No, I got that you were on the same side.
Well that's good.
Did you notice I paid tribute to his philanthropy when I first posted?
Yes I did. I also noticed all the non-factual libelous claims as well.
I just thought your responses were needlessly aggressive.
Well they weren't. If you think they were aggressive you need help. Your comment on Jones were much more personal and aggressive than anything I said about you... which if I count all your quotes only one could be conceived as any sort of personal attack. That is rather hypocritical of you.
I didn't comment about you or the way you posted - you put up some good stuff.
That I did and most of my comments were about your non-factual content, not you personally.
My opinion of Jones is based on what I've observed over the years. And yes, I meant Jones's "apology".
So your observation, which I cast serious doubt on BTW, out weighs my 30 years of observation? My and my friends' personal knowledge of the subject and all the information I posted which refutes your claims?
I have a life thanks.
It won't be continued on here.
Your choice.
I've moved on, obviously, and this place is not the interesting, informative and funny place it used to be.
Well not as long as people are allowed to libel others they have no real knowledge of. I don't find that sort of thing funny at all.
If you are leaving because you can't handle dissent or being refuted and only accept free range without questions perhaps debate isn't for you.