Queensland votes today

Australian Federal, State and Local Politics
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Jovial Monk

Re: Queensland votes today

Post by Jovial Monk » Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:48 pm

Wayne Swan “Anna Bligh and her team were campaigning for a fifth term, John Howard couldn’t pull that off… there was a time for a change out there… and the LNP campaigned on that theme… what has shone through here has been Anna Bligh’s resilience and campaigning for jobs… Anthony Chisolm, Mike Kaiser when the going got tough they got in there with her… given the time for a change sentiment I think the result we are seeing tonight is the work of Anna Bligh…tonight she had to get a mandate for her premiership”
Hah! Look at my point 2. above!

Jovial Monk

Re: Queensland votes today

Post by Jovial Monk » Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:41 pm

Bwahahahaha oh man! doom and gloom at the sheep pen. One bright spark said there was a big swing to LNP. that must have been when 1% was counted--small booths incl smaller rural booths.

I named the Sheeppen better than I knew at the time!


Re: Queensland votes today

Post by vanessa~ » Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:13 am

Jovial Monk wrote:Bwahahahaha oh man! doom and gloom at the sheep pen. One bright spark said there was a big swing to LNP. that must have been when 1% was counted--small booths incl smaller rural booths.

I named the Sheeppen better than I knew at the time!
have you been eating sheep pellets again jm..they have made you even sillier than usual..

Jovial Monk

Re: Queensland votes today

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:10 am

Sylvester my dear chap! The cool cat of the Sheep Pen!

The borg is fini!

Jovial Monk

Re: Queensland votes today

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:35 am

Just heard Anna on NewsRadio: she said that perhaps her campaigning in the last two days--30 seats in 2 days!--made the difference. I mentioned this as well.

I was always confident Anna would win--Possum did say right at the start the Pineapple Party needed an 8% swing and 52:48 and they never got close--and knew there was a swing back to Labor--remember the last Newspoll 50:50--and thought that swing would continue. I picked an extra .5% swing and Labor obviously got more than that. I picked .5% because that would put the result beyond doubt 50.5:49.5 to Labor when 52:48 to LNP was needed.

Apparently some big money was put on the LNP Thu-Fri so the bookies will be celebrating. Those people that put the money on must be thick, given the 50:50 Newspoll. Newspoll is usually accurate with no bias (in their sampling algorithm) to labor or liberal (usually the median polling figure out of Galaxy, Morgan, ACNielsen etc) , and it showed a small trend AWAY from the LNP!

I put $10 on at $1.45 soon after the election was held and another $10 at $1.62 on Thursday out of which I will make a $10 gain--not worth it monetarily but fun.

Jovial Monk

Re: Queensland votes today

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:51 am

Gee, I am good!
The campaign was also taken out of the hands of the apparatchiks who were steering the ship of state towards the shoals, and the whole weight of the federal ALP was placed behind the state effort - not just the rhetorical intervention of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard, but also organisationally, driven by Wayne Swan’s personal intervention, backed by the PM. The Bligh 30 seat marathon signalled the turn to the realisation that the way to win was to “Let Anna Be Anna!”…
Isn't that exactly what I have been saying? HO was steering the ALP to an election loss. Active Anna took the reins herself and won victory. Be a churlish dick who wouldn't admit Anna worked hard for and deserves her victory!

There was also a very late letterboxing effort with messages tailored to each electorate that must have helped. Hehehe on the PB that was taken as a sign of desperation by the ALP :) As Possum said, the ALP are wrist-slashing pessimists even when the polls show them ahead :)

One issue in Brisbane was the Childrens hospital that was going to be closed and amalgamated with the other CH. Of course the LNP took the cheap populist route of opposing this. In the seat involved doctors and nurses from that hospital were at the booths explaining one well resourced CH was much much better than 2 competing, under-resourced CHs.

One final word from me on this. People are NOT sheep. They can hear someone promising huge cuts to the PS and wonder how that will lead to health being fixed, to smaller class sizes. the people always get it right at elections! The only sheeple I know is Sheepy!


Re: Queensland votes today

Post by Auzgurl » Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:14 pm

vanessa~ wrote:
Jovial Monk wrote:Bwahahahaha oh man! doom and gloom at the sheep pen. One bright spark said there was a big swing to LNP. that must have been when 1% was counted--small booths incl smaller rural booths.

I named the Sheeppen better than I knew at the time!
have you been eating sheep pellets again jm..they have made you even sillier than usual..
I think Sylvester has a crush on you Monk...break out the chocolates and poetry..


I noticed Sylvester has a gas problem from around the board recently as well [ fart ]..so you might want to avail yourself of a good strong aftershave.


Re: Queensland votes today

Post by skippy » Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:21 pm

Auzgurl wrote:
vanessa~ wrote:
Jovial Monk wrote:Bwahahahaha oh man! doom and gloom at the sheep pen. One bright spark said there was a big swing to LNP. that must have been when 1% was counted--small booths incl smaller rural booths.

I named the Sheeppen better than I knew at the time!
have you been eating sheep pellets again jm..they have made you even sillier than usual..
I think Sylvester has a crush on you Monk...break out the chocolates and poetry..
Dont forget the passion pop, nefi goes off on passion pop, it would seem she's very keen on you monk, she pops up where ever you go, she's a bit of a not so secret admirer.

Jovial Monk

Re: Queensland votes today

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:56 pm


Nice to have an admirer!

Jovial Monk

Re: Queensland votes today

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:06 pm

All the final votes in.

Labor has 51 seats, ONLY 8 down from 2006. Still 4 independents.

Here is a tip. If the Nuts/PP don't improve their game HEAPS they will lose more and more seats to independents, state & Fed!

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