Religion of pieces of human flesh

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by annielaurie » Sun May 26, 2013 8:04 am

Jovial_Monk wrote: That is not how it works, Annie.

Some idiots get radicalised by mullahs but an incredibly tiny number. A lot more god–bothering yanks kill people with guns than any radical Muslim.

Second generation always blends in much more with host culture, even if first generation tries to keep them to their ways. This works much better if the second generations is not met with suspicion and hatred.
Well I see what you're saying, Monk.

But look at Sweden and the UK. Muslim populations are greater there, and they are demanding more, and government and general public are too scared of them, afraid of offending.

This is how they get their way. The suicide bombers distract, while the moderates move into every country, and procreate, and they have large families.

We here in America have been on our guard about this since 9/11. They are the reason for the heightened airport security, which is a hassle for millions. All because of a few. It's as if they have won already, with only a few violent radicals changing the situation for millions of us.

See what I mean? However, only time will tell.


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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun May 26, 2013 8:06 am

Aussie wrote:
She is Egyptian, not Arab you fucking dolt
Even for you, NoIdea, that is a new level of dumb!
Why do you continue to force me to show you are an idiot? Do you think it gives me pleasure to highlight the fact that you are unintelligent every single fucking day?
...actually, it does :lol:
The Egyptians are not Arabs, and both they and the Arabs are aware of this fact.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun May 26, 2013 8:10 am

This works much better if the second generations is not met with suspicion and hatred.
Well I see what you're saying, Monk.
He's saying its all whiteys fault if you import muzzies and they cut your heads off and rape your daughters because you didn't give them what they want.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Aussie » Sun May 26, 2013 8:18 am

The Egyptians are not Arabs, and both they and the Arabs are aware of this fact.
The view of one out of step 'historian.' You have provided the Wiki link.....and when it is read in full, your attempt to highlight one though all the rest is irrelevant..... is typical of your intellectual bankruptcy.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun May 26, 2013 8:23 am

Modern Egyptians are not Arabs, DNA studies on Egyptian men have shown them to have a higher level of Africa-specific Y chromosomes than Ethiopians and men from Cameroon. Less than 10% of their ancestry is from the Arab occupation. DNA studies on mummies at Dakleh oasis show that there is actually more black maternal ancestry in Egyptians now than before Christ was born, showing a large population inflow from the Arab slave trade in black Africans which lasted hundreds of years. If anything, Egyptians are a little darker now than before.

Copts didn't intermarry with Arabs or take slave wives. The best idea of what an ancient Egyptian looked like is a modern Coptic Egyptian. They still speak Egyptian in their religious services.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by mantra » Sun May 26, 2013 8:25 am

annielaurie wrote: But look at Sweden and the UK. Muslim populations are greater there, and they are demanding more, and government and general public are too scared of them, afraid of offending.

This is how they get their way. The suicide bombers distract, while the moderates move into every country, and procreate, and they have large families.
Muslims also need protecting from those who hate violently like the neo nazi groups which are rampant in the UK. Of course there are some rogue Muslims as there are other violent criminals who claim to be Christians.


Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sun May 26, 2013 8:28 am

Yes, Jihadis cause death everywhere, for no real reason. Then again, what we did in Iraq, based upon a lie about WMD, is worse than all Muslim jihadist atrocities in this and the last century combined. What was it, 4 million refugees?

Jihadists like the 9/11 murderers may be more intent on cowing second generation Muslims everywhere than whatever their stated reason is—a Muslim stepping out with his girlfriend rather than a male friend? Horrors!

Western governments just have to stand up and govern for every citizen and keep the separation of church and state at the forefront.

For every Muslim that doesn’t fit in there are two who do. Some (first generation) Muslim women want the local swimming pool to have a women–only day—that should be resisted, Other Muslim women, some in lifesavers, wear a “burkini” and swim when they want.

Instead of hate and suspicion (isn’t there something in the New Testament to turning the other cheek?) teach the kids that a female make as good a citizen as a male and deserve the freedoms women have won here over the last 150 or so years.

In the meantime, the plethora, the flood of guns in the US results in individual homicides, mass murders, suicides. Fuck, just the accidental deaths from all those stupid guns (and I had a gun and shot some bunnies with but it was registered and I had to pass a simple test to be able to hunt) exceeds the number of jihadi murders.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by mantra » Sun May 26, 2013 8:35 am

Jovial_Monk wrote:Yes, Jihadis cause death everywhere, for no real reason. Then again, what we did in Iraq, based upon a lie about WMD, is worse than all Muslim jihadist atrocities in this and the last century combined. What was it, 4 million refugees?

Jihadists like the 9/11 murderers may be more intent on cowing second generation Muslims everywhere than whatever their stated reason is—a Muslim stepping out with his girlfriend rather than a male friend? Horrors!

Western governments just have to stand up and govern for every citizen and keep the separation of church and state at the forefront.

For every Muslim that doesn’t fit in there are two who do. Some (first generation) Muslim women want the local swimming pool to have a women–only day—that should be resisted, Other Muslim women, some in lifesavers, wear a “burkini” and swim when they want.

Instead of hate and suspicion (isn’t there something in the New Testament to turning the other cheek?) teach the kids that a female make as good a citizen as a male and deserve the freedoms women have won here over the last 150 or so years.

In the meantime, the plethora, the flood of guns in the US results in individual homicides, mass murders, suicides. Fuck, just the accidental deaths from all those stupid guns (and I had a gun and shot some bunnies with but it was registered and I had to pass a simple test to be able to hunt) exceeds the number of jihadi murders.
Well said Monk. There was also the Gulf war which left thousands mutiliated or dead and most of infrastructure destroyed in Iraq. They then had sanctions imposed upon them which devastated hospitals and left the seriously ill without any medication for years. Thousands of children died when they could have been saved with the most basic of medication.


Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sun May 26, 2013 8:58 am

We have had very very little payback for all that. 9/11 was for “infidels” to leave Muslim lands tho a lot more was to try and keep Western Muslims in line with Islam IMHO.


Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sun May 26, 2013 8:58 am

We have had very very little payback for all that. 9/11 was for “infidels” to leave Muslim lands tho a lot more was to try and keep Western Muslims in line with Islam IMHO.

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