US election result - why?

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Re: US election result - why?

Post by Rorschach » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:39 pm

ah... now let me think...
your comments
your name calling
mostly just those.

Wedged yourself didn't you Arsie.
Painted yourself into the proverbial.

As usual, no substance, just pathetic sniping. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Time to do the Monty Python thing you are so good at... "Runaway, runaway, runaway..."

Last edited by Rorschach on Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: US election result - why?

Post by Aussie » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:44 pm

Rorschach commented, called, wedged, painted and sniped to Annie ^^^^^^^
What makes you think I need any of this explained to me?
You really are not very good at this, are you.


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Re: US election result - why?

Post by Rorschach » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:48 pm

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Just because you say something Arsie don't make it so... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Oh you better get that on file for future use... :rofl :rofl :rofl

Enough of this pointless niddle noddle noo...

here you go Arsie...

:purple :yellow :tease :OMG :f :oops :rofl :roll: :roll :lol: :hlo

guess what category that puts you in. :rofl
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Re: US election result - why?

Post by annielaurie » Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:22 pm

Hello, I am back after a busy day away from my computer.

During the presidential campaign I did read somewhere that Paul Ryan was a devoutly religious Catholic, and had extreme views on abortion and social services, and there was a comment somewhere that he was a creationist and biblical literalist, but then I couldn't find it again.

Many Catholics still do believe the Bible literally, even tho the Vatican now accepts that "God used evolution" during the creation of the "heavens and the earth."

My impression of Ryan is that he is a young earth creationist, but now that I am looking up information about him, I can't find it anywhere.

Rorschach, you wrote,
I have trouble with the terms Evangelical and Catholic being linked. I imagine a Catholic service being totally different to an Evangelical one.
You are right that the Catholic is a liturgical apostolic church and not an evangelical one.

There has been a "charismatic" trend in some Catholic churches here in the USA in the past several decades, where members meditate together in communion with the Holy Spirit; they have become more evangelical and their services are very different from the traditional Catholic mass.

However, this is not to say that Paul Ryan is a charismatic Catholic.

Now as I am looking for more information on Ryan's religious beliefs, I cannot find anywhere that he is a young earth creationist. Here is an article I have been reading,
Paul Ryan and Creationism


Naturally, we’ve been interested in Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his Vice President. Of all the names that had been mentioned which Romney might have chosen, the most prominent (Jindal, Pawlenty, and Rubio) have severe problems with science and with church-state relationships — but not Ryan. Unlike some of the others, Ryan has never (at least that we can find) uttered a single word favorable to creationism. And he’s not one of those theocrats attempting to blur the separation of church and state.

We’ve done a lot of searching on Ryan. He’s Catholic — staunchly so. He’s opposed to abortion and he favors only the traditional family. Personally, we could support someone less doctrinaire on those issues, but they shouldn’t be matters of federal concern. Besides, there are other issues of far greater importance — national security and the economy. So although Ryan isn’t our intellectual and political ideal (no one ever is) we can overlook those other issues — at least for now. These are precarious times, and one must have his priorities in order.

What’s more interesting to us is that Ryan has often expressed his admiration for the writings of Ayn Rand. See "What did Ayn Rand teach Paul Ryan about monetary policy?" which says:

In 2005, Paul Ryan explained that he often looks to Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged” as inspiration for his views on monetary policy. “I always go back to, you know, Francisco d’Anconia’s speech, at Bill Taggart’s wedding, on money when I think about monetary policy,” he said in a speech to the Atlas Society. ... eationism/


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Re: US election result - why?

Post by boxy » Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:48 pm

I wouldn't worry about it, annie. One apparently mistaken line, about Ryan doesn't invalidate the rest of what you said.
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Re: US election result - why?

Post by annielaurie » Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:50 pm

boxy wrote: I wouldn't worry about it, annie. One apparently mistaken line, about Ryan doesn't invalidate the rest of what you said.
Yes, I must have been mistaken about that bit on Ryan's beliefs. Thank you, Boxy.


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Re: US election result - why?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:54 pm

A bare faced lie, repeated, not backed by any evidence and righteous indignation when called out...

In spite of this, your apology is accepted and you should be sorry.
I hope you have learnt your lesson that lying is not ok and even confirmation bias requires some form of opinion similar to your own to actually exist first.
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Re: US election result - why?

Post by annielaurie » Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:20 pm

You are unnecessarily nasty, IQ. To you there is no such thing as an oversight or a mistake. To you a mistake is a lie on purpose. Especially if you don't like someone and want to keep trashing that person.

I have had enough of you and your crap. I will post what I please on this forum, whether you like it or not. I don't take you seriously, and neither should anyone else here.


Re: US election result - why?

Post by Aussie » Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:28 pm

annielaurie wrote:You are unnecessarily nasty, IQ. To you there is no such thing as an oversight or a mistake. To you a mistake is a lie on purpose. Especially if you don't like someone and want to keep trashing that person.

I have had enough of you and your crap. I will post what I please on this forum, whether you like it or not. I don't take you seriously, and neither should anyone else here.
Forget him Annie. He is the most cuntiest cun.t PA has ever seen, protected by AnimalMother, and gone permanently from PA if any Admin worth their salt becomes E/Leader.

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Re: US election result - why?

Post by annielaurie » Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:31 pm

Aussie wrote: Forget him Annie. He is the most cuntiest cun.t PA has ever seen, protected by AnimalMother, and gone permanently from PA if any Admin worth their salt becomes E/Leader.
Thanks Aussie. If I were ever admin here, I would ban him too.

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