Is Multiculturalism a failure?

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by mantra » Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:29 am

Rorschach wrote:Multiculturalism

I can’t remember an election or referendum, where the Australian people were asked to register their opinion, on Multiculturalism. The quiet patience of the vast majority of Australians has been taken advantage of. Our society has been hijacked by; minority interest groups, simple-minded bureaucrats, social reformists and opportunistic politicians. Multiculturalism has been foisted upon us, like it or not.
We probably need another riot - and a bad one at that because this is the only way changes are going to come about. There seem to be a lot more people learning the difference between integration and multiculturalism now.
Over these Multicultural years, the cries of racism and the brand of racist has been bandied about to the point of stupidity. Politicians, (our elected representatives), and the Media, have been the main offenders. Time has more than passed for the voice of the true Australian to be heard.

I, as with most Australians I know, am not a racist. I do not believe, my genes, make me superior in any way, to any other race of human being. I believe there are greater and lesser people in every race. I also once believed that Multiculturalism involved the process of assimilation. That is: that no matter where you came from, that if you chose to stay in Australia, you would eventually become, Australian. But, Multiculturalism, is not about assimilation, it is not about putting Australia first. It is about tolerance. We, as a society, are expected to allow others to come here and maintain; their way of life, beliefs, even language, for as long as they choose to live here. In doing this, aren’t we simply allowing others to transfer their culture, their way of life, to a place in our country? Aren’t we encouraging the creation of enclaves within our own society? Is it little wonder then, that there are now places within Australia, that actually look and feel, like another country.
Yes we do encourage enclaves for the simple reason that many Lebanese Muslims tend to buy into the cheaper areas like Auburn, Bankstown, Lakemba - areas that many Australians a few decades ago found distasteful. It's only natural that non-Muslims would prefer not to assimilate with those who appear to be religious zealots. The same could be said of the Jews in St. Ives and Bondi and their eruvs - although in these instances those who live in the surrounding areas are fighting rejecting the Jewish "enclaves" and their exclusivity. Who's prepared to do that in Punchbowl?
There are Politicians and others, that would brand me racist, for what I have just said. Even though, I have made no racist comments. For some people, particularly the politically motivated), there seems to be no distinction between the terms of racist, (with all its negative connotations), and racial. A term, which merely points out, that someone or some group of people, are of a different race. People of many races can make up a society, people of many races can be Australian. If we make a comment about people of a particular racial background, is that necessarily being racist? I think not.
It's called racism, but it is really an intolerance of some religions that lead to being called a racist - probably because we look at Muslims as being predominantly Arabs - but then the same could be said for many of the Jews.
Over the years, I have personally witnessed discrimination against Australians in their own country. Sadly, there is evidence of it almost daily. I have even experienced it myself. I also know people that have lived here for years, some, longer than the time they have spent in their own country. Some of these people consider that the moment you pass through their front gate, that you are no longer in Australia. I have known children, taught by their parents to look down upon Australians, and to praise and love a country and a way of life, they have never really experienced. These things are not rare.

Does the present multicultural system, help to reinforce these things? How many migrants bring their own prejudices and problems with them? I have seen “New Australians,” burn the Australian flag on National television. How many ethnic communities, do we see protesting and behaving in ways the rest of us would consider, not Australian? How many of these protests are about problems they have supposedly, left behind? How can you leave behind a way of life in a multicultural society? Perhaps it is the policy of Multiculturalism itself that is to blame for these things. Perhaps many aspects of it need to be overturned.

Surely, as Australians when we welcome migrants here, we can expect them to become Australians. To adapt to our attitudes, and adopt our language. Are we not offering them our way of life? Are they not accepting this by coming here? Surely they can live here without forgetting their past, their native land and culture. Surely they can pass on the good from their native country, as well as accepting the good in ours.
Most migrants do adapt and love this country. We are talking about a minority here. We don't get upset about areas such as Chinatown - because we get something back. Again it is religion and not necessarily always Islam. There are some extreme Christians and Jews too although not on the same scale.
When parents expect their children to marry only others of their culture, religion or race. Are they not discriminating against others? Does Multiculturalism reinforce this type of discrimination? If people come here to continue their way of life in our country, is this not merely another form of invasion? The Aborigines certainly think so. Is it little wonder then that people are concerned about this?
What's the solution? We can't turn back the clock. No government is going to exclude certain religions. Maybe One Nation could be revived?

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:35 am

What's the solution? We can't turn back the clock. No government is going to exclude certain religions. Maybe One Nation could be revived?
We don't need time travel mantra... just legislative change.
Our Immigration policy has always been discriminatory for lots of reasons. The quotas change all the time. You don't have to be specific about a particular religion to limit those adherents coming here.

ON is dead... too damaged to revive. Those still in it are mostly radicals who have filled the void.

I wouldn't vote for them as they are now. Pity people believed all the crap from before.

Need a new party, because both the majors are useless on this.

Check out the rest of your post after a get some sleep.
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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:44 am

Christine Milne another one clueless re Multiculti.
Greens leader Christine Milne said: ''[Senator Bernardi] has made remarks that are hysterical, that are offensive and that totally undermine peace and wellbeing across our culture and communities.''
Not she refers to the ONE Australian culture... when in fact we have many CULTURES hence Multi cultural ism.
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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:08 pm

We probably need another riot - and a bad one at that because this is the only way changes are going to come about. There seem to be a lot more people learning the difference between integration and multiculturalism now.
People keep talking about Assimilation, but Multiculturalism isn't about Assimilation.

Yes we do encourage enclaves for the simple reason that many Lebanese Muslims tend to buy into the cheaper areas like Auburn, Bankstown, Lakemba - areas that many Australians a few decades ago found distasteful. It's only natural that non-Muslims would prefer not to assimilate with those who appear to be religious zealots. The same could be said of the Jews in St. Ives and Bondi and their eruvs - although in these instances those who live in the surrounding areas are fighting rejecting the Jewish "enclaves" and their exclusivity. Who's prepared to do that in Punchbowl?
Not the reason here mantra. They live near the mosque. They live near each other. They even force others out through bad behaviour in order to allow others to move in.

Eastwood has an Asian enclave. Leichardt an Italian one. Marrickville a Greek one. Cabramatta a Vietnamese one." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:19 pm

It's called racism, but it is really an intolerance of some religions that lead to being called a racist - probably because we look at Muslims as being predominantly Arabs - but then the same could be said for many of the Jews.
But racism is racism... not xenophobia, not religious intolerance.
You got a Jewish phobia?
Is that a Green thing?
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:11 pm

Learning to be an Aussie isn't asking too much
* by: Piers Akerman
* From: The Daily Telegraph
* September 21, 2012 12:00AM

FORMER Prime Minister John Howard was mocked and ridiculed when he suggested that new arrivals be given lessons in what it meant to be Australian.

After suggested topics - elements of the rules of cricket, Aussie rules, compulsory voting, tolerance toward bikini-wearing women - were set out in a draft document, the Left-leaning commentariat from Fairfax and the ABC, in particular, wet themselves laughing.

How easy it was to guffaw at the thought that it just may have been important for those who wished to live here to learn something about Australian culture, the nature of our system of government, the freedoms we enjoy. The same lame comedians were silent yesterday despite extensive coverage of a measured address delivered by billionaire shopping centre developer Frank Lowy to the government's Multicultural Council, which was launched in August last year by Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Lowy is a migrant. He came to Australia as a young man in 1952. Like a significant number of Europeans who sought refuge here in the post-war years, he had lost close relatives in the Holocaust.

He came armed with nothing more than a sharp mind and a willingness to work hard and build a new life.

While Lowy offered tempered support for the government's multicultural policy, he didn't shy away from pointing out that there are also inherent responsibilities for those who want to enjoy the benefits Australia offers.

Lowy nominated education in Australian values as a precursor to accepting all that goes with being an Aussie.
Directly addressing the extremist Islamists and others who were involved in last weekend's utterly shameful violent protests in Sydney, he laid out a plain language code of conduct Australians should be able to expect from prospective migrants.

"You are welcome; you are free to worship; you are free to honour your heritage; and, we will respect the differences between us," Lowy said. "And in return, you should agree to live by the standards and values of this society, the one you have chosen to be a part of."

There should be a stronger focus on civic education to ensure all Australians appreciate the country, he said.

"Remarkable things can happen in a remarkable country and I remain ever grateful to Australia but I think we can still develop a more muscular approach to our civic life in a distinctly Australian way," he continued, again echoing the sentiments that were opposed by the ALP, the Greens and their media supporters during the Howard years.

He said citizenship should involve learning about Australian systems, laws and institutions.

"Newcomers should know that our liberal democracy provides impartial processes to air grievances and right wrongs," he said. "There is a place for peaceful and lawful protest."

He also said new migrants should ensure their children "receive a broad and balanced education untainted by the ideology of hate".

More education may or may not have helped the migrant mother who achieved notoriety after photographing her young son holding a grotesquely offensive placard last Saturday.

The government provides a greater level of taxpayer-funded support for the current wave of migrants, particularly those who come as humanitarian refugees, than it has ever done and clearly, something is not working.

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship provides on-arrival and post-arrival support to new entrants in most need so that they can establish themselves and develop connections to mainstream services.This is quite a departure from the days when migrants were housed at fairly basic camps like Bonegilla, outside Albury, until jobs were found for them. Conditions were primitive but rioting was unheard of.

To find out what today's migrants think about their experience in their first five years of Australian life, DIAC commissioned a survey which was released in April last year.

It's an eye-opener. Here are just a few of its findings: "Afghanis and Iraqis are least likely to be employed and also part of households which are most likely to receive Centrelink payments," it found. "Eritreans and Somalis (one group) and Sri Lankans are significantly more happy than any other country of birth group, while Iranians and Iraqis are significantly less happy.

"Afghans are quite different from other cultural backgrounds on a number of key items. They have among the poorest English skills, are the least educated before arrival and the least likely to obtain a qualification after arrival.

"However, they are more likely to borrow larger amounts of money, more likely to be paying a mortgage or housing loan (26 per cent compared with the average of 8 per cent and therefore least likely to be paying rent) and more likely to be finding it difficult to do so."In contrast to the relatively high proportion that have home loans, they are less likely to be employed and 94 per cent of Afghan households are in receipt of Centrelink payments.

"Afghans are least likely to learn about life in Australia from English classes. Along with a few other groups, they have the poorest mental and physical health.

And, tellingly, this: "Of the migration streams represented in this survey, humanitarian entrants are most likely to be unemployed, even after five years of settlement."

Those we admit as needy refugees today aren't entering the mainstream as readily as those who came here determined to make a better life 60 years ago.

There has to be a lesson in this - both for the refugees and for those who shut their eyes to this policy failure.
There are lessons, but the Progressives, are not likely to be listening to or acting upon them. Some interesting FACTS there.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:16 pm

Rorschach wrote:
Learning to be an Aussie isn't asking too much
* by: Piers Akerman
* From: The Daily Telegraph
* September 21, 2012 12:00AM

More education may or may not have helped the migrant mother who achieved notoriety after photographing her young son holding a grotesquely offensive placard last Saturday
She's apparently university educated and doesn't know what "beheaded" means? Yeah right

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:36 pm

Lying to Non-Believers...

Taquiya (Taqiyya) ... rd=taqiyya" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
I read with interest your post about Taqiya and Kitman. You are right, they originated in order to allow Shiites to protect themselves from Sunni murderers. It was introduced in such a way that it meant you could lie if it were in defense of a life (interesting that there is no similar edict in other religions). Then it expanded to include lying in defense of another Muslim, or in defense of Islam. Apparently much is justified in the name of Islam. Also, I read that if a Muslim swears an oath, the penalty for breaking it is pittance, some sort of fasting for a few days. So that does not bode well for any testimonies in court either." onclick=";return false;

Kitman is the act of paying lip service to authority while holding personal opposition. It is a sort of political camouflage, for the purpose of survival, in circumstances where open opposition would result in persecution" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by mantra » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:26 pm

Rorschach wrote:
It's called racism, but it is really an intolerance of some religions that lead to being called a racist - probably because we look at Muslims as being predominantly Arabs - but then the same could be said for many of the Jews.
But racism is racism... not xenophobia, not religious intolerance.
You got a Jewish phobia?
Is that a Green thing?
No - I dislike all religious zealots equally.

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:08 pm

Yet not all people who follow a religion are zealots.

Muslims are not all Arabs.

Race and religion have some correlation, but it is not a defining feature of either.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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