How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Neferti » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:22 pm

I've never heard of him. It sounds like Monk has a gambling problem and bets on anything, :rofl

Jovial Monk

Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:26 pm

You are a bigger ignoramus than Rat Shit Roach! I did not think that was possible! Wow, a new low!

Scott Morrison is the shadow Immigration whatsit. Religious enough, rightwing enough to be acceptable to the hacks and drones of the unLiberal Party.

Why I have $11 on him? My winnings from a late bet of $50 on Obama. Paid $61.

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Neferti » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:34 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:You are a bigger ignoramus than Rat Shit Roach! I did not think that was possible! Wow, a new low!

Scott Morrison is the shadow Immigration whatsit. Religious enough, rightwing enough to be acceptable to the hacks and drones of the unLiberal Party.

Why I have $11 on him? My winnings from a late bet of $50 on Obama. Paid $61.
Holy Cow. You ARE the last of the Big Spenders, aren't you?

You bet 50 bucks on Obama and won 61? WOW ,,,,,, no wonder you are such a retard. You should try working for a quid, it is more profitable. :rofl


Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Aussie » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:38 pm

Neferti~ wrote:I've never heard of him. It sounds like Monk has a gambling problem and bets on anything, :rofl
You have heard of Queensland, and had the drunken hide to post that no-one here is interested in it's politics, yet you have never heard of one of the largest mouths within the Federal Opposition!

Why are you here, Naffy? This is a political board, one which reckons it is home of people who value debate, discussion and independent thought on the political landscape in Australia and the wider world.

Oh........hang on............maybe that is just your Aussie cents of humour in over drive again. Never heard of Morrison! I get it now Naffy..........

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


Jovial Monk

Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:59 pm

You DO wonder why some are here, sure enough.

Maybe they think Political Animal = pussycat or something?

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Rorschach » Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:07 pm

:OMG its Arsie.
Someone mention you being absent send a message?

Do tell JM to stop repeating everything I've already said or it will get frightfully tedious here.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:18 am

According to the latest rumour it could be just weeks.
That then begs the question are Labor going to go early while they think they have a chance?
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

Jovial Monk

Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:20 am

The clueless Lib supporters obviously think having Ralph Blewitt in Australia will mean Gillard will be removed soon.

That is what happens when you follow a party with a monkeyman for a leader, without policies, that has not done any rebuilding since 2007 and that is full of hacks and drones bereft of any talent.

You follow a will-o’-the-wisp oh scandal here or scandal there and “we will win the election.” That just shows the paucity of options you lot have.

I think the muckraking and mud throwing the Libs are doing is probably increasing Gillard’s approvals and PPM which will eventually see the ALP support rising too.

Then the Libs will panic and switch Leaders. They won’t go to a woman so JBish the perennial “loyal girl” will get passed over and like I said Morrison will get the nod but that lightweight will not be up to the job.

The press is not helping you. HM times have I heard that “Gillard opened a slushfund for. . .” when it is just not so. Gillard gave free legal advice about setting up an Association to run the account.

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:29 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:The clueless Lib supporters obviously think having Ralph Blewitt in Australia will mean Gillard will be removed soon. Could be, but the rumour is not just circulating from Liberal sources. Which is why I asked about it.

That is what happens when you follow a party with a monkeyman (hmmm... Monkey Boy... you related?) for a leader, without policies, (liar liar pants on fire) that has not done any rebuilding since 2007 and that is full of hacks and drones bereft of any talent. You referring to rebuilding a party that hasn't been decimated? If so, then I suppose doing the almost impossible and pulling the party together in less than one term and almost winning the lection seems to pour cold water on you baseless biased rubbish claims.

You follow a will-o’-the-wisp oh scandal here or scandal there and “we will win the election.” That just shows the paucity of options you lot have.

I think the muckraking and mud throwing the Libs are doing is probably increasing Gillard’s approvals and PPM which will eventually see the ALP support rising too. Honestly, the most muck-raking and mud-slinging comes from one party alone, and it is the Labor Party.

Then the Libs will panic and switch Leaders. They won’t go to a woman so JBish the perennial “loyal girl” will get passed over and like I said Morrison will get the nod but that lightweight will not be up to the job. I don't think that is a bad thing at all. he is more public friendly and a better speaker than Abbott.

The press is not helping you. HM times have I heard that “Gillard opened a slushfund for. . .” when it is just not so. Gillard gave free legal advice about setting up an Association to run the account. Ah... Gillard's involvement and what she knew and when is still to see the light of day. For me... it's just a sideshow.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

Jovial Monk

Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:45 pm

The so–called story is just not generating any interest—way down in lists of “Most important” or “Most Read” because only deluded Lib fanbois give a damn.

Cassidy sums up:
Never mind the historic deals on the Murray Darling and Tasmania's forests: it was asylum seekers v the AWU in a tussle for the media's attention this week, writes Barrie Cassidy.

The Federal Government has done some nice work on the environment and conservation in recent days, but none of it was a match for the bagman and the bogeyman.

It started with the extension of the marine reserves around Australia to cover an area of ocean equal to a third of the country's land mass.

Then, as the week progressed, the Government reached an agreement on the Murray-Darling Basin plan, designed to safeguard irrigation towns while ensuring the stressed river gets all the water it needs.

And by the end of the week, a 30-year battle over the protection of Tasmania's forests was finally over, with conservation and industry groups bringing to an end often acrimonious negotiations.

Not a bad result really. . . .

A former AWU official, Ralph Blewitt, flew in from Malaysia claiming he had a deal with the Victorian fraud squad to tell all he knows about the slush fund scandal in return for immunity.

He said the prime minister, Julia Gillard, had questions to answer, though he didn't say what they were. His memory was vague; he was trying to trigger recollections by reading documents. Most importantly, he wanted to ensure that freedom of speech and the press was not shut down.

What else do we know about this man, other than the fact that he admits to being a part of the fraud, and that he has taken 17 years to speak to authorities about it?

There was quite an insight into his character on Radio 6PR in Perth with Paul Murray back in August.

Murray was interviewing the deputy leader of the opposition, Julie Bishop, who was going through her now familiar lines on the issue. "It goes to her character, Paul - her ethics, her judgment, whether people can have trust and confidence in her. I think people are entitled to answers from her so that they can make a judgment about whether she is fit to be prime minister of the country."

Then Murray took a call from Penny.

Murray: "What can you tell us about this?"

Penny: "... Ralph Blewitt is my brother, he is my older brother. He is as crooked as they come. It wasn't Julia Gillard that stole the money. She might have set up the fund, and Wilson and Blewitt, Ralph Blewitt, were the crooks, not Julia Gillard. Ralph is out to make whatever he can make out of this for himself."

Murray: "... he appeared on the front page of The Australian newspaper saying 'I'll tell my whole story as long as I don't get prosecuted'."

Penny: "Yeah, well, he is crooked as they bloody come. Sorry, but he is my older brother and I am telling you now he is rotten to the core."

Jon Faine, the host of the morning show on ABC 774 in Melbourne, read out the transcript on Thursday and asked: "Why hasn't that appeared on the front page of The Age or The Australian? Why hasn't that appeared so that we can factor that in, and judge his reliability as a whistleblower?" ... an/4386866" onclick=";return false;

Like I said, this crap will do nothing but send Abbott’s stocks lower.

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