J o h n S m i t h wrote:
and totally irrelevant to the question I asked
I've already blown your strawman away.
Do you think you can sit here and pretend he is real?
Is he your imaginary friend?
I can't rebut what you've refused to answer
A strawman doesn't require an answer.
at no point did anyone argue over the cost per child
You mean except for you, right now?
Thats because you want to ignore the actual cost for education.
You do this because you know you are a clueless fucktard and are desperate to dismiss the facts of actual costs and toss strawman to the wind to ask an irrelevant question about "how much tax you paid towards xxx". It doesn't matter how much tax anyone pays because the cost to the system for educating a child isn't dependant on tax paid, you clueless fucking hairy backed monkey
J o h n S m i t h wrote: .... ohhm
No point chanting, no amount of meditation or praying or whatever the fuck you do will save you from your very own display of ignorance.
J o h n S m i t h wrote: ...and the 43% savings figure is a load of shit. For reasons I've already explained
...a combination of the only two debating weapons in your arsenal straight from the Getup and YRAW online training manual.
The "
Nuh uh" followed by "just lie about it"
you don't seem to understand that repeating a claim ad hoc does not at any stage represent 'applying logic'
You've clearly demonstrated that you are devoid of all logic and unable to post even a single sentence that supports your side.
That will happen when you have no clue about what the facts are or your argument is about.Although you have comprehensively proven you're a simpleton who parrots Getup propaganda.
I see you are still completely confused, probably because youve been fucked so hard in this thread your arsehole has prolapsed and you are trying to work out if you have shit yourself, so I will post this again so you can understand what 'data' is
1. When many people reach the same economic conclusion from a data set, the data will show a clear picture or trend of what is actually occuring.
2. The data is known as a fact or facts.
3. When this happens, the conclusion can be debated but not the data unless you introduce a new data set.
4. If someone wants to argue against the conclusion, they have to use the same data to prove the conclusion is wrong.
Even after I gave you the information you are still so fucking dumb you seem to think the 'data' has been provided by the private education sector.
The data is from the govt available to everyone. The conclusion is from the private education system.
If you had half a brain, you would be asking yourself
Q1. "Why haven't the teachers union produced their own conclusion?" and
Q2. "Why haven't they come out and argued against it, like I have done right here"
A1. There is no other conclusion to draw.
A2. They may have some level of self pride and don't want to make an idiot of themselves, like you have done right here.
Oh dear...
as for the rest of your baloney, i'm not even going to bother reading it.
Game, set, match. Your surrender is accepted.
Maybe next time you can try harder and be a bit more competitive?
You really want to land at least one blow when your arguing a position, otherwise it's just you embarrassing yourself.
Maybe embarrassing yourself is what you were going for? In that case, you have done a fantastic job