Anorexia or obesity?

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Anorexia or obesity?

Post by freediver » Tue May 06, 2008 12:30 pm

McDonalds couldn't have come up with a better disease if they tried. We are constantly told that a catwalk figure is unobtainable, that we have no control over what our body does. We are allowed to believe that a sedentary lifestyle is normal and that 90 minutes of exercise a week is adequate. We are told not to stress if we can't shake off that fat. We are sold processed foods by the trolley full and reassured that you don't have to put much effort into dinner. We are told that exercise merely increases appetite. We are constantly warned not to try too hard to slim down, in case we become a gaunt, psychotic shadow of a human with a warped sense of beauty.

The message on obesity is getting lost amongst scaremongering on anorexia and mumbling to avoid the wrath of the fat person. Clearly the message is not getting through. Food is not addictive like cigarettes are, yet we have managed significant social change on cigarettes in less than a generation. It is time for the good people from the anti-smoking office to point the finger of shame at the morbidly obese.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Anorexia or obesity?

Post by JW Frogen » Tue May 06, 2008 6:56 pm

Your Honour,

I call Cynik to the stand as a character witness for the morbidly obese.


Re: Anorexia or obesity?

Post by kangaroo » Wed May 07, 2008 10:37 pm

JW Frogen wrote:Your Honour,

I call Cynik to the stand as a character witness for the morbidly obese.
That can't be right, last week he was speaking out in defence of the obesely morbid! Can't he make up his mind?

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JW Frogen
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Re: Anorexia or obesity?

Post by JW Frogen » Thu May 08, 2008 1:47 pm

Cynik often argued both sides of the same coin.

Morbidity was the only unifying force of his reason, such as there is reason to call it reason.

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