Reasons not to vote LABOR.

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Jovial Monk

Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Jovial Monk » Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:28 am

The same tired mantra, eh Mantra? :rofl

Government net debt is tiny, 7% of GDP. That ain’t any problem. Private sector debt, households and businesses is, the financial sector debt even more so. Doubt Tone has a clue.

They go on and on quoting gross debt, whinge about increasing the borrowing limit—the limit is increased occasionally to ensure there is a liquid market in government and other securities, has nothing to do with net debt.

If we look to the Tories in the UK we can see what will happen here if Tone managed a win. Cut cut cutting government expenditure so they can “pay the huge debt” but by cutting unemployment rises so tax revenue drops and the govt has to pay more in unemployment benefits. Unemployed people can spend less, naturally, than employed people so businesses start feeling the strain and the weaker ones close—again, less government revenue, more unemployment benefits.

The UK has gone into recession and I see no way out of it until the Tories and their Lib–Democrat allies are resoundingly voted out of office.

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:02 am

What a load of rubbish. "Over the coming months" - what about now? He will not be able to reintroduce Howard's policies because they are dated and the world has moved on. The Coalition cabinet is also burnt out and past their used by date.

What "proud record" of supporting those most in need? Homelessness reached its peak during Howard's reign.

Abbott talks - but says nothing.
What about now mantra. There is a Labor/Green/Independent Coalition government in place. Not a Liberal/National one. That bullshit propaganda about the world moving on etc is just bullshit. If they keep coming then they will adapt till they stop them, that is what most people want. Under Howard they increased immigration and foreign aid etc. Do post things you can back up not just baseless claims based on you political bias.
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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:11 am

Rubbish JM.
Being a Rhodes Scholar with a degree in ECONOMICS I'd expect Abbott to know more about it than you do. Swallowed the Labor lies again eh... well we have come to expect that from you considering you keep regurgitating them here all the time.
:roll: :rofl :roll: :rofl :roll:

The only way to end profligate wasteful spending and current government incompetence is to vote them out.
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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:28 am

Five long years of Labor.

Today marks five years to the day since Labor was elected to office.

Like their state counterparts, Labor’s record only worsens with time.

The hope that many Australians felt on 24 November 2007 has been replaced with disillusionment in a government too focused on its own survival and not enough on the everyday concerns of Australians – their cost of living pressures, their jobs and their future.

The Rudd/Gillard Government has been marked by too much spin, too much in-fighting and too many broken promises.

In just five years, Labor has:

* presided over massive increases in people’s living costs, including electricity price increases of 89%;
* misled the Australian people by introducing the world’s biggest carbon tax;
* turned $70 billion in net assets into over $150 billion in net debt;
* run up the four biggest deficits in Australia’s history, following on from the Howard Government’s four biggest surpluses;
* overseen unprecedented waste from overpriced school halls, dangerous roof insulation, and an overpriced and undelivered NBN;
* weakened our borders, resulting in over 500 boats arriving carrying a total of 30,000 illegal arrivals;
* allowed the faceless men to remove a prime minister elected by the people, and in so doing, ensure ongoing division and dysfunction;
* overseen a marked fall in Australia’s productivity performance and crippled small business with excessive regulation and cost increases;
* compromised Australia`s interests by entering into a formal alliance with the Greens
* stood by Craig Thomson and Peter Slipper and been mired in scandal.

5 long years of Labor

Labor is now a party that has abandoned its high aspirations of 2007 and replaced it with the politics of division. The authors of the Australia Day riot have deliberately set out to divide Australian against Australian. There is no doubt Julia Gillard will continue the politics of division in 2013.

The Coalition’s message to the people of Australia is that there is a better way.

We can end the spin, end the lies and broken promises, cut the waste and stop the boats.

The Coalition has positive plans to build a powerhouse economy through lower taxes, more efficient government and more productive businesses that will deliver more jobs, higher wages and better services for Australian families.

Only the Coalition has the policies and experience to reset our country’s course to one that sees increasing confidence, renewed productivity growth and real improvement in the wealth of households.

The next election will offer the Australian people a clear choice between three more years of Labor dysfunction and division, or a new government with the experience and plans to deliver a strong and prosperous economy and a safe and secure Australia.
For the video and further facts on Labor's 5 long years, go to:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:06 pm

Labor putting on a path like Spain

How could this Government have run out of money in a mining boom?

Australia risks losing its AAA credit rating if it is unable to get its federal budget back to surplus by 2014, according to the global director of public finance at Standard & Poor’s Financial Services.

The official, Kyran Curry, has been a long-time primary credit analyst for Australia and told The Australian Financial Review that there are similarities between Australia’s relatively indebted banking system and Spain’s position before it began its rapid descent into its debt crisis.

“For Australia, it comes back to the government restoring its fiscal position as conditions allow and there won’t be significant pressure on the ratings unless something cataclysmic happens and the government is unable to return its balance to surplus this year or next,” Mr Curry said, according to the AFR.

“If there’s a sustained delay in returning the balance to surplus, as the economy gathers momentum and as people start spending again, as the import demand picks up and current account blows out, we might not see the government’s fiscal position as being strong enough to offset weaknesses on the external side and that’s what worries us.”
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:48 pm

After spending millions of dollars to secure a seat on the UN Security Council, Australia is going to abstain from its first legitimate vote. Why?

Because we can't offend the muslims of Sydney now can we? Labor want their votes again

And it came largely through pressure from NSW Right MPs who were more concerned a no vote at the UN would offend Middle East and Muslim communities in their fragile southwest Sydney seats ahead of the election.

It is believed up to 10 cabinet ministers, including Mr Carr, Anthony Albanese and Greg Combet, spoke against Ms Gillard's position to oppose a UN resolution giving the Palestinian territories non-member observer status. Ms Gillard also lost support from the Labor National Right, which also met on Monday and refused to be bound to a vote in support of the Prime Minister's position. Only two cabinet ministers, Victorian Right faction leaders Bill Shorten and Stephen Conroy, are believed to have supported her. ... 6525284024" onclick=";return false;"

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Neferti » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:03 pm

Black Orchid wrote:After spending millions of dollars to secure a seat on the UN Security Council, Australia is going to abstain from its first legitimate vote. Why?

Because we can't offend the muslims of Sydney now can we? Labor want their votes again

And it came largely through pressure from NSW Right MPs who were more concerned a no vote at the UN would offend Middle East and Muslim communities in their fragile southwest Sydney seats ahead of the election.

It is believed up to 10 cabinet ministers, including Mr Carr, Anthony Albanese and Greg Combet, spoke against Ms Gillard's position to oppose a UN resolution giving the Palestinian territories non-member observer status. Ms Gillard also lost support from the Labor National Right, which also met on Monday and refused to be bound to a vote in support of the Prime Minister's position. Only two cabinet ministers, Victorian Right faction leaders Bill Shorten and Stephen Conroy, are believed to have supported her. ... 6525284024" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;"
Orchid ..... Aussie is in Queensland. Monk is in Adelaide. Mantra lives on the North Coast. None of them have to put up with the problems in Sydney, so they care less.

When the Muslim problem infects their neighbourhood, perhaps they might sit up and take notice but I wouldn't hold my breath.

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:24 pm

Keating started the trend to stream them into his seat of Bankstown for votes

Millions of dollars was spent to obtain a UN vote for Australia and now we are abstaining from using this vote so the Sydney muslims are not offended?

That would have to make one wonder about how large this voting sector actually is. No matter where you live in Australia this should be of some concern


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:29 pm

Black Orchid wrote:Keating started the trend to stream them into his seat of Bankstown for votes

Millions of dollars was spent to obtain a UN vote for Australia and now we are abstaining from using this vote so the Sydney muslims are not offended?

That would have to make one wonder about how large this voting sector actually is. No matter where you live in Australia this should be of some concern

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Black Orchid
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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:31 pm

Figure it out for yourself, Aussie. You are too old to spoon feed


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