Science Updates

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Re: Science Updates

Post by mantra » Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:35 pm

Annie - it makes no difference whether you're polite to RS or not. He will always be rude back. You were right the first time in your explanation of a theory. RS wanted to do one better than you and it was superfluous to the topic. You should have told him this as he tells others. It's become almost impossible to have a debate here now without his constant orders for us to jump back in our boxes.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by annielaurie » Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:55 pm

mantra wrote: Annie - it makes no difference whether you're polite to RS or not. He will always be rude back. You were right the first time in your explanation of a theory. RS wanted to do one better than you and it was superfluous to the topic. You should have told him this as he tells others. It's become almost impossible to have a debate here now without his constant orders for us to jump back in our boxes.
Thanks for your comment Mantra, I appreciate that.
boxy wrote: There are no theories (def#2) around with any chance of seriously displacing the theory (def#1) of evolution. Currently, there is just fiddling around at the edges, improving our understanding of the processes involved in evolution.
Rorschach wrote: And there is still that elusive piece "missing".
Fucking bullshit. Considering the difficulty in preserving the fossil record over evolutionary timescales, it is surprisingly complete.
Yes good Boxy, I was just about to post on this myself. There are no theories with the remotest chance of replacing the Theory of Evolution as refined and accepted today by real scientists.

There are some "new" ones proposed by "creation science" which don't hold up, and I mentioned earlier to try to avoid going to any of their websites.

You can easily tell the difference between the bogus theories mixed with religion and the real science ones.


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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:08 pm

Who the fuck is RS mantra and when was I rude to Annie?

Start a topic yourself then.
Not my interest.
BTW as apoplectic as you are, you are wrong. There are other theories.
You may consider them edge fiddling, but don't try to deny they exist.
BTW I have never poo-pooed the Theory of evolution per say. I note those who say we evolved from apes and monkeys as mantra pointed out are wrong. We diverged. they went one way we went another... according to the THEORY.

Annie... you claim to be up to speed... but you are not.
I'm not even referring to anything to do with creationism.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by annielaurie » Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:20 pm

Rorschach wrote: boxy ...

BTW as apoplectic as you are, you are wrong. There are other theories.
You may consider them edge fiddling, but don't try to deny they exist.

BTW I have never poo-pooed the Theory of evolution per say.

I note those who say we evolved from apes and monkeys as mantra pointed out are wrong. We diverged. they went one way we went another ... according to the THEORY.

Annie ... you claim to be up to speed ... but you are not.
I'm not even referring to anything to do with creationism.
Of course we diverged from monkeys and apes, millions of years into the past. We didn't simply evolve directly from apes, we diverged.

You did not mention creationism, but "creation science" is where those other theories are coming from, so I mentioned it myself.

There are NO other theories that can challenge the Theory of Evolution as accepted today, and you are the one who is not up to speed on it, Rorschach, if you think so.

This is a science thread, good place to post about science. Evolution is science. Stop nitpicking and go study some real science, Rorschach.

I've left some good links, there is no excuse for not getting up to speed on this subject.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:24 pm

You did not mention creationism, but "creation science" is where those other theories are coming from, so I mentioned it myself.
No they are not! They are coming from real scientists, one major debate surrounds the OUT OF AFRICA THEORY...

PS. SN didn't want me cluttering up his topic with non-science stuff Annie, hence I only posted science stuff.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by annielaurie » Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:45 pm

Rorschach wrote:
You did not mention creationism, but "creation science" is where those other theories are coming from, so I mentioned it myself.
No they are not! They are coming from real scientists, one major debate surrounds the OUT OF AFRICA THEORY ...
Do you mean homo sapiens migrating out of Africa?

The "Out of Africa" theory is included in the Theory of Evolution, it is not a whole different theory.

A migration of modern homo sapiens spreading across the continents from Africa took place fairly recently, one to two million years ago, not six or more millions of years ago.

We diverged from the ape lineage prior to six million years past. There has been a misunderstanding here, I guess.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:15 pm

The "Out of Africa" theory is included in the Theory of Evolution, it is not a whole different theory.
Really... tell me something I didn't know.
You apparently don't know there are many scientists that disagree with this part of the "theory"... and that their beliefs and proof may well replace the OOA part.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by annielaurie » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:46 pm

Rorschach, I've lost you by now, and really don't know what you are talking about anymore.

I was originally replying to Mantra, a post she wrote on the previous page,
mantra wrote:
The team believe it emerged between six and one million years ago, after humans evolved from apes.

Researchers said it is the first time a new gene carried by humans and not by apes has been shown to have a specific function in the human body.
We could draw different "conclusions", but they aren't conclusions - they are only theories. There is still no defining link between humans and apes. Scientists need to test a wider range of animals.
Of course one could draw a couple of completely different conclusions very easily.
I assume you mean humans evolved from Adam?
As my reply I wrote this long post, previous page, ... 6&start=60

So I was talking about the Theory of Evolution as a whole, not just about genes and an Out of Africa theory.

Anyway, evolution is science, and my posts and links do relate to the whole thing here. But if you aren't interested in my remarks, then carry on as you wish, it doesn't bother me.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by boxy » Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:01 pm

Whether it's "out of Africa", or any other hypothesis about where our human ancestors were situated in any epoc, it makes no difference. They're all part of the accepted, well supported, theory of evolution. Like I said, "fiddling around at the edges".
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:10 am

yes boxy it is a THEORY... :lol:
and as Annie pointed out there are various parts of it.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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