Reasons not to vote LABOR.

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:51 am

Brendan O'Connor on meet The Press this morning... what a complete and total fuckwit.
talk about deluded.
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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:19 pm

Today's carbon tax day - a black one indeed for us all
* by: Piers Akerman
* From: The Sunday Telegraph
* February 24, 2013 12:00AM

TODAY, February 24, marks the second anniversary of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's biggest public catastrophe - the announcement of her iniquitous carbon dioxide tax. There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Every voter should take a long hard look at the photograph taken of Gillard and the gang that gave Australia the appalling tax before entering the polling booth on September 14, or whenever the federal election is actually held.

The culprits are lined up, the Greens Christine Milne and (then leader) Bob Brown, Independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott and half-hidden behind the hand-waving, gum-flapping leader, Labor Climate Change Minister Greg Combet. Milne and Brown wear self-satisfied smirks on their faces, Windsor and Oakeshott look as if they have paid their debt for political relevance.

It was perhaps the single greatest act of political duplicity in the history of the nation.

It is absolutely beyond any shadow of a doubt that prior to the 2010 election, both Gillard and her Treasurer, Wayne Swan, repeatedly told the electorate that there would never be a carbon tax. Just the day before the 2010 election Gillard said: "I rule out a carbon tax." liar liar pants on fire

Earlier, in August, 2010 she said: "There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead."

Swan also gave a hand-on-the-heart declaration that August, stating: "No, it's not possible that we're bringing in the carbon tax. That is a hysterically inaccurate claim being made by the Coalition."

But it wasn't. It was an accurate prediction and the deception practised on the Australian people by Gillard and Swan and the Labor Party set in motion the erosion of any sense of trust Gillard may have temporarily enjoyed after the election and commenced the corrosion of her authority within her own party.

As Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said after Gillard broke her word to the people: "Today's announcement is an utter betrayal of the Australian people. If the Australian people could not trust the Prime Minister on this, they can't trust her on anything."

As the polls show, they are learning with rapidly accelerating pace.

The opposition spokesman for climate change and the environment Greg Hunt nailed succinctly the carbon dioxide tax in a discussion for this column.

"It has completely failed to achieve its purpose of reducing emissions," he told me. "It has driven up the cost of electricity, with the tax accounting for two-thirds of the amount of price rises. Families and pensioners are paying those costs, not the electricity companies. The manufacturing sector is being hit by massive rises in costs at the worst possible time. The outcome is that there is a lot of pain without any gain."

The handling of the carbon tax has been a disaster from the initial lie. Even the government's claim it would look to a citizens' assembly for guidance on the issue of climate change was rapidly proven false.

According to Swan, the assembly was to see 150 randomly chosen Australians consider the need for a carbon price over the course of a year, before the government made a decision. "We are to go back to the community and work out a way in which we can put a cap on carbon pollution," he said.

"We are going to do it in a consultative way and we'll do it in the face of the opposition of the Liberal Party and the Greens."

That was all absolute hogwash.

Since the government passed its legislation, with the support of the grinning Greens and the subservient independents, it has continued to act without apparent regard for honesty or fair practice. The cost to the nation has been enormous.

Not only did the government spend at least $70 million promoting the tax it had told voters it would never introduce, but it also created a raft of new bureaucracies to manage all the totally unnecessary programs and it handed out fistfuls of money to special interest groups to help its cause.

Unfortunately, the punters won't know how the money was eventually allocated because the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency destroyed its records detailing funding for 28 "Energy Efficiency Information" grants, and the Audit Office couldn't determine whether the most meritorious projects were selected.

We do know that two grant winners were from Minister Combet's own region: the Lake Macquarie Business Centre which received $353,792, and the Hunter Business Chamber which trousered $1.212 million, and we also know that $2 million was given without tender for a public information campaign.

To those quite stupid people who bleat there is no difference between the major parties, I say consider this: the Coalition is committed to merging the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.

The Labor Party is committed to growing them. Some difference (and I haven't even touched on any other massive distinctions such as the approach to border security).

The carbon tax has become a job generator for public servants but at the cost of real jobs. The real jobs in manufacturing have been squeezed out of the nation by the tax, and some other factors, but as economist Henry Ergas has noted in The Australian recently, the fiscal consequences of carbon prices starting not at $29 in 2015-16 but closer to the European price of $4 - say just under $11 - is in effect a cumulative budget hole of $24 billion to 2019-20.

Labor and its Green and independent supporters are in fantasy land. Their figures don't stack up and they cannot stop telling untruths to prop up their flawed tax.

While even the UN's climate change chief Rajendra Pachauri says that people have the right to question the science behind so-called global warming, whatever their motivations, Labor and its media cheerleaders from the ABC and Fairfax continue to sneer at anyone who dares challenge their dubious orthodoxy.

So take the now-notorious February 24, 2011, photograph (Green readers should be careful handling scissors or other sharp objects), and keep it with you as a reminder of this government's incompetence.

If you cannot get a copy of the picture, just take your electricity bill to jog your memory on Labor's record of deception and failure.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:43 pm you trot our another schmedia fuckwit, Akerman. There is no doubt...even Gillard concedes she made that statement. There is also no doubt that when she made it, she was referring to an entirely different kind of Government than the one the people handed her. No-one, including Gillard and yourself Gumpy, and Akerman contemplated at the time she made the statement that there would be a hung Parliament, and that before anyone could form a Government, there were going to have to be compromises. Abbott was willing to sell his soul, but not his arse, Gillard agreed to the carbon tax, not too far from what she had previously publicly expressed was an intention, the emissions trading scheme.

So, I have responded to 'Akerman.' Now, in the interests of balance I think you make claim to, how about you now produce the writings of Akerman in which he exposes the lies of Howard and Reith in the context of an election campaign, of 'children overboard.'

Prove to us that you are not really crap at this.


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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:55 pm

You know you are sooooooooooo predictable.

I can name a great many labor biased media people. But unlike you I don't use their bias to prove them wrong. I use facts and the truth.

Feel free to argue against Akerman any time you like. I have many times before. Even over the phone. But at least have the intellectual decency to do it based on reality and not just some moronic personal dislike.

It doesn't matter what you think or the Labor propaganda you spout... she chose to inflict a carbon tax on the people of Australia after her party went to an election and stated publicly many times (and due to opposition policy) that she would NOT bring in a CARBON TAX. Circumstances hadn't changed so that she had to do any such thing. SHE CHOSE TO BREAK HER WORD TO THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE. In doing so she betrayed not only those who voted against her, but to those who voted for her because of that promise.

So stop making up crap excuses, because it doesn't wash. It is an EMPTY EXCUSE.

As for Windsor that bitter old man, I expect he's as credible as Gillard and Swan are in keeping their word.

I don't believe I've ever commented on Akerman and the so-called "Children overboard" affair... how about I go just a bit further back in time and ask Eve about that apple controversy :lol:

God you're an idiot.

I just took apart your biased claptrap if I'm not good at this what does that make you? :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:37 pm

Rorschach wrote:You know you are sooooooooooo predictable.
I can name a great many labor biased media people. But unlike you I don't use their bias to prove them wrong. I use facts and the truth.
I just did that......^^^^^^^^. I posted facts and truth.
Feel free to argue against Akerman any time you like. I have many times before. Even over the phone. But at least have the intellectual decency to do it based on reality and not just some moronic personal dislike.
You mean like the moronic personal dislike Akerman has for Gillard? In that post ^^^^^^^ I negated or reconciled every bit of boofery contained in the Article. You, on the other hand, sucked it all up like the Liberal fanboy you clearly are.
It doesn't matter what you think or the Labor propaganda you spout... she chose to inflict a carbon tax on the people of Australia after her party went to an election and stated publicly many times (and due to opposition policy) that she would NOT bring in a CARBON TAX.
Now you are being deceptive. What she said was that there would be no carbon tax 'under a government I lead.' She was clearly referring to an ALP majority Government, and she was not contemplating having to negotiate to form a minority government. What part of that sentence is not fact and truth, Gumpy?
Circumstances hadn't changed so that she had to do any such thing.
Reality was that they changed very dramatically, and as part of the argy bargy of negotiations so that she could form a minority Government, she agreed to introduce the tax....something not too dissimilar from an ETS.....something the ALP had foreshadowed in the campaign.
SHE CHOSE TO BREAK HER WORD TO THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE. In doing so she betrayed not only those who voted against her, but to those who voted for her because of that promise.
Now you are being deliberately dramatic, and also idiotic. How on earth can she have betrayed those who voted against her? As for those who voted for her including people like myself, there would have been a multitude of reasons, including 'bugger you Abbott.' Produce the evidence which demonstrates that where it mattered, voters voted ALP and not LNP for the sole reason that she made that comment.
So stop making up crap excuses, because it doesn't wash. It is an EMPTY EXCUSE.
It reflects reality. I thought you wanted to discuss truths and facts. I guess you don't.
As for Windsor that bitter old man, I expect he's as credible as Gillard and Swan are in keeping their word.
I reckon there is a reason Abbott has never taken Windsor to task about those revelations, concerning the desperation of Abbott, made in Parliament by Windsor. Bloody pesky smart-phones, wot?
I don't believe I've ever commented on Akerman and the so-called "Children overboard" affair... how about I go just a bit further back in time and ask Eve about that apple controversy :lol:
Now you are being deliberately obtuse, and evasive. I never said you had commented on Akerman's treatment of the "Children over-board" matter. I did ask you, in the interests of balance concerning what you call 'lies' made to people during a Campaign, lies which may have had an impact on the outcome, to produce the writings of Akerman on that subject in which he discusses the lies of Howard and Reith. If you really are interested in balance, that is what you'd do. You won't and you'll come up with fairy dust like you already have with your irrelevant reference to Adam/Eve.
God you're an idiot.

I just took apart your biased claptrap if I'm not good at this what does that make you? :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
Time to turn it around Gumpy. "Rots of ruck."


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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:46 pm

Fuck off Arrrsiie you choadguzzling cock holster

Gillard sold out your beloved ALP to the Greens for the carbon tax ...and it has already been widely discussed that she didn't need to. Bandt had already promised support for the ALP and there was no way the Marxist little fuckwit would have put any support behind the coalition. Ever.

Face it. Your ALP is going to be soundly kicked in the nuts whenever the next election is held. The lying ranga cumdumpster and her down syndrome looking side kick Swan will be shit on toast...enjoy your breakfast, dickhead
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:04 pm

Bandt had already promised support for the ALP
Wanna back that up with some links which prove it?

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:29 pm

He's an idiot... not really worth replying to IQS.
Dear xxxxx,

Today marks two years since Julia Gillard broke her solemn promise not to introduce a carbon tax.

When Julia Gillard made her carbon tax promise, Australians took her at her word.

Julia Gillard said one thing before the last election, and then did another thing after it.

She broke faith with the Australian people by introducing a bad tax based on a lie.

The carbon tax is legislated to go up and up. It has already increased household power bills by 10 per cent – and the carbon tax is set to go up another 5 per cent on 1 July.

The carbon tax burdens every Australian business and gives imports a leg-up at the expense of Australian producers.

Scrapping the carbon tax will be the first priority of the next Coalition Government.

We have a plan to abolish the carbon tax and it will start on day one of a Coalition Government.

Abolishing the carbon tax is part of our plan to create a strong, prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia.

Greg Hunt MP
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:39 pm

Rorschach wrote:He's an idiot... not really worth replying to IQS.
Dear xxxxx,

Today marks two years since Julia Gillard broke her solemn promise not to introduce a carbon tax.

When Julia Gillard made her carbon tax promise, Australians took her at her word.

Julia Gillard said one thing before the last election, and then did another thing after it.

She broke faith with the Australian people by introducing a bad tax based on a lie.

The carbon tax is legislated to go up and up. It has already increased household power bills by 10 per cent – and the carbon tax is set to go up another 5 per cent on 1 July.

The carbon tax burdens every Australian business and gives imports a leg-up at the expense of Australian producers.

Scrapping the carbon tax will be the first priority of the next Coalition Government.

We have a plan to abolish the carbon tax and it will start on day one of a Coalition Government.

Abolishing the carbon tax is part of our plan to create a strong, prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia.

Greg Hunt MP you have hurt my feelings, Gumpy. When you next write to Greg....can you ask him to be a tad more detailed and reveal exactly what this very specific plan is? I am looking forward to reading about this 'day one' plan during the election campaign, and I'm sure being such a non right wing rusted on as you claim to be, you too?

You asked me to debate with you on truths and facts. I did exactly that, and your 'non truth and fact response' only goes to show how right I am.

You are really crap at this.


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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:58 pm

Aussie wrote:
Bandt had already promised support for the ALP
Wanna back that up with some links which prove it?
Do your own research, dickwad.
I have, now prove me wrong
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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