UN presiding over our nations welfare

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UN presiding over our nations welfare

Post by mellie » Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:56 pm

UN monitors question single parent welfare cuts in Australia.

United Nations human rights monitors have asked the Federal Government to justify its decision to cut welfare payments to single parents.

The Federal Government this year moved thousands of single parents onto the lower unemployment payment, Newstart, cutting their payments by up to $110 a week.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-03-04/u ... ts/4550662

Do they have a point?

Or should the UN be minding it's own business this and sticking it's nose out of our nations affairs?


My feeling is, even if I do oppose some of the recent welfare cuts to thousands of single parents here in Australia, I think the UN should but out of our domestic affairs.

It's our country, and we should be free to govern it how we see fit without Big Brother (the UN) peering over our shoulder every chance they get.

How much is too much UN intrusion?


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