. Burton’s “Labour in Transition”.

As the Australian Labor Party has now officially declared that its policies and objectives are those of Democratic Socialism, these pamphlets become of significant importance to the Australian people.

Professor Cola advocates that the Labor parties break away from the dominance of the United States.

They should pursue a policy of peaceful co-existence with the Soviet Union and the People’s Democracies.

Dr. Burton writes that

Far from isolating themselves from Communist countries, and groups within countries who seek freedom from foreign or feudal rule, the Labor Party should seek to co-operate with them ...

Professor Cole advocates a policy of building up trade and cultural relations, of scientific exchange with these countries.

This would pave the way to disarmament, abolition of nuclear weapons, and provide the means for economic and socialist advance by future labor governments.

Dr. Burton carries on the good work he has already done in the cause of Australia’s relations with Asian countries.

The inclusion of People’s China in the United Nations is strongly advocated by both Cole and Burton.

Professor Cole regards disarmament as the indispensable condition for the unification of Germany and to reverse the “prodigious error ... of rearming Western Germany!”
I strongly urge you to read the above book.

Heres a link to a free online copy. ... tralia.htm

We broke free form it the last time, and we can do it again.

We just need to deprive their orgs of oxygen .. .. and begin re-educating the public about an old foe.

See, most of us are too young to remember the last small (c) communism sour-rising , (and they knowingly play on this too)...

I think Tony Abbott knows what he's doing, even if he has a slight speech impediment, (as did John Howard and many brilliant people throughout history ie Winston Churchill).

Did his stutter hold him back?

Tony is our best chance of implementing the required policy to turn this little red engine around.

Why little?

Because whilst they are highly organised from the ground (unions and student associations) up, (ie ILO & UN)... we placed it in remission, (we will never fully dispose of it)...the last time it rared its ugly head.... recall Keating lurching over it trying to resuscitate it back in the 90's?

Howard came in, amended Acts and implemented the necessary legislation to get us back on track.

This time, it's tried a different approach, it's re-badged itself and opted for the silent creeper approach.

Tony Abbott is smarter than he sounds, he has a stutter, so public speaking unless intensively rehearsed is not one of his strong points, but i'd rather have a PM with a stammer than one with the gift of the gab (ie, Internationalist pro-ILO Shorton) giving us lip service chugging along on his little red small (c) communist engine fucking whats left of our country.

Trust me when I tell you all is not lost.

It's cyclic, it's just something we need to keep on top of....not unlike dirty washing.

The longer you leave it, the smellier it gets, and harder it is to get the stains out.


Anyway, I'm off to bed.


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